Behind the Scenes

"She's asleep right now." I said. "Okay. How long do you think she'll be out?" Stephanie asked. "It came on this morning so the earliest would be in three days. And she's never been sick with me so I don't know how long she's usually out for." I walked to the fridge to grab a water.

"All right just keep me updated. I'll cancel her matches for this week and next. To give her time to regain herself after." She told me. "Thanks, Steph. I'll talk to you later." "Bye, Y/n/n." She hung up on my and I took a drink.

"Y/n!" I heard Rhea whine from the bedroom. Chuckling to myself I grabbed my phone from counter and went through the hallway into our bedroom. "Yes, my love." I smiled and walked to her side of the bed.

"Can you cuddle with me? I'm so cold." She reached her arms out to wrap them around me and snuggled her face to my stomach. "You don't want something to eat?" I asked and put my hand in her hair. "No. Not now." She shook her head.

Taking her hands off me I crawled over her laying on my side. Rhea turned around and nuzzled her head into my chest and pulled our bodies together. "Try to get some rest my love. I'll stay right here with you." I told her and pressed a long kiss to the crown of her head.


"Barry. Dude your paws in my side don't feel good." I turned my head to look at him. He just looked at me and moved to lay across mine and Rhea's hips.

I felt Rhea's head shift and her groan. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing, Hon. Barry just wants love." I told her and she moved her head to look at him laying there with a sad look on his face.

"Awe. Come here, Dork." She put her hands on his body as she shifted on her back to put Barry on her front. Rolling around I checked my phone that was on my bedside table. There was some Instagram notifications but nothing important.

Looking down I saw Luna looking up at me. "Might as well have everyone up here." I said to myself and leaned down to pick her up. Rolling back to look at Rhea I set Luna in between us and she licked Rhea's hand.

We stayed in bed with the dogs until Mazikeen (the orange cat. I don't know the name of her black cat. Let me know if you do, please) jumped up too. Now all of us were in the bed together. Rhea had a smile on her face just petting the dogs.

"How you feeling after your nap?" I asked and moved her hair. "A little better. I still feel like shit. But this helps me a little more." I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to make you some food. I'll come back to help you up when it's done." She nodded and I got up. "Nice booty you got there." She said. I just laughed and before I was out of sight I shook my butt at her making her chuckle.

Wanting to make something quick I cooked some eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I didn't make a whole lot knowing she won't eat much because of the nausea. But I did make some extra eggs for the dogs.

Walking back into the bedroom no one had moved. Rhea was on her back cuddled under the blanket, Barry on her, Luna resting on her arm, and Mazikeen resting her head on Rhea's leg.

Picking up Mazikeen I set her on the floor and she just walked away. "Luna. Barry. Get down guys." I told them and they got off. "You took my body heaters away." Rhea pouted. "Come on. Food ready." I held my hand out to her and she took it. Helping her out of bed she stretched and grabbed my hand walking us out to the kitchen.

For the next few days Rhea slowly regained her strength. She returned wrestling like she didn't get take the week off. And she then took another week off cause I got sick. But that was expected. 🤷‍♀️
