That was crazy...

Y/N's POV:

WHAT. THE . ACTUAL. FUCK. Jonathan's not been home since he left about 4 days ago. I've been stuck here with lunatic Joyce and even crazier Hopper.

Like, how am i supposed to help, if i don't know anything to help. Joyce and Hopper says it's none of my business. But i'm the one with superpowers. Of course they don't know that of course.

I've been sitting around the Byer's house and doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and watching Joyce and Hopper talk to lights all day. And it's starting to freak me out a little.

Right now, I'm sitting on Jonathan's bed and playing with cards. It's sooo boring.I sit there and play with the cards. Then, the door bursts open. I look to see who it is. 'Well i be a son of a bitch.' It's Jonathan, gasping for breath like he's just run marathon.

I have so much shit to tell Y/N. SO MUCH. But i can't right now. Right now we need his help. I run upstairs and burst through the door of my bedroom.

There he was exactly how i left him 4 days ago. Sitting on my bed, crisscrossed and playing with cards.I stand there gasping for breath. " C'mon. W-we found Will. But we need y-your help." He looked at me confused and just sat there.

'Did he not just fucking hear me?" "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! GET UP! C'MON!" He quickly gets up and puts on some random shoes. He runs out into the hallway. Me following him shortly after. We run out the front door.

He jumps into the backseat. 'Good he's not a complete idiot' I get into the drivers seat. Nancy is in the passenger. "So you must be the famous, Nancy Wheeler." Y/N chuckles from the backseat. Nancy giggles and looks at me.

I smile quickly and reverse out of the drive way. "So, where are we going?" Y/N asks while looking out of the window. "Well, YOU are going to go to Hawkins middle school. To sit with the others. So, 11 can defeat the demogorgan." I smile pointing to the rearview mirror so he can see me.


"We'll explain it later, Y/N," Nancy says calmly," Just calm down and trust us ,okay?" Y/N nodded slowly and looked back out of the window.

"Okay, we're hear. Go through that door right over there." I pointed to the door to the school gym. "Okay." he said. I can tell he's scared. He's takes a deep breath and gets out of the car.

I watch as he opens the doors to the gym, as he walks in the doors close behind him. 'Please be careful Y/N'

Y/N's POV:

As i walk into the gym i see a group of around 4 kids sitting on a long seat. I'm not exactly sure what their called. As the door slammed shut behind me, they all looked at me. I continued walking to them.

" Hey. I'm Y/N. Jonathan's friend." i say with a small wave. As i come to a immediate stop in front of them i notice their features.

There's a girl with a shaved head, like mine. Next to her his a boy with jet black hair and dark eyes. Beside him is a boy in a cap and he didn't seem to have much teeth. The last boy was a dark skinned boy dressed in camouflage.

The dark skinned boy talked first." I'm Lucas. This is Dustin," He said pointing to the one with a hat on," And that's Mike and Eleven." He points to the other two.

I stared at the girl he called Eleven. I walked towards her. " 11? " i asked. 'Y/N stop you sound like a creep' I looked at her and rolled up my sleeve to show my '009' tattoo on wrist. She looks at my wrist and looked at me in awe. She showed me her wrist too.

"Eleven." i read. She nods her head in agreement to her name."I'm 9. But my real names Y/N Brenner. Like, Dr.Brenner. I'm his son but don't worry i'm not like him. He kept me a prisoner too."

"Papa?" Eleven asks me. I nod,"You called him papa." i said pointing at her. She giggled a little bit. 'did you say something funny just now?'

"Wait.Wait. Wait. You also have powers?," Mike asked. I nod. "So, you can move stuff with your mind like Eleven?" Dustin asked. "I can't move stuff with my mind,but I can make fire with my hands and mind." I crossed my arms. Dustin seemed shocked. " Can I see?!" Dustin asked a excitedly.

"Sure." I make a small fire in my hand. They sat there in awe. I put out the fire. " Wait if you're also from the lab, how can you talk better than her? Like form sentences." Mike asked.

I looked at Eleven. She shrugged. I also shrugged. "More advance work for me then for her." Eleven nodded in agreement. "I wonder if there's chocolate pudding?" Dustin says randomly. I look at him confused.

" Come on, I'll show you." Dustin stood up and i followed him out of the gym. We walk down multiple hallways. " What is this place?" I question. "It's called school. It's a living hell." I nod. We continue walking down hallways until we come to a stop.

He walks inside and i follow."This is the cafeteria. Where you eat food." I look around and there are tables with seats connected. We walk to the back of the room." And this is the kitchen. Where we will find chocolate pudding." He looks around the kitchen looking for whatever it's called.

I sit down and wait for him to find the chocolate pudding. I start to doze off. I'm tired. I'm always tired now. I feel my eye lids growing heavier. 'I can't believe i found Eleven. Surprised that she's still alive.' And with that a just don't sleep, I pass out. Like someone hit me with a frying pan so hard i immediately went out.

TIME SKIP:brought to you by Will's bowl cut

I hear yelling and crying. I started freaking out. I looked around and Dustin looks frightened as well. We ran to where the screaming and yelling was at. He ran into a classroom. And i saw the craziest shit ever. Eleven screaming, her nose bleeding as well. My nose does that as well when i'm over using my powers. Right across from her is the ugliest but yet the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.

It looked slimy. And it had a tall, body. It had arms and legs. And didn't have any eyes it's whole face was it's mouth. It was disgusting. I looked over at Mike's trembling body. He was terrified , he was crying. He's fond of a Eleven. That's why. I can see the pain in his eyes. I saw Lucas hiding behind a table.

Me and Dustin run over to Lucas. To hide with him. Then, suddenly there was no more screaming. No more shrieking from that awful thing. I looked to see what's stopped. I saw nothing not even Eleven. I just saw ashes. falling to the ground. Eleven was gone. She's dead. So was that awful thing. The only sound i hear his Mike's whimpers and cry's. I only just met him but I felt bad. Really bad.

I look over to Lucas,"What was that?" I question. "A demogorgan." he's says blankly. He doesn't even look at me. I look at Mike again. 'Holy shit.'

"That was crazy."

This chapter is rlly long. and sorry for any mistakes.
