Aaron's Ceruledge.

Name: Ceruledge.
Age: 59.
Gender: Male.
Species: Fire Blades Pokémon.
Type: Fire-Ghost.
Ability: Flash Fire.
Hidden Ability: Weak Armor.
Height: 5'03". (1.6 m)
Weight: 136.7 lbs. (62.0 kg)
Tera Type: Ghost.
Held Item: Spell Tag.
Nature: Adamant.
Nickname: Grim Shady or Soublades.
Caught at: Paldea.
• Charcadet. (first stage)
• Fire Blades Pokémon. (species)
• Soublades. (Japanese)
• Such a Stud.
• Dark Knight.
• Fire-Ghost-type Pokémon.
• Aaron's Starter Pokémon.
• Main Fixed Member of Aaron's Team.
• Unnamed Parents.
• Aaron Dawson. (trainer & friend)
• Sarah Hagiwara.
• Emily Kobayashi.
• Jessie.
• James.
• Meowth
• Cassidy. (formerly)
• Butch. (formerly)
• Ash Ketchum. (one-sided)
• Misty. (one-sided)
• Brock. (one-sided)
• May. (one-sided)
• Max. (one-sided)
• Dawn. (one-sided)
• Iris. (one-sided)
• Cilan. (one-sided)
• Clemont. (one-sided)
• Bonnie. (one-sided)
• Officer Jenny.
• Nurse Joy.
• Mewtwo.
• Unnamed Bullies.
• Gary Oak.
• Ruisu Naegi.
• Tomoko Kuroki.
• Chaos Kuren.
• Itsuki Nakano.
• Tristan Haywire.
• Maryellen Yokota.
• Axel Smith.
• Cassidy. (formerly)
• Butch. (formerly)
• Ash Ketchum. (one-sided)
• Misty. (one-sided)
• Brock. (one-sided)
• May. (one-sided)
• Max. (one-sided)
• Dawn. (one-sided)
• Iris. (one-sided)
• Cilan. (one-sided)
• Clemont. (one-sided)
• Bonnie. (one-sided)
• Iron-Masked Marauder.
• Dr. Namba.
• Dr. Zager.
• Team Aqua.
• Archie.
• Shelly.
• Team Magma.
• Maxie
• Brodie the Phantom Thief.
• Pokémon Hunter J. †
• Team Galactic.
• Cyrus. †
• Mars.
• Saturn.
• Jupiter.
• Charon.
• Team Plasma.
• Ghetsis.
• Team Flare.
• Lysandre. †
• Team Skull.
• Guzma.
• Plumeria.
• Tupp.
• Rapp.
• Zipp.
• Pokémon Hunters.
• Pokémon Smugglers.
• Revengers.
• Macro Cosmos.
• Chairman Rose.
• Oleana.
• Hanging out with his friends.
• Eating large quantities of food.
• Sparing against other Pokémon.
• Testing his strength against others.
• Fighting strong and powerful opponents.
• Battling against other Pokémon.
• Resting after a long battle.
• Serving Aaron.
• Terrorism.
• Sabotage.
• Vandalism.
• Harassment.
• Stalking.
• Kidnapping.
• Fraud.
• False imprisonment.
• Burglary.
• Robbery.
• Accidental Property Damage.
• Extortion.
• Attempted Child Abduction.
• Win various different battles.
• Protect the entire Pokémon World.
• Help Aaron reach his goal of defeating his bullies. (all succeeded)
• Become as strong as possible.
• Serve Aaron with the best of his special abilities. (both ongoing)
Heroic Achievements: None
Type of Villain: Dark Knight.

Ceruledge is a dual Fire & Ghost-type Pokémon, and it is also the first ever Pokémon to be obtained by Aaron, having been caught by him as a wild Charcadet. He is also always seen travelling outside of his Moon Ball whilst walking by Aaron side at all times.

Physical Appearance:
Ceruledge is a tall and bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Its body is primarily black, with blue colorations on its head, arms and legs. Its head has sharp pale blue "ears" protruding from either side, and has a fire burning above it that resembles the plume on a knight's helmet. Its eyes have pink irises and wisps emanating from its white pupils. Almost all of Ceruledge's body is covered in an old dark purplish blue suit of armor, filled with grudges. A plate with three pink indentations on its center covers Ceruledge's face. Instead of hands, Ceruledge wields purple-cyan blades created from both fire and ghost energy; specifically, the lingering regrets of the deceased. These blades can grow into great swords in battle, increasing Ceruledge's power in the process.

Personality and Characteristics:
Ceruledge is Aaron's main battler Pokémon, being used in most of its Trainer's battles. Ceruledge has shown to have many of its species traits, being quite cold and not hesitating to hit or even wound other people with its many attacks. Ceruledge presents itself as a completely obedient Pokémon, following every single one of Aaron's orders without question or hesitation. Its loyalty is further proven when it is shown to be willing to take on attacks and protect its Trainer from harm. In terms of battling, Ceruledge is quite skilled and powerful, being able to battle and overwhelm Meowth and Wobbuffet single-handedly without even breaking a single sweat. It was also shown to be capable of battling toe-to-toe against Giovanni's Persian and Nidoking, further showing its immense battling prowess and experience. Like most of its kind, Ceruledge is completely ruthless in battle and it mainly relies on both its speed and agility to overwhelm its opponents, and it will not hesitate to use sneak attacks and ambushes to its advantage.

Ceruledge is also mostly a serious and no-nonsense Pokémon who is dedicated to his goals. Ceruledge is also capable of being polite to manipulate others to do things for him or give him what he wants. Despite his polite façade, Ceruledge can be quite ruthless towards his opponents if they happen to either ignore him or even refuse his offer to battle. During battle, Ceruledge has a habit of regularly using Ally Switch to switch places with his allies in order to disorientate and annoy his enemies, showing that Ceruledge takes great pleasure in seeing his opponents becoming very annoyed with his antics. Thanks to both his high speed and agility, Ceruledge can utilise these during battle to easily locate a foe's blind spots and he then attacks them with his large swords. When battling opponents who are rather strong, Ceruledge is able to easily hold its own by quickly evading any incoming attacks with Phantom Force before proceeding to attack them with Bitter Blade.

Ceruledge has also been shown to be a very cunning and sinister individual who usually waits in the shadows for people to die naturally, but if someone angers or offends him enough, he will physically manifest in order to attempt to take their life by force. He is sadistic and thrill-seeking, as he takes a degree of pride and pleasure in his job as Aaron's main partner, and openly admits that he enjoys striking fear into his victims. This is shown by the pleasure he took in scaring and provoking James's Inkey with his taunts, eerie whistling, and his very presence, and how he got especially excited when he managed to draw ink from the little squid. He also admits to having a dislike of Dark-types and the fact that they all have the type advantage over Psychic and Ghost-types, whilst finding the very concept to be absolutely "absurd".

Despite his sadistic and sinister nature, Ceruledge has a sense of both honor and nobility, as his main reason for stalking Inkay in the first place was to then try and win the affections of Jessie's supersized female Gourgeist. This also indicates that despite using his blades to absorb the life energy from others, Ceruledge holds life sacred and is also disgusted by those who don't treat their own lives with true appreciation or care and believe they live forever. He also has a sense of fair play, as he always gives Inkay the chance to fight back whenever they encountered each other, even giving him a set of Black Glasses to boost Inkay's Dark moves. This also suggests Ceruledge prefers to give fair fights for those who challenge him, but his comments about how much he would enjoy taking Inkay out from the realm of the living seems to indicate that he may have brought him the Black Glasses just for sport, finding it more entertaining to see Inkay fight him rather than just simply surrender.

When Inkay finally stands up to him and soon evolves into Malamar and he then fights him while also promising to respect his life with his close friends, Ceruledge although initially enraged that Malamar has changed and thus "ruined his hunt", quickly calms down and recognizes that killing him now would be pointless and unethical. Thus, Ceruledge honorably decides to let Malamar live out his life, respectfully biding the Topsy-Turvy Squid to live his life well before warning him that they will meet again eventually when his life finally comes to a permanent end. But there were a few times where Ceruledge became quite jealous of Malamar due to him being attracted to Jessie's Gourgeist, as well as Malamar. But after seeing his crush being with the Dark-Psychic type, Ceruledge was initially heartbroken by the revelation and even shed a single tear that left a burn mark shaped like a broken heart in the grass whilst knowing that he can't always beat Malamar at everything.

Ceruledge's Moves:
• (Bitter Blade):
Ceruledge's arm blades become covered in purple fire, and it slashes the opponent with them, leaving behind a purple trail of energy as it slashes. Just after using the move, a large green and yellow orb of energy flies out of the opponent's body and into Ceruledge, whilst causing it to become bathed in a light green or yellow glow, healing it of its injuries.

• (Night Slash):
Ceruledge's arm blades glow blueish white or purple, and it then slashes the opponent with one of them, sending out multiple blades of blueish white or purple energy from its blades at the opponent. This move also has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit when Ceruledge is attacking.

• (Psycho Cut):
Ceruledge forms five pink crescent-like blades of energy in front of its body. It then fires the blades at the opponent. Or, Ceruledge's arm blades glow pink, and it releases a large bright pink crescent-like blade of energy from one of them at the opponent. Alternatively, Ceruledge will rapidly spin its body around with both its arms out, releasing multiple large pink crescent-like blades of energy from both of its arm blades at the opponent. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit when Ceruledge is attacking.

• (Phantom Force):
Ceruledge creates a large thin purple and black portal underneath itself and it then enters it. Seconds later, another portal appears near or behind the opponent. Then, Ceruledge comes out of the portal and then strikes the opponent with both its arm blades. This move hits even if the opponent uses a protection move such as Protect.

• (Shadow Claw):
Both of Ceruledge's arm blades become surrounded by a black aura with a thick light purple of pink outline. It then slashes the opponent with one or both of them, sometimes leaving behind light purple trails of the blades. This move also has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit when Ceruledge is attacking.

• (Solar Blade):
Ceruledge absorbs sunlight into itself and it forms a large yellow ball of light above its head. Ceruledge then raises one of its arms and turns the ball into a giant blade of yellow light. Ceruledge then slams the blade down onto the opponent. If there is harsh sunlight, the blade will immediately finish charging.

• (X-Scissor):
Ceruledge's blades glow light blue. It then puts its blades together in front of it and a light blue 'X'-like energy with a magenta outline appears in front of its blades and it falls forward, slamming into the opponent. Or, Ceruledge's blades glow light green. It then slashes at the opponent with its arm blades in an 'X' formation, leaving behind a trail of light green energy from each of its blades.

• (Dragon Claw):
Both of Ceruledge's arm blades become surrounded in a light green, claw-shaped aura; or, Ceruledge's arm blades grow bigger and glow orange. It then strikes the opponent with one or both of them. This move also has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit when Ceruledge is attacking.

• (False Swipe):
Both or one of Ceruledge's arm blades glow light green and they extend. It then slashes the opponent with them, or it raises its arms into the air, then brings them both down hard on the opponent. This move prevents the opponent from fainting due to being a restrained move.

• (Swords Dance):
Twelve blue glowing swords circle around Ceruledge. Red and orange lights shoot upwards in front of it and then large balls of the same coloured aura then appear in front of Ceruledge before disappearing, raising its attack power. Or, Ceruledge closes both its eyes and then meditates. Several large blue glowing swords then circle Ceruledge and cross together and it then glows red, raising its attack power. Or, Ceruledge slashes its arms about as its eyes glow light-blue, and multiple blue swords circle around it. The swords stop and point towards Ceruledge, end first, before disappearing. A red aura bursts from the ground underneath it, before a lighter-colored red aura goes upwards along its body, boosting Ceruledge's attack power.

• (Hex):
Ceruledge's eyes glow purple and red. It then creates a large sphere of black and purple energy with a large red eye in the middle. The eye then releases multiple dark blue rings of energy at the opponent. If the opponent is affected by a status condition, the attack does double the damage. Or, dark purple wisps of energy appear around Ceruledge, and then the opponent becomes surrounded in light purplish-red energy, hurting it. If the opponent is also affected by a status condition, the attack does much more damage.

• (Rest):
Ceruledge falls asleep with its arms by its sides and a bright green aura surrounds its body. As it sleeps, it recovers energy and also nullifies any damage taken while it is sleeping. Occasionally, Ceruledge may become too drowsy to attack after using the move.

• (Taunt):
Ceruledge smiles smugly at the opponent and waves at it tauntingly with one of its arm blades, causing it to become agitated and not listen to its Trainer's instructions.

• (Disable):
Ceruledge becomes surrounded by a light blue aura and then the opponent starts to glow light blue, making it completely motionless and also rendering it under Ceruledge's control. Or, Ceruledge's eyes glow light blue while its opponent is using an attack. The opponent then becomes outlined in light blue briefly and it stops using the attack. In addition, the opponent cannot use the attack for a while.

• (Protect):
Ceruledge creates a large green barrier or force field around its body, protecting it from attacks, or Ceruledge puts its arms in front of its face and its body then starts to glow a bright turquoise blue colour. A large light blue dome-shaped force field then expands out of Ceruledge's body, protecting it against incoming attacks.The dome also protects everything inside from oncoming attacks. If the barrier is kept for far too long, it might end up failing. When used multiple times in a row, the move will become less likely to succeed.

• (Reflect):
Ceruledge raises its arms and a large round, shining, rainbow-coloured barrier of energy appears in front of it, protecting it from physical attacks. The barrier will also reappear to protect Ceruledge and its teammates even if it is switched out. However, the move may wear off after a certain amount of time.

• (Light Screen):
A large pink curved force field appears around Ceruledge's body, protecting it from special attacks. If there is another Pokémon on Ceruledge's side of the field, a same kind of force field will surround it as well. Or, Ceruledge raises its arms, forming a series of four or multiple large transparent square shaped barriers in front of itself, protecting it and its allies from special attacks whilst also cutting the power of special moves in half. The barriers will also reappear to help protect Ceruledge and its teammates even if it is switched out. However, the move may wear off after a certain amount of time.

• (Quick Guard):
Ceruledge puts its arms together and it becomes outlined in a bright red aura. It then points its arms forward, forming a large bright red barrier of energy in front of itself that protects it and its allies from priority attacks. The move will also fail when used multiple times in a row.

• (Wide Guard):
Ceruledge raises its arms and it forms a wall of orange hexagonal shapes in front of itself, protecting itself from widespread attacks. The move will also fail when used multiple times in a row.

• (Safeguard):
Ceruledge's body glows green and it pushes out a green barrier from its body that prevents anything from getting in. Or, Ceruledge crosses its arms together and its body starts to glow green. Then, it opens up its arms and a large green barrier comes out of its body, repelling attacks, or Ceruledge faces its head towards the sky and it then spins around. Two light green vortexes form on top and below Ceruledge's body as it spins, and a large cylinder of sparkling green energy appears around Ceruledge's body. Or, Ceruledge's body glows white and it then forms a silver-white force field around its body, protecting it from both attacks and status conditions.

• (Ally Switch):
Ceruledge and its ally become outlined in light purple energy. Both of them then suddenly disappear and switch places. Alternatively, Ceruledge will return to its Poké Ball and it will then send out another Pokémon to take its place.

• (Thunder Wave):
Ceruledge creates a large ball of yellow electricity in front of its arm blade and it releases multiple rings of yellow electricity from it at the opponent, paralyzing it. Or, Ceruledge's body becomes covered in yellow electricity, and it then releases multiple rings of bright yellow electricity from it at the opponent, paralyzing it.

• (Will-O-Wisp):
Ceruledge creates a ring of pink, light blue, and dark blue fireballs around its body. It then spins around rapidly, firing each of the fireballs at the opponent. The fireballs will follow the opponent around until they hit. Or, Ceruledge's entire body becomes outlined in bright orange or red energy. It then claps both of its arms blades together, forming a large ring of light purple and pink fireballs with a white core around its body. It then launches the fireballs at the opponent all at once or one after the other, leaving them burned.

• (Confuse Ray):
Ceruledge holds its arms out and five golden orbs of light appear and circle around its body. When it raises its arms in the air, the five orbs fire at the opponent and stop above it. The orbs then circle around the opponent and float down to the middle of its body. They then float back up above the opponent's head and grow larger until they explode in a bright flash of white or yellow light, confusing the opponent. Or, Ceruledge's body glows a bright yellow colour and it then forms multiple large golden balls of aura around itself and they grow into larger golden balls with purple and white colored aura inside of them and then they fly towards the opponent, circle around them and then converge into a singular ball, that is a much brighter version of the balls and it then disappears, either confusing the opponent or putting them to sleep. Or, Ceruledge forms a large purple ball of energy in between its hands. The ball then multiplies around Ceruledge's body and they are then fired at the opponent. When the balls hit the opponent, it then becomes confused. This move may also cause the opponent to hurt itself whilst it is confused.

• (Clear Smog):
Ceruledge takes in a deep breath and it then releases a stream of white smog from its mouth out over the battlefield. This move also causes all stat changes to then return to normal whilst the move is in effect.

• (Destiny Bond):
Both of Ceruledge's eyes glow purple. After fainting, two swirling purple lights then come out of them and they hit the opponent that knocked Ceruledge out. The opponent then becomes surrounded by a bright purple aura and they instantly faints. Or, a dark purple orb of energy briefly appears in front of Ceruledge's body before then bursting into shadowy energy underneath its body. After fainting, the energy emerges from its armor and surrounds the opponent that knocked Ceruledge out, causing them to faint instantly.

• (Sunny Day):
Ceruledge's eyes become fiery and it releases a large white beam of light into the sky, causing the sun to shine brighter. Or, Ceruledge fires a powerful stream of fire or smoke towards the sky, causing the sun to shine brighter and making the sky above clear and free of clouds. This also boosts the power of Fire-type attacks and also weakening Water-type attacks. On occasion, after using the move, a bright red aura will appear around Ceruledge's body whilst the move is in effect.

• (Bulk Up):
Ceruledge flexes its arms and its body then becomes surrounded in a crimson aura, enhancing both its attack power and also its resistance to physical attacks. Or, Ceruledge's body becomes surrounded in a crimson aura and it then flexes its body, causing its muscles to thicken for a few moments and enhancing both its attack power and even its resistance to physical attacks. Or, Ceruledge flexes its body and a ring of fire then travels upwards over its torso and its legs, causing its muscles to thicken, which also boosts both its attack power and also its resistance to physical attacks. Or, Ceruledge's entire body becomes surrounded in a red aura, causing its muscles and body to grow bigger. Once the battle ends or Ceruledge faints, the red aura then reappears and Ceruledge then returns to its normal size.

• (Sleep Talk):
While it is asleep, Ceruledge randomly uses one of the other moves that it knows. This move can only be used while Ceruledge is asleep. If Ceruledge tries to use the move whilst it is awake, the move will fail.

• (Substitute):
Ceruledge's body glow light green. The glow then moves outward and forms into a copy that looks exactly like Ceruledge. When the copy is hit by an attack, it turns into an old set of armor. Or, Ceruledge's body flashes white, and a double that looks exactly like it then dashes out of its body and at the opponent. When the copy is hit by an attack, it disappears in a puff of smoke. This also causes Ceruledge to also lose stamina upon using the move.

• (Iron Defense):
Ceruledge raises both of its blades into the air and its body becomes outlined in light blue. A white shine then goes up along its body and its body then turns into iron. Ceruledge can then stop attacks. Or, Ceruledge's body glows blue as both of its arm blades turn a shiny metallic colour. It then raises both the blades upward and crosses them then so that they then form an "X" shape. Ceruledge then stays still as its opponent attacks it in this defensive stance. Just after using the move, a bright blue or orange glow will then surround Ceruledge's body followed by a deeper red glow, increasing its Defense.

• (Helping Hand):
Ceruledge lays one of its arm blades on the target, and it and the target become covered in a multicoloured aura, powering up the target's moves. Or, a golden yellow aura appears around Ceruledge's body, and it then transfers the aura over to the target, powering up the target's moves.

• (Shadow Ball):
Ceruledge forms a large ball of black and purple energy with black static around it between its arm blades. It then throws the ball at the opponent which grows more and more bigger as it moves forwards. Or, Ceruledge forms three balls of black and purple energy with black static around them in front of itself. It then fires the balls at the opponent one after the other, or all at once. Or, Ceruledge forms a barrage of large balls of black and light purple energy with black static around them. It then fires all of the balls at the opponent one after the other, or all at once. Or, Ceruledge raises its arm blades and four small black and purple balls of energy appear in front of it in a diamond formation, one after the other. The balls then condense slightly and Ceruledge then fires the balls into the air. As they speed at the opponent, the balls then grow much larger and they then rain down on the opponent, one after the other. Sometimes, only one large orb is formed instead of four.

• (Heat Wave):
Ceruledge opens its mouth and a white flame is created in it. Ceruledge then releases a round orange flame at the opponent. Or, Ceruledge flaps its arms, creating an orange gust of superheated air that is sent towards the opponent. On occasion, this move will also burn the opponent.

• (Flamethrower):
Both of Ceruledge's eyes glow a bright orange and it then releases a powerful red-orange or orange-yellow stream of fire from its mouth at the opponent. On occasion, its eyes will glow a bright white when it is powering up. Or, Ceruledge raises its head and a large spiraling orange orb of fire appears in front of its face and then brings its head forwards, releasing a yellow-orange stream of fire with dark orange rings around the flame at the opponent. Or, multiple large rings of red-yellow or blue fire appear around Ceruledge's body, and it opens its mouth, firing a stream of red-yellow fire from its mouth at the opponent. When the stream of fire hits the opponent, the flames wrap around it and trap it in an orb of flames for a few moments. Or, Ceruledge releases a powerful stream of bright blue or bright red-orange flames from its mouth at the opponent, or Ceruledge forms a large ball of fire in front of its face. The ball of fire flattens and turns into a circle. Then, a powerful blast of flames fires from the circle at the opponent. When the fire is about to hit the opponent, multiple rings of light blue fire appear around the top of the stream of fire and travel down it when it hits. On occasion, this move will also burn the opponent.

• (Poison Jab):
Both of Ceruledge's arm blades glow a bright purple colour and it then slashes the opponent with them, whilst leaving behind a trail of purple energy from its arm blades. Alternatively, Ceruledge will rush forward and jab the opponent with its arm blades, causing bright purple energy to burst out of the opponent's body. On occasion, this move will also poison the opponent.

• (Brick Break):
One or both of Ceruledge's arm blades glow a bluish white or yellow colour and it then jabs or slices the opponent with both of them. Or, Ceruledge hits the opponent with one of its arm blade, with an orange hand of energy appearing before the blade while the attack is used. If the opponent is being protected by a barrier like Reflect, it will be broken on contact.

• (Flame Charge):
Ceruledge repeatedly stomps on the ground until a large cloud of dust covers its body. Then, it emerges from the cloud while surrounded by an orb of red-yellow flames and crashes into the opponent, or Ceruledge's body becomes covered in flames and it crashes into the opponent. Sometimes, Ceruledge will be surrounded by a large spiral of flames before using the attack. Or, Ceruledge repeatedly stomps on the ground until a large cloud of dust covers its entire body. Its body then becomes surrounded by an orb of red and yellow flames, and it jumps forward and slams into the opponent. Each time Ceruledge uses the attack, its speed increases as well, with a pink aura surrounding its body.

• (Night Shade):
Ceruledge's eyes become surrounded in a purple aura. The aura then becomes replaced with a bright pink glow and Frillish's body glows pale pink. Ceruledge then holds out its arm blades and waves both of them up and down in a fast-paced hypnotic pattern. It then releases multiple pink rings from the outline of its body at the opponent. When the opponent is hit by the rings, its body becomes outlined in light purple, damaging it. Or, Ceruledge fires a black or a dark crimson red beam, outlined in either red, blue, purple, or pink from its eyes or hands at the opponent; or, from its eyes, Ceruledge fires purple energy waves shaped like its eyes at the opponent.

• (Fire Spin):
Ceruledge opens its mouth and a large spiralling red flame is released at the opponent from its mouth, trapping and also burning it in a large fiery tornado. Or, Ceruledge opens its mouth and it then releases a stream of spinning red-orange or orange fire with a bright yellow flame spiraling around it at the opponent. When the stream of fire hits the opponent, it curls around it for a moment before then disappearing. Or, Ceruledge's arm blades become covered in fire and it then swings its arm blades, sending a trail of yellow-orange fire from its arm blades at the opponent. The flames then circles around the opponent, trapping them in a ring of fire whilst also damaging them over time.

• (Facade):
Ceruledge becomes surrounded by an orange aura that makes its body shine. Or, Ceruledge becomes covered in an orange aura for a brief moment. It then charges full force into the opponent. If Ceruledge is either poisoned, burned, or paralyzed, the move's power is doubled.

• (Take Down):
Ceruledge crouches down and a golden yellow force field then surrounds its body which then becomes surrounded by a light bronze aura and it then slams its body into the opponent. Or, Ceruledge charges at the opponent quickly. As it does, its body becomes surrounded by a golden aura and a white force field then covers the front of its body before it then charges into the opponent. After using the move, white static electricity crawls up along Ceruledge's body as it suffers from recoil damage.

• (Shadow Sneak):
Ceruledge creates a large shadow on the ground, which extends past the opponent. The shadow then rise up and attacks the opponent. Or, Ceruledge extends two shadows from its feet at the opponent. When the shadows reach the opponent, they attack them in turns. This move always goes first before the opponent.

• (Incinerate):
Ceruledge shoots large fireballs with a bright center and black highlights at the opponent. Ceruledge can either charge this attack briefly, laying out a few fireballs in front of it which it launches together, or it can fire them separately in sequence. Or, Ceruledge shoots a beam of orange, yellow, red, and black fire at its opponent, or Ceruledge shoots a large fireball with a bright center and black highlights at the opponent. If the opponent is holding a certain item, such as a Berry, the item then becomes burned up and unusable.

• (Lava Plume):
Ceruledge causes an explosion around it, creating a mix of smog and fire to cover the area and hit every Pokémon around it with flames. On occasion, this move will burn any opponent that it makes contact with.

• (Fire Blast):
Ceruledge takes in a deep breath and red-yellow fire starts to seep out of its mouth. It then releases a powerful stream of red-yellow fire from its mouth at the opponent. As the flame travels at the opponent, the front of the flame forms into a 大-shaped blast. As the blast reaches the opponent, it falls forward on top of it. Or, Ceruledge forms a big ball of red-orange fire in front of its face. It then punches the ball, changing it into a 大-shape and sending it flying toward the opponent.

• (Overheat):
Ceruledge opens its mouth, which glows white. It then fires a white flame that has a red-orange flame spiraling around it from its mouth at the opponent. The blast is most powerful when first used and becomes weaker when used repeatedly, regardless of whether the opponent dodges it or not. Sometimes when using the attack, its arm blades will light up, or its whole body will turn bright red and fire will surround its entire body.

• (Flare Blitz):
Ceruledge crosses both its arms in front of its face and its body suddenly becomes engulfed in red flames. Emboar then puts its arms down and it then soars straight at the opponent like a missile. While flying towards the opponent, only its head can be seen, and its body becomes covered in spiraling red-yellow fire while it becomes surrounded in red-orange fire. Ceruledge then flies into the opponent, or Ceruledge's body becomes surrounded in light blue flames and it then shoots like a missile at the opponent, slamming into it. Or, Ceruledge's entire body becomes surrounded by red-orange fire and it shoots at the opponent like a missile; or, the flame on Ceruledge's helmet extends and covers its entire body. Ceruledge then slams into the opponent with great force; or, the flame on Ceruledge's Helmet extends and covers its entire body. Ceruledge then rolls into the opponent. On occasion, this will burn the opponent. Sometimes, as it charges at the opponent, the fire around it turns light blue. When the attack is over, red sparks surround Ceruledge's body as it takes recoil damage.

• (Close Combat):
Ceruledge repeatedly punches and kicks the opponent at a very fast speed. Or, Ceruledge's arm blades glow orange and extend. It then repeatedly slashes, jabs, punches, and kicks the opponent at a fast speed. Or, Ceruledge repeatedly attacks the opponent with a lightning fast barrage of open-handed strikes with both of his blades, or Ceruledge repeatedly punches the opponent repeatedly with one of its arm blades, or Ceruledge quickly and repeatedly punches, stabs, slashes, and kicks the opponent. After the attack, it then lets out a deep breath and its arms shake before a blue glow travels down its body, lowering Ceruledge's Defense.

• (Tera Blast):
While Terastallized, Ceruledge forms a large sparkling, light purple and pink ball of energy with a white core in front of its mouth. It then fires a beam with a white core surrounded by a light purple and pink vortex of wind-like energy at the opponent.

Ceruledge's Improvised Moves:
Below is a list of moves that Ceruledge has improved on, and move combos that Aaron has thought about. These moves have proven to be very useful when in battle against very powerful opponents, especially when combining its moves with the attacks of others.

• (Fire Blast):
Similar to Dragonite Meteor, Ceruledge merges with Fire Blast, causing its body to become cloaked in a gigantic 大-shaped flame before charging at the opponent. When using this attack, Ceruledge assumes a more reddish-coloured form, much like Charizard's Gigantamax form. This was first used in the final clash between Ceruledge and Mewtwo.

• (Psycho Cut and Overheat):
A combination of both Psycho Cut and Overheat. Ceruledge uses Overheat while using Psycho Cut; the two attacks then combine to create a swirling stream of red-orange fire surrounded by pink blades of energy. This was first used to incapacitate a wild giant Torterra whilst in the Torterra Garden, allowing Aaron to catch it.

• (Swords Dance & Flamethrower):
Ceruledge uses Swords Dance to not only boost its attack power, but it uses Flamethrower to also easily deflect the opponent's physical attacks. This also makes it spin and complete the dance much faster. It was first used in Aaron's battle against Paul's Torterra and was used again during Aaron's Gym Battle against Dragon-type expert Lance.

• (Flare Blitz):
Flaring Knight is an improvised tactic in which Ceruledge, while in the process of using Flare Blitz, runs forwards instead of jumping up and shooting at the opponent like a missile. It can also run towards the opponent just as the Flare Blitz flames surrounds its body before jumping high into the air and then body slamming the opponent. Alternatively, Ceruledge can also grab the opponent before it jumps into the air and starts spinning before crashing to the ground. This was first used in Aaron's 3-on-3 battle with Jessie.

• (Phantom Force & Flame Charge):
Flaming Phantom is an improvised tactic in which Ceruledge, while in the process of using Flame Charge, uses Phantom Force to then disappear in front of the opponent. It then creates multiple other portals before rushing between each one before appearing behind the opponent and attacking them.

• (Flare Blitz & Shadow Ball):
Shadow Blitz is a Counter Shield move combo in which Ceruledge uses Flare Blitz while spinning in place to protect itself from attacks in a vortex of fire and to also multiple create red fiery whips that sweep the battlefield in a circular motion and they also strike the opponent. Whilst Ceruledge is spinning in place with Flare Blitz, it also uses Shadow Ball to create multiple large balls of black and purple energy which circle around Ceruledge's body before they are then fired at the opponent.

• (Confuse Ray & Will-O-Wisp):
This combo move involves Ceruledge using Confuse Ray and also using Will-O-Wisp to both confuse the opponent and also leave them with a burn. It can also combine the orbs to form multiple light purple and pink fireballs with a white core and a bright golden yellow outline.

Ceruledge's Abilities:
The following list shows the two Abilities that Ceruledge has access to. These two abilities can easily help out Ceruledge in battle when battling tough opponents.

• (Flash Fire):
Ceruledge's body glows red and it then absorbs the heat from any surrounding fire or lava, powering up its own Fire-type attacks and it can also absorb any other Fire-type moves, leaving it undamaged. However, the Ability can unfortunately become overloaded by sufficiently strong Fire-type energy and attacks/moves, thereby causing Ceruledge to become engulfed in flames and go on a rampage.

• (Weak Armor):
When Ceruledge is hit by a physical move, the outer layer of its armor briefly glows purple and then shatters. A red glow then shoots up around Ceruledge's body, boosting its speed whilst a dark blue glow then shoots down Ceruledge's body, reducing its physical Defense and making it much weaker to any physical attacks.

• Ceruledge is Aaron's first Pokémon to use both the Flash Fire and Weak Armor Abilities.

• Ceruledge and its evolutionary relatives were designed by Tomohiro Kitakaze.

• Ceruledge has the same base stat values as its counterpart Armarouge, but with their assignments reversed between HP and Speed, Attack and Special Attack, and Defense and Special Defense.

• Ceruledge was the first Pokémon in the anime to use a Generation IX move.

• While Ceruledge's Tera Type is shared with one of its normal types, Ghost-type is atypical for its species, as in the games, Ceruledge cannot be caught in the wild, and its pre-evolved counterpart, Charcadet, is pure Fire-type.

• Ceruledge may be mostly based on a possessed suit of armor. Its design could also be based on medieval heroic tales of European knights, specifically on the poem El Cantar de mio Cid. The poem relates the legend of the Spanish knight El Cid, known for wielding two famous swords, Tizona and Colada; and is said to have won his most important battle after death, which would explain Ceruledge's Ghost typing.

• Ceruledge could also be potentially based on an akuma, a Japanese fire spirit often depicted carrying a sword. It may also take some inspiration from jinn, humanoid fire spirits of Arabic mythology.

[JunkBot]: And that's Aaron's Starter Pokémon finally covered. And yes, I decided to give Aaron a Ceruledge because why not? So next up, we're gonna cover all the other Pokémon that Aaron has previously caught on his journey.

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Well, I guess that's gonna be it for now guys. I really hope that this story does well which I of course hope you guys enjoy, and I will of course. See you soon Junk Squad! *waves goodbye*
