Part 3

Grian was confused and scared, he was stuck in a coral cage in a shark den to make things worse, he had no idea what was going on, or if the other four were okay. They were but how would he know that. That's when Scar returned

~~~ Grian pov ~~~

It was that cute Mer-Shark again, wait did I say cute. He looked a better than before still a bit flustered but I'll take it.

 "Sorry about that ," he begun but I interrupted, " it's fine ." He smiled it was so cute ... Nooooo ( that auto corrected into moo moo )

~~~ Scars pov ~~~

I just had a talk with Tango about what I need to do when he mentioned I should be watching him. I swam back to him luckily he was still there.

 "Sorry about that ," I began but he cut me off, "it's fine ." I smiled he was fine with it, that put my mind a bit to ease.

 "And I'm sorry for the whole kidnapping thing ." I still decided to apologise. "It's okay you did what you needed to do ." He was okay with it, that makes me feel that called me.

 "About that ," I started, "The others say that I should talk to your friends sooo .... "

 " Xisuma ," he began " what ?" I asked.

 " When you get there ask to talk to Xisuma ," he stated. I gave him a hand symbol indicating ' thank you ' and I set off east.


I approached the fish territory and I saw a mer-fish with a thick black moustache crying most likely because of us.

 "Hello ," I said as he stopped crying and looked up in fear, " I'm looking for Xisuma ." The mer-fish got up and said shaking, "one moment please ," and he got up and left.

 ~~~ Mumbo pov ~~~

I'm so sad and angry mostly sad that they took my best friend, when I heard a voice above me. "Hello, I'm looking for Xisuma ," It was a Mer-Shark like the one that took Grian, " one moment please ," I swam off to fetch X and then I found him. " X someone wants to talk to you ." I said dragging him out side.

They made eye contact and I felt the tension.
