The Story Has Changed...

I Can't Wait To See What Else Is Different~!

Amala Wynn-Lucretius
(Velvet Grisham)




Country of Origin


Amala is a brave, intelligent, and kind individual that became a healer to help those around her as they helped shape who she is as a person. She tends to be a bit of a loner but has quite a few friends, both due to her work and generally due to the positive yet calming energy she tends to radiate. While she is regarded as a kind, responsible, and generous person, she doesn't smile often and tends to act a bit cool and professional. She can get razor focused on matters regarding her patients, whether it be their treatments and making sure they're taking their medicine and they stay out of harm's way or actively working to make sure they have safe places to work, live, and play at. She is an active person in the community and is a natural at making connections with others. While she can be calculating, she doesn't do anything malicious, instead wanting to smooth things over, even those she doesn't tend to see eye-to-eye with. At the end of the day, she'd much rather have friends or at least allies rather than enemies. It takes a lot for her to truly despise someone, as it would have to come as some form of betrayal designed to hurt her.

Velvet is a dramatic, fun-loving individual that enjoys being around people and making people smile with her often charming antics. However, this is only for as long as her social battery lasts, and after that is gone she prefers to be alone, curled up in a blanket fort with the newest series that has captured her attention, whether it be book, movie, or television show. She isn't a fan of change but she's always willing to try something new at least once to give it a chance. She does tend to be a bit nosey at times, sticking her nose in situations she doesn't belong, but she tries her best to make up for it when this happens, as she really just wants to support her friends or people that need help in general

Both are loyal and dedicated to their work, even though they have vastly different professions. They enjoy being around friends and pursuing whatever happens to catch their interests. Both are absolutely not morning people, as both tend to stay up late into the night, either doing research or reading for fun, which makes them feel a bit grumpy and incredibly sarcastic in the mornings, as they're less likely to soften their words. Both follow through with their words through action, as they believe the only way to make sure people know you're honest is by living up to their word. Both believe in giving others second chances... however, it can be hard to get them to just forget what those people have done to them. Both yearn for the affection of others but tend to keep people away at arm's length, afraid to truly fall for someone in the off-chance that they end up getting used. Both are ultimately incredibly altruistic, whether on purpose or by accident, and they will always believe that no matter how bad something or someone may be, there is still good there/in them.

Velvet is an only child that had a love for the theater ever since her parents took her to see an on-stage production of Phantom of the Opera. The music, acting, and sets lit a fire within the young girl, and so she vowed that she would become a star, one that shone brilliantly enough to inspire others, just as she had been inspired. She would work tirelssly in her pursuit for stardom, becoming well known in the theater scene but outside of that, she was relatively undiscovered. She would get her big break when she would be cast as the main character of a televison series that quickly grew very popular, making her skyrocket in popularity as a result. She would lead a very successful career as a tv and movie star... however, she always felt that something was missing. Plus, she didn't realize just how bad the dark side of being a celebrity could be, threatening to push her to the brink of depression as well as a sort of powerlessness to change her circumstances. Instead, in order to cope with such feelings, she would escape her reality through the numerous fantasy novels and comics she would read, often wondering how the story would change if she was the main character (not in the way of how much better she would be in the main character's place, but more like an AU/Sona kind of thing).

One day, she woke up as Amala Wynn, the female protagonist of the fantasy novel she had been reading; Tales from Alamea: The Batlló Trial. The novel was about how her character, Amala Wynn, is discovered to be the illegitimate child of Emperor Santiago Lucretius. She is then brought into the capitol where she meets her half siblings; the eldest and Crown Prince Diego, the sickly yet kind Prince Antonio, the brave general Prince Andrés, and the one and only Princess Vianna. The novel follows Amala as she ends up falling in love with Lord (Y/N)... who was Vianna's childhood fiance. After discovering this and seeing how Lord (Y/N) began returning Amala's feelings, Vianna became progressively cruel and manipulative towards Amala and schemes a way to kill her and get (Y/N)'s affection once again. The story ends with Vianna's schemes being uncovered and her dying, publicly garroted for treason with Amala and (Y/N) living happily ever after.

Velvet has been reincarnated two months before the main events that take place in the novel, something she knows because of one particular incident that was mentioned in the book: the Pleiades Festival, an autumn festival that celebrates the kingdom's founding myth of the Seven Stars, each gifted with their own special ability, that descended from the heavens to establish Alhambra, with the eldest becoming the King and the other six becoming the Six Noble Families, and the rest is history as these families continue to be in power even now. It would be during this festival that Amala would discover a gift that was known to only reside with the royal family, and that in two months she would end up using and thus being discovered through this ability (light/star magic), which would lead to the rest of the book's events happening as planned.

It didn't take long for Velvet to discover that things had begun changing within the world she had gotten to know, as that the reputation of the one and only Princess Vianna had changed for the better and that she was actively trying to help the country become even more prosperous than before. Having read plenty of isekai and transmigration novels and mangas, Velvet realized what must have happened... and she was all for it, as from the sounds of it Vianna and the male lead of the novel were now closer than ever before, which made her happy because she felt like Vianna's character was wrapped up in tragedy and misunderstanding, and the chance to see her becoming the sort of person she knew she could be warmed Velvet's fanfiction-loving heart. Now all that Velvet needed to do was plan out what her next moves should be... only for her to end up becoming entangled with the novel's true villain and second male lead, (Y/N).

Velvet's family consisted of her parents Olivia Parks-Gresham and Briar Gresham. She also has her aunts Crystal and Jade Parks and her uncles Franklin and Patrick Gresham.
(Amala's family was already mentioned, but just in case you forgot: there is Emperor Santiago Lucretius (68) along with her older half-siblings Diego (35), Antonio (31), Andrés (27), and Vianna (24). Amala's mother, Leanna Wynn (42), ends up passing away at the beginning of the novel but is still currently alive and well.

Velvet had inherited Amala's magical abilities, namely that of Heaven's Barrier, an ability that makes it possible for her to throw up an impenetrable light shield that can defend against magical and physical attacks, and can protect anywhere from one person to the whole kingdom (though it takes quite a lot for her to be able to accomplish such a feat and its more so a narrative device towards the end of the novel than something she can suddenly do; it takes her plenty of training to get her to a point where she can get it to protect a whole kingdom).

Outside of that, Velvet has all of Amala's memories (including all the things she knew, such as the history of the empire, the extent/map of the empire, medicinal knowledge and the ability to prepare medicines and diagnose symptoms accurately, etc.) and is connected to some of her emotions, like she can feel how Amala felt when around certain people, which has helped Velvet in her journey to survive.

Velvet also retained the things she was gifted in, namely acting, but also in etiquette (for one of her recent roles) that has become second nature to her now, making her glad she had taken on such a role to help with executing her act as Amala.

Amala never had an official or magical weapon during the events of the series, relying on her reflexes and talents in medicine and reading people, with the closest to a weapon being the dagger she had on her person, mainly to help in collecting medicinal herbs and the such. She would also typically have the male lead or someone who owed her a favor help protect and keep her safe in physical altercations.


She has no magical or natural counters against the magics of others and is human, so she's very prone to the usual weaknesses we have as a species. She does have some resistance to poisons and illnesses as she was trained her immune system to be more resilient than most.

Originally in the novel, when Amala was growing up, she would listen to how her mother spoke of her birth father, of how she felt used by him and that while she was happy to have Amala, she wished her father was someone else entirely. This made Amala feel very critical of when people try to flirt or confess to her, as she is slow to trust romantic-leaning relationships and why she tends to form more friendships than anything else.

Velvet has been trying to decide whether or not to actually go through with the plot and let herself be discovered by captain of the guard for the royal family like what happens with the novel or to quietly relocate to somewhere else in the kingdom, as she doesn't really have any interest in becoming a princess, even debating on whether or not she should continue on with her acting career here in Alhambra. She also had a major crush on the true villain of the novel (Y/N), however she acknowledges that she would probably not be able to survive when dealing with him, so she is trying to avoid being discovered for that reason as well, not wanting to capture his interest.

Amala's appearance was magically changed by the efforts of her mother and a local witch in order to hide her golden eyes, one of the other ways to identify a member of the imperial family outside of their capacity for light/star magic

You are (Y/N), a man that has always wanted to overthrow the royal family of Alhambra (whether it was for power, change, because you simply wanted to see rich people get owned, or for some other reason that works with your character, pls let me know what you end up settling on ^^). For years you've been amassing wealth and connections that would get you closer to your goal while you would gather intel on the royal family, trying to find the ideal weakest length to use to your advantage, and for the longest time you thought you had the perfect answer: the haughty Vianna, who despite her power and beauty was someone that could be easily used if you poked and prodded the right points at the right time... until recently. While you didn't think much of it at first, you developed a growing sense of unease and bitterness as Vianna seemed to be turning over a new leaf, and as of recent developments has actually grown quite popular in high society and even amongst the commoners. By the time you realized it happening it was too late: you had lost the perfect pawn. Plus, it didn't help that that duke of hers was steadfast by her side no matter how many times you tried to put a wedge between them.

In order to clear your mind and plot your next move, you decided to go out horseback riding, as it was always something that managed to help occupy your body while your mind was off in your mind palace. It was working so well that you didn't realize you'd traveled deeper into a nearby forest than you intended. You'd made your base outside of said forest that had a small village at the other end of it, as having access to supplies but still having privacy was something you required for your operations. Well, coming back to your current predicament, you would only realize you were deep withing the forest only for a low-hanging branch to connect with your face, sending you flying off your horse and knocking you out. 'How embarrassing.' Was the last thought that went through your mind before you passed out. You could only hope that no wildlife took advantage of your prone body for a quick snack while you were out. You vaguely wondered if anyone would even be able to identify your remains, as you were wearing a disguise charm that would make it impossible for anyone to identify you. You'd had multiple different identities, each one aiding you for whatever reason you needed them.

Slowly, slowly, the darkness that had overwhelmed you was losing its hold on you, your senses returning to you one by one. First, it was touch: the cool blades of grass beneath you, the gently nighttime breeze that ruffled your hair, a strange yet comforting warmth on your forehead that felt like a cloth. Next, smell: the smell of rain about to start falling at any moment, the earthiness of the dirt beneath you... and the subtle yet sweet smell of perfume intermixed with the bitter scent of medicinal herbs. Next was sound: the breeze rustling through the leaves of the dense foliage of the forest, the faint rumblings of thunder in the distance, of someone rustling through their bag while a woman's voiced hummed a song that you couldn't identify. Caution flooded your being, as despite common sense dictating the fact that this mystery woman must be helping you, a life full of working with the dark underbelly of a kingdom had given you many enemies. Your fingers twitched as a soft groan escaped your lips despite your best efforts, the woman coming to a still beside you before she started rummaging through her pack faster, her humming stopping as she seemed in a hurry to leave you now that you were gaining consciousness. Your caution must have been well warranted as thoughts of what she could have found or stolen from you as well as paranoia of if she was sent by a rival quickly got you to open your eyes, your hand instinctively reaching out, just in time to grab the woman's slender wrist, your grip tight as iron as your actions earned a startled cry from the woman. "Who are you?" You asked, though your tone made it sound like a demand. She turned to look back at you and your breath stilled at the sight of the mystery woman's face. You didn't think you'd ever seen such a beautiful woman before; perhaps the closest would be that brat Vianna, but the visage you now gazed upon made it hard for you to think of anything else. "I'll tell you if you'd so kindly let go of my wrist, thank you very much." She replied firmly, the surprise in her expression hardening to a more neutral look, even though you could tell she looked a bit exasperated for some reason. You quickly realized that it was because you were still gripping her wrist, you hold loosening before letting go, an apology falling from your lips as you slipped into your "innocent yet kind gentleman" act. The woman sighed softly as she rubbed her now freed wrist a bit, seemingly not buying it but also seemingly too tired to call it out. "You can call me Ama, I'm a doctor from the nearby town. You're quite lucky I found you before the wolves did, you know." She replied with a slight huff.

