007, Family Meeting.

After Tsireya introduced their new home, Imala decided to take a stroll around Awa'atlu.

It truly was breathtaking. It wasn't the forest, and it definitely wasn't home, but it was a beautiful and comforting sight for Imala.

The sound of the water crashing filled Imala's silence, her feet kicking sand as she continued to walk along the shore. Imala noticed the people capturing many fish for their families feast, or as little children played together within the shallow waters.

It made her smile, reminding Imala of home. How close their clan were with each other.

"What are you doing?" Neteyam questioned Imala after sneakily finding himself behind her. Imala jumped, placing her hand onto her racing heart before facing Neteyam. "I'm looking around. If I'm gonna live here, I wanna know where I'm going," Imala smiled at him before they walked side-by-side.

"Did you forget something?" Neteyam asked.

Imala furrowed her eyebrows before turning to face him and stopped walking. Did she forget something? "I don't think so. . ." She replied before Neteyam took her hand, dragging her towards their shared marui.

She looked around the inside of the marui, remembering she had forgotten the family meeting. "You finally join us, Imala," Neytiri said because she had to force her son to go find Imala, instead of her being responsible.

Jake glared at Neytiri, making her ears dropped. "It's okay, it's her first family meeting, right?" Jake asked before Imala nodded her head, crouching down to listen on the conversation.

"I need you kids on your best behaviour, I mean it. Learn fast, pull your weight, don't cause trouble, got it?" Jake asked, eyes staring at Lo'ak because he was definitely a troublemaker. "Yes, sir," Lo'ak replied as Neteyam teased his head, Lo'ak instantly pushing him away.

"I want to go home. . ." Tuk cried.

Imala softened her eyes, she hated seeing Tuk cry. "Oh, Tuk," Neytiri whispered, wanting so bad to comfort her youngest daughter.

Jake's ears twitched and held onto Tuk's little hand: "Tuk, this is our home now. We're gonna get through this. We're gonna get through this if we have each other's back, right?" Imala sighed, this really did seem like a family meeting.

A meeting she didn't belong to.

"What does your father always say?" Neytiri asked them all. Imala looked around, pinching her lips into a thin line. "Sully's stick together," They all replied — all besides her.

Jake looked at Imala, turning his head to the side before his palm rested on her ankle. "You gotta say it too, Mala," He told her, she smiled brightly before nodding. "Sully's stick together," She whispered, feeling Tuk rest her body against hers in a comforting hug.

Neteyam smiled, looking as Imala's cheeks began to flush a light purple.

He was so happy Imala finally felt belonged into a family, she finally felt wanted. "Yeah, that's right," Jake whispered again, rubbing up and down on Imala's flesh.

"Can I go out some more? I wanna look around," Imala asked once noticing it was dark and her searching was cut short due to this family meeting.

Jake nodded slowly, "Um, yeah," He realised the threat was now gone, "Be back before the feast and. . . take Neteyam with you." He couldn't be too sure, signing his strongest son as her personal protector.

Imala stood, Neteyam following quickly after. "Let's go," She told him, Neteyam nearly falling over his feet at her soft voice.
