Memory 2 || Voice from the Far East

It was a relatively sunny afternoon in late spring, I was chilling with Keigo and playing creative mode on Minecraft. For me, it was a sunny afternoon, for him it was night time at around 11. Anyway, we were having a house building competition and during construction, we took turns putting music on.

We have different tastes; I prefer bubble-gum pop sort of electronic music (literally anything with future bass will be a banger for me) whereas he prefers bands or songs with actual instruments. He also owned a record player and listened to older songs on it. That being said, our tastes overlap in many areas and we'll both listen to just about anything, hence why we trust the other to pick a song. We also chatted while making our respective pieces of art, I say that but Keigo did most of the talking. He cheerfully chirped on about nothing in particular while I hummed in response and absentmindedly placed blocks.

It was Keigo's turn to pick a song when he said, "What's wrong?"

"Huh?" I said snapping out of a daze.

"I can tell that something's up," Keigo said bothered, "What's troubling you?"

"Oh...nothing," I said, not very convincingly.

"You've been really quiet- I mean you don't talk much normally, but today you've been practically silent. It's like I've been talking to myself," he said, and paused for a second before saying (or rather threatening), "Ok. You have ten seconds to tell me before I hang up and spam your phone."

He was right, something was wrong. I didn't do so well on a recent test, even though everyone else did well with some annoying people claiming it was easy. Although I wasn't sure how much it would matter in the future, at the time I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration. It felt like everyone had already mastered this unit, and I was the only one struggling.

"I failed a test I did recently even though others did quite well and some even claiming that it was easy," I said quietly.

"So what?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's just one test," he said, his tone brightening now that I was sharing, "You'll do better on the next one, you've been doing great all year after all."

"...that's a stretch," I quietly said, "And besides I've been struggling this entire unit and now I'm expected to learn new material when-"

"Calm down. My advice is to not run away from that previous unit and face it head on until you understand it," he said, "And ask for help if you need it. I'd be more than happy to help you, but whenever you try to explain whatever it is you're studying, I don't understand a thing you say. So...on this rare occasion, I am useless."

I smiled at his words, feeling my mood brighten, "Not once have you ever been useless to me- minus the times you refused to cooperate while gaming- but, thank you."

"Anytime Petals," he said satisfied with his pep talk, "Alright here's my song of choice."

With that he put on Rocketeer by Far East Movement, a song he introduced to me and knows has become one of my favourites. I felt a lot better and began bobbing my head to the music while placing blocks. At the start of the first verse I started quietly humming to myself and Keigo must have heard me because he started to hum too. 

The two of us were just vibing to the music for a little while, until at the chorus where Keigo started singing along. I was struck by his euphonious voice; it was beautiful to listen to. Without even realising it, I had stopped humming, bobbing my head, and placing blocks. It was like I had been hypnotised. He ended up singing the rest of the song and I was more than content to just sit there and listen to him sing forever.

I was still transfixed even after the song had finished and didn't snap out of my daze until I saw the screen shake every few seconds, and realised his character sprite was punching mine while both of us were in mid air. He chuckled and said, "Yo Y/n, you there?"

To which I said, snapping out of a daze, "Oh right! Is it my turn to choose a song?"

"Can I make a request?" he asked.

"No it's my choice now, you can choose another one after," I said, scrolling through my playlist.

"It's not for a song..."

"Then what is it?"


I immediately stopped scrolling. He wanted me to what?! I spluttered, "What? Why...?"

"Because I want to hear you sing," he said innocently, "I sang, now it's your turn."

"No one asked you to," I countered, getting slightly defensive.

"You didn't like it?" he asked in a way that made me wonder whether it was a genuine question or not. Surely, he knows how amazing he sounds?

I tentatively told him as such, feeling a blush form and grow as I spoke, "If I'm being completely honest, I loved it. Your voice is so good, it's unreal. Even your humming sounds like art," after I said that it went silent on his end and I hoped that put an end to the idea of me singing. Scrolling through my playlist I said, "Are you ok Keigo?"

"Yeah, just surprised," he said, a little quieter than before, "You haven't complimented me like that in a long time."

"Because I know it'll go to your head, and your ego is big enough already," I joked, "Besides you probably hear that all the time."

"No, I don't actually," he said. The way he said made me believe that he wasn't trying to be humble, but he was actually telling the truth, "And what are you talking about? I don't have an ego."

"Is that your way of saying you want me to flatter you more?" I questioned while smiling.

"It's my way of saying that you may have misjudged me," he said, back to his usual confident tone, "Although if you insist, please flatter me in song."

"I am not singing!" I said firmly.

"There's no need to be shy, I'll be the only one listening," he said, "And I'll like it, even if you sound horrible...I promise."

Yeah right. The last thing I needed was to give him another weapon to add to his arsenal of ways to tease me. That and the unfortunate fact that I literally can't sing for shit. So, I would be even more embarrassed if he heard me and pretended to like it. Refusing to back down, I said, "Nope."

But he still wasn't giving up, "What if we did a duet? I have the song snowman on my playlist, let's sing that- it's easy."

"Still no."

"Okay..." he said, trying to think of a way to get me to agree, "How about whoever's house is the best can make the loser sing any song they want?"

"We already had a penalty for this competition; the winner can make the loser change their skin to whatever the victor wants. Remember?"

"Right...forgot about that," he said, "How about this: next time we'll play a racing game and then you'll have to sing."

"Bold of you to assume you'll win."

"I won last time," he said, sounding smug.

He had me there. I sighed, "Can we just get back to this. I've almost finished mine, how are you doing with yours?"

"I just need a few more minutes and then I'll be done," he said, "There's no way you're beating me Orchid."

"We'll see."


Word count: 1257

A/n: This took place back when Keigo and y/n were just internet friends. I just had this idea in mind but didn't know how to fit it in the story, so here it is as a oneshot. Again xD
