Chapter 8: "Memory"

Rose stepped in front of the newly designed college. It had been completely transformed by magic.

The courtyard was lined with red bricks and torches. The building itself sparkled like freshly lit flame.

"Where's Cyrus?" She questioned, "He was supposed to meet me here. He can't still be asleep."

Her memory had been altered by magic. She didn't remember RJ coming to college, or anything that happened with him the week prior.

He had helped her so much through her miserable time, and made her happy. Now, she was sad all over again.

She only had Cyrus to guide her through college.

She sat down on the nearby bench, and placed her bag beside her. She then pulled out a notebook with a floral design and pencil.

"I should check my notes before class."

Rose hummed quietly to herself, as she opened the notebook and skimmed through the pages.

"Um, which one is for etiquette? Oh, there it is." She picked up her pencil, "I'll write the test reminder for Friday."


The princess-to-be looked up, finally seeing her fiancé walk up to her.

"Cyrus. Good Morning. is closer to noon."

"Terrible Morning. I didn't sleep well, and something just feels so off today."

"Off?" Rose questioned, "How so?"
"I don't know. It just does. Something in the stars is different."

"I hope it's nothing bad." Rose wrote in her notebook, "I was hoping for a peaceful day."

Cyrus sat beside her, and looked up at the sky. It was seemingly a beautiful day, and he had no complaints.

Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. It bothered him.

"Maybe it's just me being anxious. This college really isn't a place for me."

"I know, but what can we do?"

Rose put her notebook and pencil back into her bag, and pulled it back onto her shoulder.

"We should go to class. Our next one is the only one together."

"Yeah. Okay."


Meanwhile, Blaze carried on with usual work, except much more powerful than before.

RJ's celestial power brought him so much possibilities. His power was endless, and the strongest in the universe.

He looked down from his office window, and eyed all the students, who had no idea of his villainy.

The door to his office suddenly opened, and Robert stepped in. His most trusted friend.

" what you've done with the place."

"Isn't it wonderful?" Blaze turned, "I let you keep your memories. You're my friend, after all. And you do your work so well."

"So, where's the boy now? If you've stolen his powers from him."

"He's never going to be a problem. So, why bother thinking about it? Oh, I do have some files for you."

Blaze moved to his desk, and pushed a stack of files towards Robert.

"I need those done by tonight."

Robert picked up the stack, and thought about his next choice of words. He still wasn't convinced that everything was over and done with.

"That prophecy seemed pretty persistent. What if he regains his memories? What if he tries to stop you?"

"You don't think I planned for that?" Blaze replied, "In the impossible case that he does, I assured that Princess Marie will stop him."

"His mother?" Robert questioned.

The Chancellor nodded, as he walked towards the end of his desk, tracing his fingers to the very edge.

He had a confident wicked expression as he continued to speak.

"I gave her 'Imperium'."

"It's one of the four gemstones I stole from my parents. They have names you know."

Blaze lifted up his amulet, showing off the bright gem that shimmered in the light.

"I wear 'Potentia'. The gem that contains power. I also have 'Absorbet'. The one I used to check for power. The Princess wears something much different."

"Different? How so?"

"It doesn't give or receive any power to the user. Instead, it feeds on the person's sorrow, and corrupts them with it. She'll do anything to keep her son. Anything."

"That's...truly something." Robert commented, "I didn't know gems could do such a thing."

"And with a bit of my magic added, she will be easily persuaded by it. She will serve me when I need her, and more importantly, she will keep that boy away."

"So, he can never fulfill the prophecy."

It was a simple, and effective plan. It was well thought out, and designed perfectly for the situation.

"I had no doubt that Princess Marie was the perfect vessel for that gem. The sadness in her eyes was so strong. I've never seen a sorrow so deep."

"You are wise with your choices, Sir."
"I am, aren't I? Now, get to work. It's going to be a long day."


The Princess of Stardust hummed to herself, as she prepared lunch for a family of three. She chopped vegetables happily, as she concentrated on her work.

She missed the activity so much. It was such a relief that she didn't have to miss it anymore.

Her heart felt completely content with keeping the life that Blaze had given to her. Her judgement was completely blinded by the power of the gemstone she wore.

RJ suddenly peeked over the counter, and looked at what she was making.

"Hey, Mom."
"Hey, Baby." Marie looked down at him, "What are you up to?"

"I'm watching you, what's that?"
"Cowboy Casserole. Dad loves it."

"Oh!" RJ perked up, "That's the tater tot one!"

"That's right." Marie touched his hair, "The vegetables and ground beef are for the bottom layer. The tater tots are in the oven."

"That sounds great! I can't wait!"

RJ left the counter, and headed towards the exit of the kitchen. He waved to Marie.

"I'm going outside to play. Just call me when it's done!"

The ring on her finger glowed, along with her eyes. Her happy expression turned into a tense, scared one.

The Princess quickly turned, stopping her son.

"RJ, why don't you stay inside today?"
"Huh? But it's nice outside."

Marie shook her head, "It's...too hot. Yeah."
"Not for me. I won't play for long!"

"I'm telling you to stay inside!" She yelled.

RJ jumped, surprised by his mother's sudden change in tone. She had never shouted like that before.

After realizing that she had scared him, Marie put down the knife she was using, and wiped her hands with the nearby towel.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I you so much. I want you to be safe." She hummed, "Tell you what, after lunch we'll go out together."

The Prince perked up, "Really?"

Marie showed a smile, and walked over to him. She bent down to his level to talk to him.

"Yes, and we can even go shopping. I'll buy you anything you want, because you're the best son in the entire world. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your mom."

RJ finally agreed, giving a small nod.

His mother kissed his forehead, before standing up again. "That's my boy. Why don't you watch TV for right now?"


The young prince walked out of the kitchen, and his voice sounded outside of the room.

"Hey, Dad!"

After that was said, Rex stepped into the kitchen, seemingly confused.

He might not have remembered RJ growing up, but he definitely remembered how Marie was.

He had been married to her for many years, and she never once spoke in such a harsh, almost sinister tone.

It honestly gave him chills, and a sense of uneasiness.

"Starlight, are you okay?"

"Oh, Honey. Yes, I'm fine." Marie smiled, "I'm making that casserole you love so much. Because I love you so much."

Rex chuckled lightly, and stepped up beside her. "Thanks."

His presence made her instantly calmer, and he was thankful, but he was still confused about her differences with RJ.

"We always let RJ outside. Why not today?"

"You didn't let him outside to play. I'm just wondering why, that's all."

Marie's happy expression also changed to confusion. "I...I didn't? He asked?"

"Uh, yeah. I just heard him."

Marie stood in silence for a moment, wondering why she couldn't remember the recent incident.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Of course he can go out and play. Tell him for me."

Rex touched her arm, "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I think so."

"Okay." He kissed her cheek, "Don't work too hard."

Marie continued her cooking, while he stepped out of the kitchen. Rex started to feel as if something wasn't right.

Everything seemed normal, expect Marie. He knew his wife, and she wasn't really herself. There was something different about her.

Especially with the way she responded to RJ going outside.

He finally walked into the living room, seeing RJ in front of the TV, watching a show he's already seen a hundred times.

Rex stepped into the room, and sat beside him. He playfully ruffled his son's hair.

"Hey, kiddo."
"Hey, Dad."

"I have a quick question for ya." Rex started, "Does Mom seem off to you?

"Well, maybe a bit. I just thought she was...not sleeping good, or something. She's normal sometimes but...just now she yelled at me."

"I heard. She got frustrated with you. That's just not like her. I should talk to her, right?"


Rex smiled at RJ, and stood up from the couch.
"Mom said you can go ahead and play outside."

"Oh, really?" RJ perked up, "Are you sure?"
"Yep, you have my permission also. Go get some fresh air.

"Thanks, Dad."

RJ jumped off the couch, and hugged Rex, before heading outside.

Now, it was up to Rex to find out what was going on with his wife.

"I'll give her some space, then talk about it with her when RJ goes to sleep tonight. There's some kind of negative connection with him."


Back at the college, Rose had finished classes for the day. She sat at her desk in her quiet dorm room, studying the books in front of her.

She lightly tapped her jawline with her pen, as she turned the page.

She was incredibly bored. It was too obvious.

"Maybe I should call Cyrus? But he's not much for conversation. What if he's taking a nap?"

Rose ultimately decided that calling her fiancé wasn't the best thing to do. She desired so badly to talk to someone, but she had no friends.

At least none that she remembered.

She closed the book she was studying, and looked around her desk.

"I need a new notebook. The other one's already full of notes."

I'm the corner of the desk Rose had several extra notebooks, all in different shades of red, her favorite color.

She picked up a the first one on the pile, and opened it up. Her attention wavered for only a second, as she picked up her pen again.

When she turned back to the notebook, she froze, looking at the page.

The supposedly unused notebook had writing in it. It was something she did not write.

She was confused, and moved her hand over the writing. In a slightly messy and sharp penmanship were three words.

'RJ was here!'

"RJ..." Rose paused, " that?"

She started to question why some stranger entered her dorm room, just to write in her notebook. But then the name started to sound familiar her.

"RJ. RJ. I know that name."

She struggled to remember, and it bothered her.

"Why does it almost feel like...someone important?"

She flipped through the notebook, but found no more writing. It was then, that she got up from her desk, and paced the room.

The approaching sunset filled the room, as the princess-to-be of Noctis looked out the window.

From there, the stables could be seen. The very same place where RJ brought her to see Ryder.

"Mom's necklace." She recalled, "I gave it to something in the stables. A horse? No...a dinosaur. A dinosaur that belonged to...RJ. RJ!"

Suddenly, she remembered everything. It was like magic.

"I forgot him! Oh my gosh! Why would I?!" Rose shivered, "Something must be wrong."

She quickly picked up her phone, and dialed Cyrus's number, despite her earlier thoughts.

She put her phone to her ear, as she looked out the window again.

"I remember there was an explosion, and then...ugh, what happened?! Why don't we remember RJ?"

"Rose?" Cyrus answered the call.

"Cyrus! You remember RJ, don't you?!" She asked.

"RJ? What? Who are you talking about?"

"He came with us to college. He's my friend! The very first day you were mean to him. You know, because his mom and dad defeated your Uncle Louis."

"You're talking about Dangervest?"

"Well, I know of him, but I've never met him."

"But you did!" Rose argued, "Why doesn't anyone remember? Something happened. Everyone forgot who he was. He was here with us. You said today that something was off. This is it!"

Cyrus stopped to think, before speaking again.

"Okay, so let's say that is true. Dangervest came here, attended college, and we just all forgot. That would have to be the work of some kind of power."

"Power. You must be right, but who did it? Where would RJ be now?"

"If I had to guess, maybe Syspocalypstar.  He could be at home with his family."

"You're right. That's the best place to look for him." Rose paused, "I'm skipping class tomorrow."

Cyrus wasn't sure about anything Rose was saying, in fact, he thought she sounded completely insane.

However, he could sense her determination in finding RJ. She seemed to really care for him.

"I don't know about this, Rose...but if you're confident in going, take some advice from me."

Rose listened, backing away from the window.

"Before you even think of going to Syspocalypstar, return to Noctis. I have a friend there who specializes in the sensing of magic. Confirm it with her first. If she says something is up, then you can go. But if come right back here, okay? If my father finds out you bailed on me for...some guy..."

"I understand. Okay, I'll go."

"But don't let me dad see you." Cyrus responded, "Her name is Blake Cyerin. Just ask around. You'll find her."

Rose was incredibly thankful.

"Thank you, Cyrus. Really."
"You didn't hear this from me. If you tell anyone, you're dead, got it?"

"Yes. Thanks again."

She ended the call, and immediately went to back a bag, in case of an overnight stay. No matter what, she had to find out what happened to RJ


After a few hours of traveling by space bus, Rose arrived on Noctis.

After living there for ten years, she had gotten used to the everlasting night. Despite never seeing the sun, the scenery was beautiful.

The dark blue roads were made of stardust, and the kingdom decorations consisted of glowing star shaped lamps, and hanging crystals.

As much light as possible was provided, due to the kingdom's darkness.

Fields of lavender produced a calming smell, as Rose moved throughout the town.

She wore a dark red hoodie, and pulled the hood over her head as she walked. No one could know that she was there, besides Blake.

The signs above the shops swayed in the wind, as she read each of them.

Eventually she stopped in front of a shop built with black bricks and dark blue trim. Through the glass window she saw glowing bottles, and crystals.

"This is the place. I think."

She gripped the door handle, and opened the door to the shop. The bell jingled, as she walked into the dark shop.

Shelves lined the walls, and the place had a mystical witchy aesthetic. Green plants added a splash of color, and strings of crystal glowed, casting light.

"Hello!" A woman with dark hair stepped out from the nearby room, "Welcome to Cyerin's Charms!"

Rose pushed down her hood, "Hey, I'm Cyrus's fiancé."

"Cyrus." Blake perked up, "Oh my gosh. I didn't know he had gotten engaged. What brings you here?"

"I need help. Something strange is going on. Cyrus said you can help me sense if magic is at work."

"Of Course. My mother is far better, but I think I've learned enough over the years. Follow me."

Blake walked into the back of the shop, and Rose followed after her.

The two of them entered a mystical looking room.  There was a table with a crystal ball, and glass drawers filled with magical artifacts.

Blake sat down on one end of the table, and motioned for Rose to sit down.

"Sit, tell me how Cyrus is doing."

She sat down, and smiled at Blake.
"He's fine. He's not too excited about college though."

"I feel that. He wanted to stay home and be a knight. Like his Uncle Louis. We...all know where he turned up."

Blake shook her head, "Enough small talk. You clearly have a problem. Tell me what's wrong."

"I have this friend, his name is Rex Dangervest Junior. He prefers 'RJ'. He's the Prince of Stardust, and he came to college with us...but now he's gone, and no one seems to remember him."

"No one remembers him?"
"No, I'm worried. I need to know what happened to him."

"Okay. Let me see."

Blake's fingers glowed, as she touched the crystal ball on the table. Her magic formed an image in it, that only she could see clearly.

"RJ Dangervest...hmm, can you touch the crystal ball? I could use your memories."

Rose nodded, and touched the crystal ball.

Soon, a clear image of RJ formed in it, and the crystal ball whispered to Blake.

"RJ is home in Syspocalypstar." She started, "He's...effected by magic. He's reverted back to his eight year old self. He doesn't remember going to college either."

"What?! Say that isn't true."
"The crystal ball doesn't lie. Especially when  it's fueled by sense magic."

"Why did this happen?"
Blake listened to the ball again, "It's the work of magic. Magic stolen by...someone. Blaze Ember."

Rose gasped, "That's our chancellor! He runs the school."

"Well, it was him who did this."
"How do I stop this?"

"I...can't say. I can't tell the future, only the present. But I can confirm where RJ is, and that there's power over everyone."

"I knew it. Everyone doesn't just forget like that. How did I remember so easily?" Rose questioned.

"I'm wondering that too. Only one thing breaks a spell that easily."

"What would that be?"

Blake hesitated to speak, and glanced downwards. "How do you feel about RJ?"

"How do I feel? Well, he's my friend. He's so smart, and fun, and just...amazing. He makes me so happy. I've never felt such a happiness before. It's kind of like..."


Rose froze, overwhelmed with shock.
"What?! No! I'm...engaged to Cyrus."

"But do you love him?"
"...No. Not like RJ."

Rose finally had a moment of realization. She couldn't believe herself.

"Oh my gosh..."
"You're in love." Blake smiled.

"But I can't be. I'm supposed to marry someone else."

"True love is the most powerful magic of all. That's probably what caused you to remember. The heart never forgets, and the power was just weak enough. Who knows? Maybe your fate will change."

"I...kind of hope it does." Rose blushed.

"We'll see. Do you need anything else?"
"Anything I have to worry about when I get over there?"

Blake concentrated to the crystal ball again. After a few seconds, she pulled back quickly, in a visible panic.

"What?" Rose questioned.
"There's some other type of magic there. It's so strong I can't even make it out. careful."

"Okay. I will." Rose stood up, "It's getting late over there by now. I should hurry. And now I can tell Cyrus to stop worrying about it."


That night, Marie sat on her bed, observing the ring on her finger. She was completely hypnotized by it, and the power was getting much stronger.

Any piece of her true self was being corrupted by the persona of a possessive mother.

She shook her head, trying her best to snap out of it.

"I can't keep this life." She gripped the ring, "I have to take it off. I just have to."

'You'll lose him if you do. You'll lose everything.'

The power echoed in her mind.

'Leave it on.'

Marie eyes glowed, as she moved her hand back. Her own broken heart had controlled her once again.

"No, I must leave it on. This life is perfect."

Suddenly, Rex entered their room bedroom. His presence brought a sense of comfort to her.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.

The Princess had forgotten what she was thinking about, so she decided to let it go.

It was almost as if Rex broke the spell from her, every time he was near her, she was instantly much better.

Even if the power was getting stronger. It was the one moment where she didn't have to think about RJ.

"Yes, I'm fine."

Her husband at beside her, and let his confident demeanor slip away. He instead showed a worried expression.

"We need to talk about earlier today. When you screamed at RJ."

"I don't remember doing that." The Princess sighed, "What's with me, Honey? Is it stress?"

"I'm almost scared it's something more than that. Starlight, if something is going need to tell me."

Marie wanted to tell him everything, but the power of the gemstone was stopping her. The thoughts of RJ corrupted her mind once again.

"I'm...tired. Let's just talk about this in the morning."

"Please, don't avoid the question. I know something is wrong."

She looked away, and held her hand close to her chest. She struggled to speak.

"What about him?"

"He....I..." Marie paused, "College. He went to college."

"Huh? But he stayed at eight years old."
"N-No..." She struggled, "He's eighteen, and he looked eighteen."

The gemstone took control of her again. It wouldn't let her get what she wanted.

"Oh, never mind me. I'm just making things up." She stood up, "Get ready for bed. I'm going to brush out my hair."

"Hey, um...are you sure you're okay?"

"Well..." Marie paused, "For the past few nights I've had dreams of RJ growing up and leaving home. I know he never did, but...being without him scares me so much. I guess I just let it get to my head."

Rex frowned, "Starlight..."
"I know, it's silly."

"Fears aren't 'silly'. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Marie turned towards him, and crossed her arms. "I just don't want to bother you. I'm already a mess."

Her husband stood up, and embraced her gently. "You can always bother me. That's what I'm here for. I mean, not that you actually do bother me."

"I get it. Thank you." Marie separated, "Now, as I said, get ready for bed. I'll be in the bathroom."

She walked into the nearby master bathroom, and closed the door behind her. She walked up to the mirror, and picked up her favorite brush.

Her reflection almost didn't look like herself. Her expression was cold, and empty. She usually beamed with excitement and cheerfulness.

She brushed out her long hair, before hearing a voice echo in her mind.


Her eyes glowed, as she looked to the side.
"Blaze. Don't bother me."

'This is important. You'll want to hear this.'

Now interested, Marie decided to listen.
"Go on."

'One of my students left the college. Someone named Rosella Bloomington. I sensed her disappearance. After tracking her down, I found out that she's on her way to get your son.'

Marie's expression changed to anger, "What? Why?"

'She's aware of your wish. She's going to try to change RJ back into himself, and take him back to college.'

"Like heck she will." Marie slammed her brush down, "He's my son, and he will stay with me. I don't care what I have to do to keep him."

'I like the way you think. Just be on the lookout, okay?'

"Thank you for telling me."

The gemstone on her ring glowed brighter, as she started thinking about ways to prevent Rose from getting to RJ.
