The Story

Inside the Mametchi Lab of Inventions, Tsuyopitchi and Poptchi are gonna see Mametchi's new invention.

Mametchi: Behold! The 3 Course Dinner Chewing Gum!

Poptchi: Wow! Let me try it!

Poptchi chews the 3 Course Dinner Chewing Gum.

Poptchi: *chew* *chew* It's amazing! I can feel the tomato soup's taste.

3 seconds later.

Poptchi: It's changing! *chew, chew* Roast beef with baked potato, crispy skin and sour cream!

Mametchi: I know, but chew with caution due to the side-

Poptchi: Blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream on top!

The center of Poptchi's face turns blue.

Mametchi: As I was saying, it was the side effects.

Tsuyopitchi: Um, Mametchi, what's with the blue thingy on Poptchi's face?

Poptchi: ???


Mametchi: It was the blueberry pie that caused the side effects...

Poptchi: What's happening?

Poptchi turns entirely blue (except for her eyes). Blueberry juice then gurgles inside her tummy. 6 seconds later, her cheeks fill up with blueberry juice. After she is filled with blueberry juice, we can see that her arms, legs, and even her head have been pulled into her body. However, her hands, feet, and head can be seen sticking out. Also, her hot pink-colored outfit can still fit her!

Poptchi: Mmph...Mametchi...

Mametchi: Yep, I tried it on Milktchi and she ended up like Poptchi.

Poptchi: Is this permanent?

Mametchi: No, this is just temporary. The blue color will wear off in about 2 weeks. Anyways, I want Tsuyopitchi to roll Poptchi to the juicing room.

Tsuyopitchi: Ok.

Tsuyopitchi then rolls Poptchi to the juicing room. After Poptchi got juiced, she made an opinion that she enjoys blueberry inflation.

The End.

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