chapter 2

Chapter 2
I finally open my eyes and think to myself, im surely dead this time. Looking around me there is alot of fog. I can hear someone calling me but I dont know which way there voice is coming from. It feels like it's all around me. it is the most soothing voice I have ever heard in my life. It almost sounds like..... no it couldnt be. I start walking through the fog and after what feels like hours, which really has only been a couple of minutes, it starts to clear. I can see something in the distance but im not sure what it is. I keep walking and as the last of the fog lifts...

"Wow" is all i can think to say. In front of me is a beautiful green meadow with all the wildflowers you can think of. There is a lake with a waterfall with water so clear you can see the fish swimming around  at the bottom. I look around a bit more and giggle to myself. "This would be heaven to Lyla." As I think this I cant help but start to cry. I miss both her and Micheal so much.

I stiffen when I hear a voice right behind me. It sounds familiar but I cant think who it belongs to. I start to turn around slowly when hands grab me by the arms to make me turn faster.

"Arghhhh" I scream as I look into the face of the only mother figure I had in the world.

"This cant be real, this cant be real," I whisper to myself as I step back in fear.

"This is very real sweety" That soft lovely voice that I havent heard in 4 years says to me.

"Lyla?" I say barely above a whisper.

"Yes sweety its me"
Its funny, hearing her I know that its Lyla but looking at her is a different story. She looks 10 years younger than the last time I saw her. As if reading my mind she says,

"I know the difference is surreal but it is definately me."
Hmm I guess I did die this time. They actually did it.
Lyla, who is now looking at me like I have gone crazy asks,

"Why are you smiling like a crazy person?"

" I have just realised that they finally got the balls to actually kill me. Now that im dead, im free."
Lyla starts to laugh at my answer.

"Umm I hate to burst your bubble sweety but you are not dead. your just visiting so to speak."
The smile that I had a second ago dissapears quickly only to be replaced by a scowl.

"Are you serious? Are you telling me that I have to go back to that place?"

"Unfortunately, yes you do im afraid. The moon goddess would not be very pleased if you stayed here permanetly. At least not yet.However she wouldnt mind if you visited from time to time."
With this I just look at her like she is the crazy one. I am certainly not getting stabbed or beaten to death everytime I want to visit. I mean that is the only way to visit right to be nearly dead?

"No silly girl you dont have to die to visit but you will learn this soon enough.  im not allowed to tell you too much as you need to figure it out on your own. Your wolf will guide you when you shift." I start to think maybe she can read my mind now.

"Yes I can it is because of the fact that, well im dead, and that you are special and your thoughts are really loud right now."
Ha well that explains it. it is then that I realise,

"But that means I have to wait till next week, a full seven days to know what it is im supposed to be figuring out about myself. Cant you be the sweet loving mother figure that i know you to be, and just give me a hint? I mean if it is a secret who am I going to tell?" I give her my puppy dog eye look that I know she cannot resist hoping that she will slip. Im left disappointed when she looks at me sternly and says,

"I have already told you im forbidden to tell you anything."

" oh yeah by who your mother?"
Instantly I regret saying that as guilt travels through my body like a rocket going into space. I am just frustrated at the situation.

"I understand you are frustrated with this information and to answer your question, technically the moon goddess forbid me."
Now im speachless. I feel like I have offended her now. Goddess could this guilt get any worse?

"Dont worry it will all work out in the end just you wait and see. and to answer your first statement no you dont have to wait a full seven days as you put it."
I cut her off,

"What do you mean it is a week till my birthday?"

"Well if you werent so rude you would let me finish." I look at the ground not being able to look her in the eye after behaving like a bitch to her.

"ok now it is your birthday tomorrow you have been unconscious for 6 days." She takes a step back now thinking im going to blow up at her again.

"Ha.. really?"

"Thats it, all you have to say about being out for nearly a week is ha really? I thought you would be blowing a gasket right about now."
I look at her and smile.

"ok so if im not dead what am I?"

"I told you, your just visiting but it is now time for you to go back. But before you go I need you to do something for me."

"Yes of course I will."

"When you leave, and I know you will leave, please take my girls with you? im not sure if you have noticed but the power of alpha has gone to your fathers head and he has now started treating the twins like he does you."
I stare in shock at this. I guess ive been too busy trying to stay alive and counting down the days before I can leave that hell hole to notice.

"I want you to treat them as you would a sister. I know they see you as theirs."
When Micheal and Lyla died my father made it his duty to look after their children. Ethan and Tina walked around the place with Hayden and Haylee like their shit doesnt stink, while the twins just stayed clear of me. I wondered why they didnt come to me when they were sad or hurt but then I realised that the prick probably forbid them from coming near me.

"Of course I will but how will I look after them? How will I know that what I am doing is right? I mean im only 15."
Lyla waits till I calm down before she starts talking again.

"Your wolf will help you. you will have enough money to run a small town. Micheal and I have been putting money in an account for you and the twins since we saw the first bruise."
Again I am shocked by this news. I had no idea that they cared that much about me.

"Dont look so surprised someone had to take care of you." Lyla says smiling.
I knew they were loaded but to be able to put money aside for the day I left withought Ethan and Tina noticing, damn. I couldnt help but notice that she hadnt mention Micheal either.

"Where is Micheal? I hoped that you would be together here."

"Dont worry he is here, he just thought it would be best if you only saw me that way you wouldnt be overwhelmed. He said he will wait for your next visit to say hi."

"Oh ok then. I guess this is goodbye...again."

"Yes it is at least this time I can see you before igo." She comes to give me a tight squeeze before kissing me on the cheek.

"Just remember we both love you and we will see you again soon enough. Oh and could you tell the twins that we miss them too. I have seen them crying at night and it least I know they willbe looked after now. oh speaking of the account name is under LyMiChLaKa and the password is Moon." she smiles at me one last time before walking off to near the lake where she fades away.

"I promise ill give them your message and look afterthem with all my heart." I whisper before falling into darkness once again.

sorry this chapter is so short but thanks for giving this book a chance and actually reading it. if you like it let me know by either voting or commenting. if you know a way to make it better im up for suggestions. And just before anyone asks I never said she was a rejected mate. The rejection was from her while pack, she still hasnt come across her mate yet. let me know if you think I should continue this book.
thanks guys
TkC xxoo
