Wen invitations?

(yes i will be skipping some parts my dumbass made an error last chapter also this may be the shortest chapter i have ever written)

"uncle i'm sorry for disturbing your class" lan xichen's voice came from the classroom's entrance as he walked in with the grace of a gentleman

"it's okay xichen is there something you need?" qiren asked as his nephew stood next to him

"actually yes and if you would allow me to read out loud so that everyone would be informed?" xichen was given a nod

"okay please listen up students, the wen lan has called for all main sects to arrive in qishan or a discussion conference and apparently we only have until tomorrow to arrive" he finishes as the class erupted in shouts of displeasure it was only then quieted down my the residential pregnant goddess 

"aiyo xichen-ge do you know the reason why they are calling for a discussion conference?" ask wei ying

"unfortunately no young master wei " xichen smiled gently at the pregnant omega

"ah none of that xichen ge you either call me a-xian or a-ying nothing more" wei ying pouted cutely 

"apologies a-ying" xichen definitely did not feel warm and fuzzy when wei ying's smile rightened 

"what about our sects?" a random student asked

"ah that's the other thing you are all to be excused from classes for the month, your sect is to collect you by this afternoon in order to arrive in qishan tomorrow" he informed "speaking of which a-ying are going with the gusu lan or yunmeng jiang?"

"can i go with the jiangs? i miss shijie"

"of course"

~time skip~

all the disciples where lined up by sect talking among themselves  while on top sat the sect leaders with the diffrence that wen rouhan was sitting on an elvated throne

"sect leader jiang if the latest gossip is true didn't your head disciple get deflowered by the second jade of gusu?" jin guangshan asked as he hid his face behind his golden fan 

"where have you heard such a thing?" nie mingjue, sect leader of qinghe nie sect asked "im sure it's just a rumor"

"unfortuneatly sect leader nie it is not it just so happens  that wei wuxian had an unexpected heat during one of my classes cuasing wangji to go into rut and wuxian to be raped" qiren informed stoticly

"what but doesn't that meant they are fated mates?" nie mingjue

"yes it does" jiang fengmian was the one to answer

"how did the young wei wuxian take this?" wen rouhan suddenly spoke up scaring the shit out of the leaders

"wuxian was scared at first but he could not bring himself to get rid of his and wangji's baby" qiren continued

"mn he also made it very clear that he does not want anything to do with the second jade but being as they both lost thier pearnts  they agreed to get married not out of love for the two of them but out of love for their unborn child" fengmian ended 

"tragic love story indeed"

"okay that is for the best but i do have a question for sect leader jiang, acting sect leader lan" rouhan spoke up again "if the omega is pregnant where is he?"

he was given silence at his question as both lan qiren and jiang fengmian stared at him before they turned towards the disciples and yelled


immeddiately hearing the graon of said omega as he side stepped into view

"what the-!" shouted jiang cheng as he stared at his brother "you where here the whole time!?"


"a-ying" wwx turned around to be met with lan xichen and lan wangji

"a-ying you are not supposed to be here you should go meet uncle"


"no buts a-ying go"

"ugh okay" wwx sadly started his journey up to the sect leaders plat form

everyone could not help but stare at the beauty walking up the stairs as if to walk up to heaven some has already seen what a pregnant omega looks like and it was already a proven fact how beautifull wei wuxian is but it's as if being pregnant has applified that

"well aren't you a beauty?" a disgusting slimy voice halted wwx in his steps ad he turned to face wen choa

"excuse me young man?" wwx voice suddenly got coldder than ice cuasing wen choa to shudder 

"that stupid son of mine dosen't know that provocing a pregnant omega is a bad idea?" wen rouhan hissed suprising the sect leaders "what you think i would stoop so low as to do that? im not that heartless" he huffed after seeing the other leader's shocked faces

"you heard me but it seems you have already spread those gorgoues legs for some body else how about we get rid of that mutt growing inside you so i can give you a better one?"


then all of a sudden wen choa starts to scream in pain as the omega literly pounced on him tearing his hair off his head

"HAVE YOU NO MANNERS YOUNG MAN YOU DARE CALL MY PUP A MUTT I'LL SHOW YOU WHO THE REAL MUTT IS WHEN I RIP OUT YOUR EYE BALLS!!" wwx growled out as the other dicsiples tried to pry him off the wen only to get hurt with deep scratches from the omega

"disciples stop do not interfere" wen rouhan told them " my son has been told the dangers of provocing and omega since he was presented as an alpha , he ripped what he sowed"

"as much as i agree with you sect leader wen to much negative emotions is not good for the baby to a-xian really needs to calm down" fengmian said as he turned towards the remaining dicsiples

"lan wangji your pregnant omega is tearing the life off someone and youre just standing there!? a-xian and the baby is at risk be a damn alpha and calm him down!" the scolding from the usually calm sect leader seems to snap wanhji out of it has he ran up to his omega and let out some calming phormoeans 

"wei ying you need to calm down" he said gently as he pried the omega off

"lan zhan he called my baby a mutt " wwx softly said as he hugged wangji

"i know and you are justified it's just that your blood pressure will rise and that's not good for our little pup okay?" he rubbed soothing circles on the shorter's back


"come on let's get you to uncle" wangji then carried wwx over to lan qiren  in which he immeadiately latched on as if qiren was his life line

"are you okay a-xian?" fengmian asked as he patted his son's head getting a nod

"somebody get that stupid son of mine to the infrimry"

