❥︎Author's note

Update as of June 27 2024:

❥︎ Hi! I'm back from my long hiatus on RSAT7D! What happened? Why did I leave so suddenly? Well, I lost motivation in writing and lost interest in the franchise as a whole so I unpublished the book (very dumb decision I know) but I'm back and I want rework the book!

❥︎ I am very sorry by the sudden disappearance and cliffhanger.


❥︎Hello! This is a rewrite of my original anfic: Rapunzel's Sister!

❥︎Why did I want to rewrite this again? I felt like my fic didn't make sense wanted to expand more on her story.

❥︎All of this happens now after the movie! The way I lay everything out in the original didn't make sense so I changed it.

❥︎Some notes about this fic:

1. The plot is slightly similar to the original and has some references to the red shoes movie.

2. The Rapunzel here isn't the Rapunzel from Disney but is loosely based off it aswell as the Grim's brothers version.

3. This is gonna be slightly shorter than the original book (about 30 chapters or so).

4. Will draw some scenes occasionally.

5. There will be curse words and mentions of sexual behavior.

Okayyyy hope you'll enjoy this fic!
