Chapter 40- Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei

Luna did not tell Cheng Zhaozhao about Wen Huizhi's provocation.
In her heart, Cheng Zhaozhao only needs to give her a satisfactory answer, and that is enough.
Just after Cheng Zhaozhao finished filming and the day before the magazine was about to be released, the official blog of "KiKi" magazine sent a notice that they would invite famous singer Wen Huizhi and actor Zhang Wei in the issue they would send out at the end of this year.
Of course, Wen Huizhi's status in fashion needs no further explanation. It can be said that with her presence, the magazine will not worry about sales. Although Zhang Wei has rarely been involved in the fashion industry, there is no doubt about the purchasing power of his fans.
Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei, this lineup can be said to be extremely luxurious. With these two in charge, "KiKi" will definitely sell a lot of sales, and maybe it is not impossible to break new highs.
On Weibo, fans of Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei also cheered, saying they must buy it, and even ranked the news at the top of the hot search list.
At this time , some attentive netizens discovered the clues.
Exactly two days ago, "LUNA" announced that the release time of their year-end magazine would be December 20th,and today "KiKi" announced that it also happens to be December 20th.
Various gossips about the founders of the two magazines have been circulating in the world. Many people said that they were at odds with each other and argued with each other on various occasions. However, some people were very dissatisfied with this and even found a match for them.
Nowadays, at this exact same time, it's hard not to think about it...
What's more, Wen Huizhi has always been the darling on the cover of "LUNA", why did she suddenly go to the opposite house?
【 What does it mean? A dream collaboration, or are we finally going to get into a fight? ]
[ LK is real! ! ! ! ] [
People who complain about CP can have some brains. If I were the founder of "LUNA" , I would probably be beaten to death. Isn't this just a public declaration of war + robbing people? ]
[ Wen Huizhi has been cooperating with "LUNA", but he was hired by "KiKi", and it was released on the same day. This is such a cool operation, tsk tsk. 】
There are a lot of discussions on the Internet, but most people think that "KiKi" is too offensive, and many people's favor for Wen Huizhi has dropped.
When the storm surged, Wen Huizhi became famous.
[ I used to think that if you work hard and do your job diligently, the harder you work, the luckier you will be. But facts have proven that this is not the case. People who work hard can never be better than people who use tricks. I am convinced .
But fortunately, when I encountered setbacks, there were @KiKi magazine officials and @张伟V who were willing to help me. 】
Although the words did not clearly indicate what she was talking about, anyone with a discerning eye could see the implication .
When Huizhi obviously cooperated very well with "LUNA", so why did she go to the other party's house this time? According to her, is there some hidden secret behind this?
The real owner ended up in person, once again letting netizens grab the melon in their hands.
[ Is it possible that Wen Huizhi was originally chosen as the cover character of "LUNA", but Cheng Zhaozhao used some tricks to snatch this spot away? Wen Huizhi chilled her heart, so why did she go to " KiKi"? ]
[ Then Cheng Zhaozhao is too scheming! If Wen Huizhi loses to her in sales, wouldn't it be too pitiful? It's so beautiful and powerful! ]
[ I can't stand Cheng Zhaozhao's behavior anyway, and the same goes for "LUNA". Isn't it because Cheng Zhaozhao is so popular recently? Because this partner who has been abandoned for many years, isn't this just a matter of adapting to the changing circumstances? 】
【 Replacing it hard, it really reminds me of the villain in the company, the snobbery, he licks has a face when you are useful to him, and abandons you mercilessly when you are not useful, and turns to you. Go fuck the boss! ]

[ This Cheng Zhaozhao , with just a little bit of popularity, can do things like steal people's resources. If he really becomes famous in the future, I don't know how arrogant he will be. Maybe being a big name will become the norm! 】
  .. .
Wen Huizhi hired a navy army, all of which were to make "LUNA" a loser, while Cheng Zhaozhao was a scheming girl who did whatever she wanted based on her popularity.
In order to thwart Cheng Zhaozhao's development, the trolls frantically said, "This kind of person can't make her popular. She might do something even more egregious than Lu Zhiqun!"
Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei have been in the entertainment industry for so many years. For black people, This trick has long since gone away, and now the trend on the Internet has been completely deflected. A few rational remarks have been labeled as Cheng Zhaozhao's fans to clean up the ground.
The passers-by who wanted to speak for Cheng Zhaozhao were so frightened that they also shut up.
Cheng family and Lin Yuan couldn't help but look at the public opinion on the Internet.
Although he has seen a lot of the dark side of human beings, this is the first time he has faced such a terrifying public opinion war. In the final analysis, it is not as clean as the ones he has seen before.
However, Cheng Zhaozhao was still soaking in the hot springs at this time, feeling very comfortable, but he did not dare to go in to look for her.
By the time Cheng Zhaozhao finished soaking in the hot spring, it was already noon.
Lin Yuan saw her walking out and didn't 't say anything like "Don't go online for the time being." Now that information is so developed, it's hard for her not to know.
I just saw that she was in a very good mood after taking a bath in the hot spring, and she was even humming a song.
Seeing her like this, his originally angry mood was calmed down.
"Aren't you angry?" he asked curiously.
Cheng Zhaozhao naturally knew what Lin Yuan was talking about. To be fair, she didn't snatch this resource from Wen Huizhi at all. Even if it did, what right did netizens have to scold her?
Competition in this society is everywhere. Apart from unfair competition based on background and connections, of course whoever is more capable will get the upper hand. There is no reason why you should not allow others to be better than you if you are weak, right?
Cheng Zhaozhao put on his nail polish and said, "Why am I angry? They are right. Once a person like me becomes popular, there is no limit to the sky." "
Especially when dealing with people like Wen Huizhi, I am even more confident. I know how to write the word "soft hand"."
Lin Yuan became interested: " Do you already have a solution?"
"Luna A recording was just sent to me. Cheng Zhaozhao drank a cup of hot cocoa milk and said slowly, "The content of the recording is exactly Wen Huizhi threatening her that if she doesn't remove me, she will accept the invitation from "KiKi ". "
Luna has been scheming with people like this in the entertainment industry all the time. How could she get into this position if she has no sense?
She gave the recording to Cheng Zhaozhao and said that she could ask the official blog of " LUNA" to help issue a clarification, but Cheng Zhaozhao stopped her. Lin
Yuan felt relieved instantly: "Why don't you play the recording? "
Although he wanted to take out the recording and slap Wen Huizhi in the face the next second, he knew that Cheng Zhaozhao must have her own reasons for doing this.
Cheng Zhaozhao's eyes flashed with a cunning light: "No, directly Defeating her is not the most enjoyable thing. "
" Give her hope first, let her think she has succeeded for a second, and then give her a gentle blow. This is the most satisfying. "
Lin Yuan: You are very good at playing physical damage + mental damage.
Wen Huizhi will probably be pissed off by you.
However, now that Cheng Zhaozhao has found a way, Lin Yuan is relieved.
He clicks on the "Zhaoyi" group Looking inside, this group of people seems to have endless energy, and news is still coming out one after another at this moment.
[ I'm so angry with this group of people, Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei, aren't these the two rotten shrimps who spoke to Lu Zhiqun before? Is it? I think they want to take revenge on Zhaozhao!]

[ Definitely! Zhaozhao brought down Lu Zhiqun, which means he indirectly saved many girls. Now that something happened to her, no one stood up to help and spoke up. I feel really sad for her.]

[ Brother Yuan, how is Zhao Zhao doing now? You have to comfort her and let her not be sad.]

[ I don't know why, but I always feel that Zhao Zhao will not be sad...]
Lin Yuan replied in the group: [Don't worry, everyone. Sister Zhao has just found a solution. Don't argue, just wait and see.]
At the end, he added: [Don't spread this news, do it, or I will die.]
The group immediately exploded. [ Zai Zai really never lets her mother worry so much! Even if she gets slapped in the face , she will do it herself!]

[+1, I have never been a fan of an idol who is so worry-free. If something goes wrong, he will tear it up with his own hands. No need for fans at all. Fight for her, and I declare that Zhaozhao will be my destiny from now on.]
[ I can even earn commendations from the official blog and the police to show off to my fans. Who else in the domestic entertainment industry has made such a big splash?]

[ No I know why, but I always feel that this news is expected , not surprising...]
Cheng Zhaozhao and the "LUNA" official have never responded to what happened online. Under the behind-the-scenes manipulation of Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei, the popularity of this matter has been maintained and has not dropped.
But what is strange is that the voices defending Cheng Zhaozhao have disappeared without a trace. Only the continuous insults of trolls are active among netizens. In sight.
But there are only so many words to say. To be honest, many netizens are a little tired of eating this melon.
Seeing that Cheng Zhaozhao and Luna have not come out to respond, Wen Huizhi becomes more and more proud.
Hers In fact, it is difficult to have any conclusive evidence to prove this statement. It is true that "LUNA" used Cheng Zhaozhao, and it is also true that it did not use Cheng Zhaozhao. As long as the public sees these two facts, who will analyze the reasons behind it in depth? The reason?

There has been no response for so long. Wen Huizhi is certain that they have absolutely nothing to do with her!
As for her, as long as she makes good use of this topic and maintains the popularity of this matter before the magazine is released, she will sell it miserably and arouse the sympathy of the public. And sympathy, let them boycott "LUNA" and Cheng Zhaozhao, and at the same time buy "KiKi" magazine.
By then, the sales volume is even estimated to be dozens of times greater than theirs!
She won this battle!
Although she fought against Cheng Zhaozhao , Wen Huizhi has lost before, but this time is different. This is Cheng Zhaozhao's first step into the fashion circle. If the sales are so bad and there is such a scandal, who else in the fashion circle will dare to use her in the future?
Wen Huizhiyue She was so excited that she invited Zhang Wei and the director of "KiKi" magazine to her home. The three of them opened champagne and had a feast together to celebrate this perfect plan and perfect victory.
Finally, one hour before the magazine was released, they checked their phones together, waiting with great anticipation for what would happen next.
