Today's a big day. It might be the day I die. 

I take that back. I'm just nervous. I'm meeting Bakugou at the mall today for, whatever reason. He wanted to hangout. And the thought of being around him makes my heart beat so fast, but then, of course, I get the regular depressive reminder saying I will never be able to be with him.

It sucks. 

My whole life I thought I would never have the chance at love, not that I was complaining. I kept basing my bias based on my mom's experience. But I don't know the whole story, do it? Or at least I didn't before.  

I was thinking of seeing my dad. 

Crazy I know right? 

My whole life I refused to even think he existed, but Stain telling me everything really affected me. 

Would I have had a normal life? 

One where I'm not running away, afraid I'm going to get killed. 

A happy life? 

It all seems too good to be true. We live in such a corrupted world, and even if I try to talk to him, I would probably get caught and taken away. 

He would hate me, wouldn't he? 

He knows I exist, or at least the idea of me. Do you think he's tried to contact mother? Try to find me? Maybe I'm just getting too ahead of myself. This is all just a thought after all. Nothing I'm actually going to go through with. 

And besides! I'm gonna hang out with the love of my life! Huh. . . Do you ever wonder what it's like to hold Bakugou's hand, or touch his hair. . . Is it soft or spikey? It looks spikey but so fluffy at the same time. Oh well. 

I let my hair hang loose, wearing a black and red, baggy sweater. Matching them with black ripped jeans with chains because edgy, right?  And finally the final piece. The stupid face mask. The mask that hides my identity. Why couldn't I wear a mask in my villain suit so I didn't have to wear out outside? I'm so stupid. 

Shigaraki said he was going out today. And like always he didn't say where. He told me he's gonna contact Giran. Apparently, he has even more people for us, which is super cool. The more, the stronger we become. 

I finally left the hangout and made my way to the mall. Wearing a mask in this hot weather definitely was suspicious to some people,  so I just coughed here and there. Civilians are so stupid. And nosy. Like who said I needed to explain my appearance to you? No one. 

"Hey, No Name!" 

Holy shit I missed his voice. 

I mean what-

"Oh, hey Bakugou!" I looked at his outfit. He was wearing black sweatpants that had red striped on them and a skull tee-shirt. Ironically our outfits. . .  Kinda matched. The thought of that made me blush but not too much. I saw Bakugou smirked, was he . . . Checking me out? 

Nonononononono no way no way no way no way no-

"So, wanna get some food?"


It was beautiful. Fantastic. Heartwarming and every other word that exists for amazing. Bakugou was being so kind, it was honestly kinda surprising considering his temper and all.  Right now, the two of us were just walking down the long walkways of the mall, we stood very close. Hell, close enough for me to just lanch onto his arm. But of course, I would never do that.

Unless he wanted me to but I'm not gonna ask him something as embarrassing as that. "Ugh, this stupid store sells Stain merch. Who the hell would even think about supporting Villains." Bakugou said in a low growl, staring down the kids as they tried on the mask. "I know right, and besides its costume isn't even that good." Bakugou looked back at me and laughed. He laughed. 

Hi yes, 911? Ya, I think I'm having a heart attack.

"You make it seem like you have a favourite villain outfit. Please entertain me, which do you like." He turned to face me, crossing his arms as he waited for an answer. "Well, I don't have a favourite but . . . The Summoner?" 

Hi yes, 911? Ya, I think I'm a stupid bitch.

"Oh . . . Ya, she's a pain in the ass but a fine one at that." I wasn't supposed to hear that because Bakugou mumbled it but hOLY SHIT HE THINKS I'M GOOD LOOKING?! OKOKOKOKOK THIS FINE THIS IS FINE THIS IS-

"Ugh, look it's that stupid Deku . . . "

I looked to where he was looking and saw Midoriya with a guy in a hoodie and-

Oh no.


"Come on, I don't want him to know I was here." Bakugou started walking the other way, he grabbed my wrist dragging me along with him. I started walking behind him staring at his profile. He's just so . . . Handsome and . .  . 

I can't do this. 

It hurts too much. 

"Bakugou . . . " He stopped walking almost immediately. He hummed in response waiting for me to start talking again. Suddenly I'm at a loss of words, my throat hurts, my head is pounding and my eyes- 

Are watering. 

"Holy shit- (Y/N) are you okay?!" 

I shook my head, feeling the tears starting to come down faster. "I-I have something to tell you. . . And you have to understand I did this b-because-" 

"Hey hey hey, calm down. It's okay just talk." Bakugou said, grabbing ahold of my trembling shoulders. "I . . . Lied." 


I nodded. "I don't live with my brother. . . I don't go to the hospital because I'm not sick. . . I . . . I'm not quirkless . . . I'm not who I said I was. . . "

He let go. 

I felt his hands drop from my shoulders, I couldn't look at him but I can tell he's backing away. Confused. . .  

Bakugou . . . I'm so sorry . . . 

I love you. 

I lifted my head, eyes stinging and breathing heavy, I slowly lifted my hand and took off my mask. 

Word Count: 1047 

Published: Thursday, August 8 

