chapter 4

narrator pov


changbin went to the library as usual, but seungmin wasn't there yet, so he decided to sit at the only empty table in the library, as all the other ones were filled with studying students.

he pulled out his most recent math assignment to pass the time until he got there.

he was getting frustrated over a problem until a voice came in, 

" its x=c/4 "


changbin pov


i saw seungmin start to sit down, before stopping and asking

"it alright if i sit here, right? its the only table open"

i nodded quietly and went back to the homework, writing down the answer he told me. 

i looked to my right to see him reading a book with an english title, which got me curious.


"uhm, what book is that? im english isn't very well"

"its called 'And Then There Were None'! i thought it would be better to read it in the original language to see what the writer wanted to get across, and it was also will test my english."

he said, giggling at the end.

my mouth shaped an o and i turned back to finish the rest of the problems.

the bell rang to go to first period, so i waved him goodbye and rushed off to class before i was counted late.


narrator pov 


the two boys split, but seungmin couldn't get changbin off his mind. he was an interesting person, he thought.

looked like he would be aggressive, but is actually pretty soft when you talk to him.

he was hoping to be able to ask felix and hyunjin about him later at lunch.


sorry for the short chapter 

