1 1 ๐Ÿ’™

It's time to meet up with Pierre to talk about something that happened just as you separated.

Y/n: hey
Pierre: hey
Y/n: how's life been
Pierre: alright and you
Y/n: hectic
Pierre: so, you wanted to meet up?
Y/n: uhm yeh, please sit down.
Pierre: okay
Y/n: so, we've been broken up for about 3 months
Pierre: yeah? Where is this heading
Y/n: you remember that one night at my house uhm in the pool?
Pierre: oh my god y/n don't tell me,
Y/n: I'm pregnant.

Pierre didn't know how to respond. He sat with his head in his hands while you waited for him to respond.

Pierre: amazing

He said with a bit of tears in his eyes. You were relieved

Y/n: you can be in the babies life or not but whatever you do I'm keeping the baby, I know we're young but I already love him.

Pierre: it's a boy?

Y/n: yeah

You smiled, he hugged you tightly kissing your forehead. Pierre whispered something in your ear.

i love you

He said softly.

I love you to

You respond.

You lips connected softly and you remembered how you've missed his lips on yours.

This felt right.
