The Netherworld

The netherworld huh" rimuru thought then asked ciel "did you not find any other place I don't want to fight some demon, to which ciel replied
<<Master this Netherworld is a bit different >>
<Different ?> rimuru asked
<<Yes master people here are different even though they are demon>>

Rimuru Before that ciel why did restrict my power almost all of it restricted.
To which ciel replied<< Master you are a supreme diety, just by releasing a bit of your aura you can crush this planet to dust. >>

Rimuru "asked "then if someone asks for trouble how am I supposed to fight.?.

Ciel replied << Master you can use the skill
*Void god azathoth*and control the nearby mana, although it is a million time weaker than master mana, but it is sufficient to destroy the world>>
Rimuru said " Well if you say so and well i still have my sword, I have nothing to worry about.

Then out of nowhere ciel suddenly changes my appearance to that of 16 year old girl.

Then I asked ciel "what the hell are you doing ciel.

<<Master please forgive me, I can't let any girl lust after you>>. Rimuru emotions were like " - _- " but he knew he couldn't win a argument against ciel so he left it at that.

ciel smirked while saying <<Master is only mine >>
Rimuru ask "did you say something"
<<Its your imagination>>

<<Master there are some demons nearby should we go there? "

rimuru replies <Yes>"
then he closed his eye and teleported to a place with a child and women laying on the floor crying and a man trying to protect them from five lesser demon.

Rimuru thinks "well its none of my business.

Then a man suddenly comes in front of rimuru and says " my, my such a beautiful girl, would you like to have some fun with us

The man who is trying to protect the girl screamed at rimuru
"Run from here little girl, as he said that a man punched him on his head, and he went crashing down on the floor.

Rimuru tell the man standing in front of him "Break both your arms and leg I might let you go. hearing this all the kidnappers stated laughing and the man standing in front of rimuru says
"hahaha little girl we are so scared please don't harm us.. another  guy says "Although you are young but we can have a lot of fun with yo--, the moment he was about to finish the sentence rimuru flicked his finger wiping him from existence.

Seeing the all of the kidnappers and that barely alive demon were shocked.
"what the hell did you do to our guy, the kidnappers ask to which
rimuru replies " I killed him in a cold tone.

Seeing this another kidnapper replied "don't joke around kid in a frustrated tone.

Rimuru ignore him and slowly walks up to a tree plucking a leave and launched like a ninja star, the next second all the kidnappers head burst with blood flowing on the ground.
He then absorbed them all. And walks to the injured man and threw a healing potion at him.

The man suddenly gets up and kneels even the kid and the women started to kneel, then the man said "Thank you so much for saving my wife and my kids.

Rimuru replies "ah it's fine small stuff..

Then the guy ask rimuru
" are you a teacher from babyls in disguise by any chance?..

Rimuru thought " huh a school for demon huh this might be more fun than I think, he then replies "yes but don't tell anyone that I saved you, I am asked to do a investigation in secret.

That Guy looks at rimuru and says " yes I promise I won't tell anyone..

Then the kid  spoke "big sis what is your name, to which rimuru smile and replies "rimuru tempest" after that he asked ciel to transport him to the city that guy was talking about.

<<As you wish master>>

Rimuru pov

I opened my eye to see a city with house in a really weird shape, this looks like it was inspired from a kids cartoon.
Well whatever, then suddenly I saw a lot of people gathered in a place. I went to check what it was, "a food stall huh, ciel copy their currency
<<done master >>
Rimuru got some coins in his hand then he asked the shopkeeper to give him whatever he is serving, then he starts cooking something disgusting.
Ciel "that isn't poison right!?
<<Master that cooking it is like shion, it looks disgusting but taste good >>

While thinking that the shopkeeper hands him a plate filled with god knows what  rimuru hesitate to eat it but when he ate it.
he thought "hmm this ain't half bad, well it still looks awful

Then he stared to walk on the street, he could feel many people staring at him, ah this is annoying well no point in complaining. It's not like ciel will let me change back.

Rimuru then reach the so called school bablys, he decided he wants to be admitted here but doesn't want to study or write.
Ciel << - _- >>
rimuru  tells ciel "It was one of the reason i left tempest to begin with... he then asked ciel to find the strongest person in the school.
Ciel replies <<Master he is an old man with strength that of  true demon Lord.. rimuru thought it was pretty impressive with the amount of magicule this world has.

He didn't evolve or rather he can't because of the sheer amount of magicule.
<<Master is right although according to my calculation he must be one of the strongest individuals in the world>>
"Hmm really then he might have quite authority, he can easily make me skip work" rimuru thought.
Then he teleported himself behind a door.

Sullivan pov

Such a good day i got to eat breakfast with my cute grandson, i am so eager to send him to school, he would feel proud to know that his grandfather is the principal of the school. I can't wait for his reaction but at the same time i had a fear in mind that what if someone try to hurt my grandson as I won't be there to protect him always although i wish i was.
"Sullivan thought with a worried look, but he left that thought nonetheless after some time i was going thorough my grandson picture but I suddenly heard a knock

I am coming, without thinking but then I realised that I couldn't sense the person at all but nonetheless i opened the door.
it was a really cute 16 year old child i hate to admit it but cuter than my grandson he said that with a pouting face...looks like i misunderstood there is no way anyone can escape my sense hahah i am a cool grandpa" he thought.

Rimuru pov

I knocked on the door then soon a sound saying "coming, then an old man comes out and started to stare at me a bit and then continues.

Hello I am the chairman of this school Sullivan" do you need my help little girl.. Sullivan says with a smile. Rimuru ignore him and goes inside his room and sat on his sofa, Sullivan looked quite surprised. By his action....

Rimuru then realise a bit of his god haki
seeing the aura rimuru is making Sullivan is shocked beyond belief then he ask "what in the world are you true demon lord, who are you" Rimuru smiles as he panics then asked him to sit in front of him to which Sullivan had no choice but to agree.

Sullivan pov

I asked who this girl was, but she ignored me and sat on my sofa "pretty mean huh , he then walks up to the girl but suddenly out of nowhere she was displaying an aura that is stronger than a true demon Lord wait it's more than a true demon Lord I feel like she can destroy the world if she wants to even though I am strong as a demon king but the chances of winning against her are almost none even now it looks like she is holding back a lot of her aura, i quickly then asked
" who are you.. In a clear state of panic

To which she asked me to sit in front of her.

Rimuru replies " First of all don't use she I am a boy even though how it looks like.

Sullivan replies " oh um sorry  it looked quite different
Rimuru continues " it's fine I don't blame you, as for your first question the answer is a no, i am not a true demon lord"

Sullivan looks with a disbelief look but then he realized that it was impossible to be a demon lord unless you have lived for many centuries and till now no one who has lived for that long has been able to become demi god/true demon Lord then how come a no name kid out of nowhere become one But if she is not a demon lord why did she tell me this..
Thinking about this he decided to sit down to the place he was asked to by rimuru, several question began to pop in Sullivan head but soon after seeing Sullivan confused look rimuru decide to tell him that he is what you call a Supreme deity.

Sullivan not knowing what it is as he is only known to rank till true demon lord , he then said "what is that?
To which rimuru replies " ah yes you might be not familiar with the term it is two rank above the true demon Lord.

Sullivan still in a disbelief expression but nonetheless he calmed himself Down and said "then can i please serve you some tea.

rimuru thought " although he might not believe me but he still saw some fragment of my power and is still calm, this guy is pretty impressive.
He replied to Sullivan question "ya sure.. Sullivan gets up from his seat and began poring some tea. Then he asked "what did i do to have a god visit me.

Rimuru replies" haha you are pretty interesting and the reason I came here was because I was bored.

Sullivan was a bit shocked by his response but then he thought that this was the most optimal one out of all the others.

Then Sullivan said "so you are not here to cause trouble"

  rimuru replied " yes indeed if someone didn't bother me i wont either.

Sullivan then turn backs to his usual self then he asked if he can make a deal with rimuru.
rimuru looks a bit confused and then asked "Are you sure, you are quite brave to even bring that up.
Sullivan replies." hahaha i have to be after all I am the chairman of this school.
Rimuru then says with a smirk "then what is the deal?
Sullivan replies" For that you need to come with me to my house.
rimuru thinks but he agreed as he had nothing else to do anyway

<< denied, master doesn't want to do any homework, so he agreed to his request>>
Rimuru says "haha can't hide anything from you ciel.

Rimuru then follows Sullivan they left the school and were heading towards a big mansion
Rimuru thought "i still dont understand why thinks are weirdly shaped but this might be good in its own way.

They reach in front of the house then Sullivan knocks and open the door suddenly a red haired girl with cat ears, she then said "headmaster welcome back you came earlier than expected hope you are not skipping work too see iruma sama are you?

Sullivan replies "ofcourse not i am a responsible grandpa..
opera sighs her eye then goes on the Demon standing next to Sullivan "she saw a beautiful girl with silver hair and golden eye.

she asks " chairman who is she.?
To which rimuru replies " hello my name is rimuru tempest.
Sullivan then says " ah yes we are going to talk about but before that rimuru I would like to introduce you to my grandson,they both went inside followed by opera.

Opera pov

Where did she come from and why does Sullivan sama want her to meet iruma sama, it will be quite troublesome if people find out that iruma sama is a human, nonetheless i followed them they sat on the couch. Then I began to Prepare tea for chairman and that kid after serving them that kid had a expression of disgust the same as iruma when he saw the tea, could it she is a human but she is too calm for a human.

Suddenly out of nowhere Sullivan shouts "Iruma kun come down we have guest"

Iruma pov

Its been 3 days since i have become a grandson of a demon this is very scary I want to go back home, i was laying on the bed thinking about that. Then I suddenly heard grandpa shouting "come down we have guest. I got paled from hearing that "wha-t a gue-st, it must be a demon, am I goona get eaten, no iruma you must stay calm no matter what happens you must not reveal the fact that you are human
I slowly walks down the stair seeing grandpa sitting on the sofa across him was a beautiful silvered hair girl, she looks like an angel instead of a demon iruma thought, but he has decided that he is no longer goona trust his brain as here the food looks disgusting but instead it is really good.

Iruma slowly approach them Sullivan says "iruma kun i want you to meet him , his name is name is Rimuru. Tempest
To which iruma replies "h-ello my name is Iruma with a slight bow.

Rimuru then replies "so I was not really mistaken, So why is there a human in the Netherworld.
