Heart Monitor

Scott was almost done with his punishment; his last chore was grocery shopping.

I had been helping him with Chemistry, sharing my notes and checking his homework.

Unlike Lydia, I wasn't a born genius. I just tried extremely hard and studied more than I left the house. 

Lydia hid her intelligence to attract guys, which was such a waste. With her brains, she could win a Fields Medal or a Nobel Prize, achieving things far beyond my reach. 

All I wanted was to become a doctor, maybe a neurosurgeon or a pediatrician. I loved looking after children and hoped to make a difference in their lives.

We decided to do the grocery shopping together, using the time to catch up and find out what was going on in each other's lives.

You'd think we'd have the same issues, being twins and werewolves, but we really didn't. 

I wasn't about to tell him what was happening between Derek and me, mainly because I didn't even know myself. It was a mystery.

We had a connection we couldn't deny, but he was hiding something from me.

I could see it in his eyes.

Plus, we hadn't even had our first kiss yet. There were too many interruptions every time we tried.

I was carrying one bag of groceries on either side of me while Scott had all the others because I was too lazy to take more.

After three hours of track practice, I could barely walk.

I shouldn't have come with Scott on this mission; it was too much. The boy at the register had been too busy staring at me to notice he was overfilling the plastic bags, which were sure to burst.

Scott was explaining what happened with Stiles, how they weren't even talking because his dad got hurt when the mountain lion was loose at the school.

He got hit by a car, but it wasn't a hard hit.

It just knocked him down, making him temporarily unable to protect the civilians as Sheriff of Beacon Hills.

Stiles had been talking to me, so I knew what happened.

His dad was going to be fine, just a small bruise on his hip, but he wasn't seriously injured.

He'd be Sheriff Stilinski for the next twenty years.

"What do I do?" Scott groaned.

I shrugged, recalling what Stiles told me, "Stiles wanted me to tell you that he's not talking to you, and there's nothing you can do to fix this."

Scott stopped walking.

"He's talking to you?" Scott asked, his voice tinged with surprise.

I nodded, continuing to walk while pulling out the car keys and pressing the unlock button. I listened for the unlocking sound but could barely hear it. Focusing on my hearing, I realized we were on the wrong parking level.

"It's on five, not four," I groaned. "Why? Just why?"
"Oh, come on, one flight of stairs isn't going to kill you," Scott laughed.

"My legs are going to fall off, so it might get you killed," I retorted, narrowing my eyes at him.

We pushed through the door and trudged up the stairs. Our eyes scanned the area, searching for the car. Frustration gnawed at me. I dropped the bags onto the floor and yanked the keys out of Scott's pocket, pressing the button again.

The car was on the next level. 

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed, accidentally bumping one of the bags.

The milk carton rolled out and slipped under a parked car.

"Nice," Scott scolded, giving me a disapproving look.

I flipped him off in response.

"At least I'm not failing chemistry," I muttered, adding, "loser."

Scott tugged at my hair playfully, making me roll my eyes.

Was he five?

Just as we were about to give up on retrieving the milk, it rolled back to us. Both of us stared in confusion, noticing the claw marks on the carton and the milk leaking from the side. We exchanged worried glances and heard a low growl.

"Run," I urged Scott, sprinting off with him right behind me.

It was a good thing I had my running shoes on. We raced down a level, the sound of the Alpha close behind us. I pulled Scott behind a car, pressing our backs against the vehicle and trying to steady my heartbeat.

Scott pulled my hand, guiding me up onto one of the cars and setting off the alarm. He motioned for me to follow his lead, triggering car alarms one by one as we ran. Panic surged through me.

This was it. We were going to die.

Suddenly, Scott's phone rang, and I shot him a wide-eyed look.

"Shut it off!" I whisper-yelled, watching him fumble with his hoodie pocket.

A pair of hands grabbed Scott, slamming him onto the hood of a car.

"You're dead," Derek growled.

Relief washed over me.

It was just Derek.

I placed a hand over my pounding heart, shaking my head.

What was he trying to do?

Kill us by scaring us?

How could I not catch his scent?

"What the hell, Derek?" I watched him release my brother. Scott stood up straight, glaring at Derek.

"Yeah, what the hell was that?" he exclaimed.

Derek began to walk away, and we followed.

"I said I was going to teach you. I didn't say when," he explained.

"Um, no, you didn't," I interjected.

Derek shot me a look, indicating he was talking to Scott. I turned my head, letting them sort it out.

"You scared the crap out of me!" Scott continued, trailing behind Derek.

"Not yet," Derek replied.

As I walked alongside Derek, I realized we had left the groceries in the parking lot. We would probably have to go back and get them unless someone stole them or ran over them. Plus, Derek had clawed the milk carton, so we'd need to buy more.

I tuned out their conversation. When it came to being a werewolf, Scott and I were completely different. I seemed to have more control than him.

"Yeah, but that was... I mean... Would you just stop? Please?" Scott's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

Derek and I turned to face him.

"Scott, calm down. It's not a big deal," I tried to soothe him.

His breathing was erratic. If he still needed his inhaler, he'd probably need it now.

"It is a big deal. What happened the other night, Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should've been there to do something about it," Scott admitted, pain evident in his voice.

"Derek, you really need to teach him how to control it," I said, and Scott nodded in agreement.

"Look, I am what I am because of birth. Scott was bitten, and teaching someone who was bitten takes time," Derek explained, his voice rising.

"Don't yell at me," I snapped, my face falling. Derek sighed and turned to Scott.

"I don't even know if I can teach you," Derek confessed, his tone sombre.

Neither of us wanted to hear that. I placed a hand on my forehead, feeling boredom creep in.

"What do I have to do?" Scott asked, desperation in his voice.
"You have to get rid of distractions," Derek said, pulling Scott's phone from his hoodie.

"You see this? This is why I caught you." He showed us the phone, revealing a missed call from Allison.

"You want me to teach you? Get rid of her."

Scott's face twisted in disbelief, asking, "What? Just because of her family?"

Without warning, Derek threw Scott's phone against the wall.

"Woah!" Scott yelled.

"Mom's gonna have your head," I muttered, holding in a laugh.

"You're getting angry? That's your first lesson. You want to learn control, how to shift? You do it through anger, by tapping into primal animal rage, and you can't do that with her around," Derek explained.

"I can get angry," Scott insisted, his breathing heavy.

"Not angry enough! This is the only way I can teach you. Now, can you stay away from her? At least after the full moon?" Derek asked.

"If that's what it takes," Scott shrugged.

"Do you want to live? Do you want to protect your friends? Yes or no?" Derek pressed.

"Yes. If you can teach me, I'll stay away from her," Scott agreed, locking eyes with Derek.

"This is going to be so entertaining," I muttered to myself, knowing Scott wouldn't be able to keep his promise.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

This morning I woke up in a surprisingly good mood, despite the chaos around me. I really didn't want to go to school, but I had no choice.

Skipping again wasn't an option—Mom would kill me. 

She was already planning to strangle Scott because his phone was broken—thanks to Derek—and she wasn't about to buy him another one. We didn't have the money for it, which meant I needed to find a job or, humorously, a sugar daddy.

Life wouldn't be such a struggle if Dad bothered to pay child support, but Mom refused to take what she called his "guilt money."

Scott and Stiles were finally talking again, so I let them bond while I focused on my own problems.

I was tired and hungry.

It was lunchtime, so I found a table outside, enjoying the solitude as I ate and read. I didn't mind being alone; I actually preferred it. I was a 'lone wolf' in that sense.

I moved my hair over my shoulder, picked up a mini carrot stick, and sighed. The cafeteria desperately needed to update its vegetable menu. As a vegetarian, there was only so much I could eat, and I was sick of carrots.

I was sitting in an awkward position, straddling the metal bench and hunched over slightly.

My phone buzzed, and I glanced down, annoyed at the interruption.

Stiles had been texting me all day, updating me on their attempts to help Scott control his werewolf tendencies.

Apparently, hitting Scott with lacrosse balls while his hands were restrained and he was monitored by a heart rate monitor hadn't worked.

They were back to square one.

I quickly texted back, offering to help if needed, and then returned to my book. Just as I got absorbed again, the book was snatched from my hands.

I groaned in frustration.

What was with these distractions today?

I looked up to see Derek sitting directly in front of me on the bench.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, glancing around nervously.

The last thing I needed was to get in trouble at school.

"Where were you last night? I stopped by your house to talk to Scott," he said, raising an eyebrow.

I frowned at his question. He didn't need to know where I was all the time. He wasn't my boyfriend, just a friend I had a major crush on.

"I had track practice and then went to Hayley's house for dinner."

"Hayley? I didn't know you had other friends," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, snatching my book back and slapping him on the arm with it.

"Why do you ask, anyway?" I opened my book again, trying to find my place.

"Don't know," he shrugged.

"Oh, did you think I was with another guy?" I smirked, waiting for his reply.

"No," he said, shaking his head.

"Okay, Derek," I muttered, my eyes returning to my book.

He moved closer, gently pushing the book in my hands aside and leaning in.

"May I help you?" I asked with a smirk.

"I'll pick you up after school, and we can do something before I meet Scott at work," he offered.

I dropped my book and placed a hand on his leather jacket.

"I've got practice, but maybe after," I said, patting his chest.

"You know we haven't hung out since I was almost killed," he joked. My face fell at the thought of him getting hurt. It made my stomach turn.

"Please don't ever bring that up again," I sighed, looking down at my food.

He nodded slowly in agreement.

"I'll pick you up after practice," he said, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

My cheeks heated up as he stood and walked away with a smirk.

What was I doing?

I was really starting to get sick of running track. I needed a change, and lacrosse seemed interesting. But girls weren't allowed to play on the boys' team. 

I remember when the girls' soccer team got cut; everyone rioted for a week before giving up. I had tried protesting until I was threatened with detention. I couldn't risk that.

Practice was almost over when Judy Rudolf, my persistent nemesis, started with her snide remarks again. I would sell my soul to see her trip just once, but I didn't want to stoop to her level. Girls should lift each other, especially on an all-girls team.

After Coach Johnson made us do a quick lap, a little snow began to fall. I decided to shower at home, avoiding a Carrie moment with Judy.

I told Hayley I'd see her tomorrow, grabbed my other bag from my locker, and headed outside. Derek better not be late picking me up. I just wanted to shower and go to bed. I had been feeling really weird lately.

When I exited the school, I saw Derek pull up with a second to spare. I rushed to his car and plopped down in the passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt.

"How was practice?" he asked as he started driving.

"I really don't like Judy Rudolf," I groaned.

"Who?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Forget it. Can you take me home? I need to shower," I muttered, leaning my head back against the headrest and closing my eyes.

"Yeah, you need to shower. And I'm not hanging out with you dressed like that," he motioned to my running outfit, "I've got a reputation to protect."

I scrunched up my face and turned to him.

"I can't stand you," I muttered, knowing he could hear me.

"Yes, you can," he smirked, turning back to the road. 

"We have to pick up Scott after work. Sorry, it's a little change of plans"

The car ride was mostly silent.

All I wanted to do was shower and nap.

"You know, since you're here... uh... now would be the perfect time to tell me everything!" I blurted out, trying to mask my nerves with a casual tone.

Derek sighed heavily, a look of reluctance in his eyes as he stepped closer to my bed, finally standing at its foot.

"Jay, now is actually not a good time—"

I couldn't let him brush me off again. Crawling towards him, I knelt on the bed, placing my hands firmly on his shoulders.

"This is why I don't trust you—you keep secrets," I said, my voice trembling with a mix of frustration and desperation.

He looked at me, his expression torn.

"What if you don't like the truth?" he asked quietly.

"Ugh... I've been waiting almost my whole life to hear at least a little bit of the truth, so please, just tell me," I pleaded, resting my head on his shoulder, feeling the tension between us.

Derek's shoulders sagged as he gave in. 

"Fine!" he said, exasperated. "You know when our eyes glowed? It meant... that we... found each other!"

I pulled back slightly, raising an eyebrow in confusion. 

"I don't understand," I murmured into his jacket.

"Jailee... you and I... are like soul mates," he confessed, lifting my head to look at me, his expression earnest and vulnerable.

I stared at him, my mouth wide open in disbelief.

"Actually, we are true mates. Our eyes glowed because I found the one person I want to be with, the one person I want to tell everything to, the one person who will always be there if things go bad," he explained, lowering his head as if ashamed.

"So, you and I are practically a couple even though we're not?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and excitement.

I wanted to be with Derek, but I was terrified—what if he hurt me emotionally?

"Yeah," he confirmed, his voice filled with a mixture of regret and hope.

I was completely shocked, unable to process what he had just revealed. Derek's face showed a hint of shame, and he seemed to be waiting for me to respond.

"Jay?" he prompted, his voice soft.

"We should probably go get going," I said abruptly, scrambling off the bed in a desperate attempt to avoid the intensity of the moment.

I threw my phone onto my bed and walked past Derek, heading into the bathroom. 

This was all too much for me to handle. I was only a teenager.

It felt wrong, yet strangely right at the same time.

As we walked to his car, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

What did this mean for us?

Could I really trust Derek with my heart?

The uncertainty gnawed at me, but I knew one thing for sure—we needed to find Scott.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

When we arrived at the animal clinic, Derek told me to wait in the car. Reluctantly, I agreed, figuring it would give me some time to think about everything that had happened between us.

Sitting alone, my mind raced. I wanted to be with Derek so badly, but the uncertainty was tearing me apart. If only life were simpler, with clear answers. Should I be with Derek? Yes or no. Why did everything have to be so complicated?

Suddenly, shouting erupted from inside the clinic, snapping me out of my thoughts. Alarmed, I quickly got out of the car and rushed inside. The sight before me made my heart sink: Deaton was tied up, and Scott and Derek were in the middle of a heated argument.

"Whoa, what happened?" I asked, trying to make sense of the chaos.

"Nothing," Derek replied curtly, his face a mask of frustration.

"He attacked my boss!" Scott yelled, his voice filled with anger.

"Why?" I demanded, looking between them.

"Derek thinks he's the Alpha!" Scott explained, his eyes blazing with indignation.

I turned to Derek, giving him a look that clearly asked, Are you serious?

"Do you have a plan?" Derek asked Scott, his voice edged with impatience.

"Just give me an hour," Scott said, determination etched on his face.

"For what?" I asked, trying to understand his intentions.

"Just meet me at the school, in the parking lot," Scott instructed before storming out of the clinic.

I glanced at Deaton, still bound and helpless, then back at Derek. Shaking my head, I couldn't hide my disapproval.

"What?" Derek asked, his tone defensive.

"Nothing!" I retorted, mimicking his earlier response before turning and walking away, frustration bubbling inside me.

I left the clinic, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

The complications in my life seemed to multiply with each passing moment, and I couldn't help but wonder how we would navigate through this tangled mess.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

We pulled into the school parking lot, and Derek kept glancing at me every few seconds. His tension was palpable, and I could feel his urgency to talk.

"We're gonna have to talk about it sometime," he said, breaking the silence. 

I didn't respond. Instead, I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door, and got out of the car, eager to avoid this conversation.

"Where's my boss?" Scott asked, his eyes scanning the area.

"In the back," I said, pointing to Derek's car.

"Oh! He looks comfortable," Stiles quipped sarcastically as he and Scott turned toward the school.

I looked at Derek, who seemed both annoyed and concerned. "Hey, what are you doing?" Derek called out.

"You said I was linked to the Alpha, so we're gonna see if you're right," Scott replied with determination.

"This I gotta see," I said, starting to follow them. Derek's strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

"Stay here," Scott ordered, giving me a serious look.

"Why?" I protested, trying to wriggle free from Derek's grip.

"To make sure he doesn't do anything with Deaton!" Scott said firmly.

"Fine," I groaned like a petulant child, rolling my eyes. They nodded, satisfied with my reluctant compliance.

Realizing Derek was still holding me, I demanded, "Put. Me. Down."

He complied, setting me gently on the ground. "Make sure he doesn't kill him," Stiles added, making me roll my eyes again as I adjusted my sweater.

As they walked away, I looked at Derek. He seized the moment. "Now... can we talk?"

"Nope," I said, emphasizing the 'p' with a pop.

"So what are you going to do? Just ignore me?" Derek asked, frustration creeping into his voice.

I pulled out my phone and pretended to browse the web.






Before I could respond, Derek grabbed my phone. "Give it back," I said, holding out my hand.

"Not until we talk," he insisted.

"Okay, let's talk," I said, crossing my arms.

"Thank you—"

"You're a liar," I cut him off, my eyes narrowing.

"I'm not lying," he defended, pursing his lips.

"Yes, you did," I countered.

"I didn't lie, but I also didn't tell you what's going on," he admitted.

"That's classified as lying," I argued.

"I didn't lie," he repeated, his voice firm.

"But you should've told me the first time I asked you. Now I have mixed emotions," I said, feeling the frustration boil over.

"Mixed emotions?" he echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! Okay, I don't know if I want to be with you or not," I revealed, the words spilling out.

He smirked. "What makes you think I wanna be with you?"

"Wow, are you serious?" I said with a nervous laugh. He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Maybe you're just pretty," he teased, but I wasn't amused.

"So even if we are 'true mates,' we don't have to be... together," I said, trying to process everything.

"No, but you'll never find anyone else. I mean, you can, but it won't feel right," he explained.

"That's great because I don't want anyone," I snapped, starting to pace. "I'm perfectly fine being lonely. Maybe I'll even buy a few dozen cats, and the first one I buy I'll name it Fluff—"

Derek cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine. His hands found my waist, and instinctively, I placed mine on his chest. His lips were soft and perfect.

When he pulled away, he asked, "Was that your first kiss?"

"Yes and no. I mean, I kissed Stiles in the fifth grade, but it was a dare, and he doesn't count because he's not really a boy," I said, rambling.

Derek laughed, resting his forehead against mine before pulling me in for another passionate, slow kiss.

The moment was interrupted by a loud, squeaking sound, almost like a dying cat. I looked at Derek, who shook his head, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What in the world was that?"

"Your brother... howling," he replied.

I continued giggling until a louder, more lion-like growl echoed through the parking lot. Derek grabbed my hand, and we saw Scott and Stiles emerging from the school, looking triumphant.

"I'm gonna kill both of you," Derek growled. "What was that? Are you trying to attract the entire state to the school?"

"Sorry, I didn't know it would be that loud," Scott said sheepishly.

"Yeah, it was loud," Stiles admitted, "and awesome!"

"Stiles! Be quiet," I scolded, still chuckling.

"Oh, come on! Don't be such a sour wolf," he said, squishing my face with his hand, making me laugh a little more.

"What'd you do with him?" Scott asked, looking around for Deaton.

I turned to see Deaton gone. "I didn't do anything," Derek said defensively.

"Jay! What happened to keeping watch?" Stiles accused.

"I guess I was a little distracted. Sorry," I said, glancing at Derek, who was smiling.

But my apology was cut short by a sharp pain in my stomach.

I looked down to see claws protruding from Derek's chest.

The Alpha had attacked.

"Derek!" I screamed as the Alpha hurled him into a wall.

I couldn't breathe or move, and I felt Stiles dragging me into the school. The world around me blurred as panic set in, my mind unable to process the horror unfolding before me.
