
Seigi and Tanimoto were sitting together at a table eating lunch when Tanimoto invited Seigi to come with her to an Aquarium.

"My friend bought tickets and was going to come with me, but she ended up becoming ill," Tanimoto explained.

"Oh, uh, sure! I'll go," Seigi smiled.

Tanimoto chuckled. "I'm glad."


The day finally came for Seigi and Tanimoto to go to the aquarium. Seigi was waiting at the train station waiting for her until he saw her text him.


I'm sorry Seigi, but I, unfortunately, can't make it. It seems that I have caught my friend's cold. Good thing I gave you the tickets though, so please take someone else with you! Sorry again, see you next week.

Seigi wondered who else he could take. His other friends would probably think it's a bit of a weird outing. He scrolled through his contacts and landed on Richard.

Would Richard really want to come?

Seigi stared at his phone wondering what to do. Would Richard think it's strange?


Seigi turned his head around and saw Richard standing beside him. "Richard? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Well, I-I was meant to be going somewhere with a friend, but they're sick now. So, now I have to find someone to go with me..."

"Where is it you are going?"

"To an aquarium...Richard, would you go with me?"

Richard's eyes widened slightly but then he let out a smile. "That sounds nice."

So, Richard and Seigi hopped on the train together. Richard sat by the window, looking at the all the different things outside. Seigi looked at Richard staring outside.

Richard really does look like a gemstone...


They eventually made it to the aquarium. Soon as they walked in Seigi's eyes began to sparkle. They were walking in a tunnel. The water and fish were all around them as they walked. Seigi put his hand on the glass as he stared at the fish with much admiration.

Richard smiled as he watched Seigi. "I didn't know you liked sea life this much."

Seigi turned his head to see Richard smiling at him, which brought a pink hue to his face.

"I-I-It's just really pretty," Seigi beamed. "Thank you for coming."

"Thank you for the invitation, Seigi."

They looked at the fish swimming around them beside each other. Richard's hand was slightly touching Seigi's which made Seigi blush like crazy. Seigi decided to just go for it and grab Richard's hand quickly. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see Richard's reaction.

Richard looked over to poor Seigi who was shaking. He let out a small chuckle under his breath and gripped Seigi's hand. Seigi whipped his head around and saw Richard's smile which made his stomach feel strange. However, he managed to smile back at Richard.

The two stood there smiling at each other while maintaining eye contact. Seigi started to become quite nervous after a while. Richard noticed this, so, he simply brought Seigi's hand to his lips and kissed his hand gently. Seigi was even pinker then; he looked back up to Richard with his sparkly eyes and wrapped his arms around Richard. So, Richard put one arm around Seigi's back and the other on the back of his head.

They stayed like that for many minutes. Neither needed to say anything. Their actions spoke for them both.
