
Marci bolted forward, throwing her arms around Bucky's neck holding him in a tight embrace. She felt his arm snake around her waist as his head nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Her eyes were squeezed tight, trying to prevent as tears from forming. Bucky on the other hand had a smile plastered across his face, one Marci couldn't see at the moment, but she knew it was there.

She pulled back slightly, undoing her arms from their position around his neck and slid them so they rested on his chest. She had her eyes locked on his, reciprocating his smile. She slid her hands so they rested on the sides of his face, missing the feeling his stubble left on her finger tips. "How do you feel?" She asked him, eyes locked on one another's.

Bucky leaned forward, placing delicate kiss on Marci's lips, taking her slightly be surprise. He pulled away, "I feel like me," Marci smiled to him, planting another kiss on his lips.

Shuri, who stood awkwardly behind them, cleared her throat, causing the duo to turn to face her. Both Marci and Bucky looked to the young scientist with grateful eyes. "Well," she cleared her throat once more, stepping a bit closer to the two, "I'm sorry you have to stay so isolated from people out here, but it'll be safer for you," Shuri explained.

"Shuri," Marci said, "This is perfect," she nodded.

"I don't want to keep you guys from catching up," Shuri said, sending a wink in Marci's direction. Bucky noticed though causing him to shake his head and lower his chin, hoping the women wouldn't notice the faint blush that appeared on his face. "If you need anything at all, you know how to find me," Shuri said with a smile, an overwhelming feeling of happiness erupting within her. As she turned away she remember something she had forgotten to say, "Oh," she spun back to face the couple, "We've been working on a new prosthetic, I'll bring it by in couple of days when it's ready." Marci and Bucky both nodded to her statement while Shuri sent one final glance to the duo before boarding the jet and heading to the heart of the country where her family resided.

Marci and Bucky watched the jet leave the small secluded area they were in. A short wave of silence remained over them until Shuri's jet flew off into the horizon and out of their view.

Marci turned herself around, spinning back into Bucky's arm. "God," she sighed, as she wrapped her arms around his neck once more in a tight embrace, "I've missed you so much," she mumbled.

Bucky smiled as he hugged her back, he wished he could say the same. But he didn't miss her — only because, to him, he had just seen her hours ago. It was like he had simply fallen alseep and awoke just a few hours later. He didn't miss her because they had just been together as if no time had passed at all. Yet, Marci was left in the real world without him for months and that broke his heart. "Well, I'm here now," he told her, "And I won't ever leave you again, not if I can help it," he sent a smile down to her, placing a kiss on her forehead. She leaned into him, missing his delicate touch.

She pulled away from him, "Come on," she said, "Let's check out the new place," said with a wink before walking over to the small circular hut, or rondavel. The pair walked through the door, one of Marci's hands brushed the curtain that covered the door out of the way while the other pulled Bucky along behind her. The space was much large than it looked from the outside.

There was a small wood stove in the center of the rondavel which heated the home in the cool nights, she couldn't imagine they would need to use it much though. There was a cook stove along one wall along with a sink and table, on the other side there was a bed, an actual bed. In Marci's opinion it was definitely much better than the old mattress that laid askew on the floor of their shared apartment in Bucharest.

Marci shrugged her backpack off of her shoulders and tossed it onto the ground next to the door. A habit Bucky had embedded into her, keeping her belongings easily accessible in case there was a need for a quick exit.

Some things never seem to change.

"If I'm being honest," Marci began to ramble, wanting to break the silence that had fallen over them, "This is a hell of a lot better than the crappy motels Steve has been finding for us."

A small chuckle left Bucky's lips at her words. His mind couldn't help wonder to his one hundred year old best friend, "How is Steve?" He asked her, not knowing for certain but assuming they had stuck together for all this time.

Marci kicked her shoes off and plopped herself down the bed before responding, "He's good," she said with a small smile. Marci scooted herself back so her body rested on the head board then patted the spot next to her, hoping Bucky would fill it. He nodded and playfully rolled his eyes before walking over and sitting himself down right next to her. "He misses you," she told him, "Sam does too, even if he won't admit it," she laughed as Bucky's nose scrunched up in fake disgust.

"Your friends...," he trailed off slightly, trying to figure out the best way to ask his question, "You guys went through a lot of trouble for me. Did everyone end up okay?"

"Well," Marci sighed, "First of all, don't flatter yourself, this didn't start with you," she reminded him. She paused for a moment as her mind went back to the day the Sokovia Accords were pitched to the Avengers, the day she basically told the government to fuck off. "This all started with the Accords," she reminded him, "This is the exact reason I didn't want to sign," her voice got quiet.

"And it happened anyway," Bucky looked at her with sad eyes.

"But it's not your fault," she reiterated, "Clint and Scott took a deal so they could stay with their families. Wanda, Natasha, Steve, Sam and I have been laying low," she paused, "Well kinda," she shook her head, "We've still been kicking ass and stuff just under the radar," she laughed, "Probably not the best behavior for a group of fugitives but we are making it work."

"You always do," he smiled as he slid his arm around her shoulder and she cuddled into his chest.

It seemed as if their relationship had sparked out of nowhere. They had only just a few days together after they had officially admitted their feelings for one another before all hell broke lose. Though those feelings for one another had become apparent long before then, neither of them had acted upon their true desires until it was almost too late. That's not something either one of them would let happen again.

After Bucky's time with Hydra and Marci's long period of isolation after gaining her powers, they had both lived a lonely life. One void of any true romantic relationships. So now, as they lie together they know the importance of relishing the time they have. With their chaotic lives, who knows how long they'll get to enjoy this period of serenity?

"I could get used to this," Marci said quietly as Marci's fingers traced patterns on Bucky's chest.

"This seems like as good a place as any to settle down," Bucky agreed. Yet there was something about his words that set off something in Marci's mind.

"Have you thought about that?" She asked him, her fingers coming to lay flat on his chest. "Settling down? Making a home?"

"With you," Marci titled her head to face Bucky as he spoke, "I'm always home," he finished with a smile, planting yet another kiss upon her lips.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short but it's super fluffy and cute so hopefully that makes up for it. I really struggled trying to figure out what I want to happen between where they are now and up until infinity war because I didn't want to jump right into the action. They deserve so much better than that. Anyway, let me know what you think! :)
