
Bill and I ran back toward the kitchen to see Eddie yelling at Richie to stay away. Richie, for some reason, wanted to snap Eddie's broken arm back into place. I'm not gonna lie, if this wasn't a life-or-death situation, then I would be laughing my ass off right now.

"No! No!" Eddie yelled.

"I'm gonna snap your arm into place," Richie said.

Eddie glared at him. "Rich, do not fucking touch me."

"Ok, one -"

"Do not touch me!"

"-two -"

I shook my head. "Richie, you're just going to make it worst!"


Richie ignored both of us and snapped Eddie's arm in the wrong direction. We all screamed at the newly odd angle along with the loud sound of Eddie's bones cracking.

"What the fuck did I just say?!" I shouted as Eddie screamed bloody murder. I carefully grabbed Eddie and pulled him up as we all bolted for the exit. I don't want to be in this place any longer than the rest of them.

"Holy shit!" Mike shouted as we were greeted by Eddie's manipulative mother.

She grabbed her son and pointed at all of us. "You. You did this," she snapped. She dragged Eddie toward her car. "You know how delicate he is."

"We didn't do shit to him. We were attacked," I argued.

"Don't try and blame anyone else," she sneered. "You are the adult here, Jenny. I could have you arrested for child endangerment. Especially having that little dirty slut Miss Marsh around him. I'm sure she's picked up a few tricks from you." She looked at my outfit. "Cover yourself up. There are children present."

I felt my eye twitch. "You're calling me a slut? You? Derry's least attractive woman? I'm sorry if no other guy is looking your way because you like to dress up as holiday ham. I spend more time with your son than you do because you want to sit on your lazy ass and shove your Grinch-looking face with a pound cake." I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "And child endangerment? Really? The only one who should be calling the cops is me for all the bullshit you're putting Eddie through. I'm sure they'll love to know that you've been faking all of his -"







I felt a stinging sensation against my cheek. My hand flew up and touched the small cut she gave me from her nails. Oh, I wanna punch this bitch so bad but I gotta show Bill that violence isn't the answer to everything. Although, after what happened inside and being tongue fucked by the clown, I'm feeling a bit petty.

"Nice going, you dumb bitch,"  I chuckled. "Now I got your dumbass for child abuse because I'm still 17, I'm not a legal adult yet. Or maybe I should go to my parents and explain what happened. I'm sure they'll love to hear how you put your disgusting hands on their daughter."

Mrs. K laughed at my threat. "Oh, like they'll take your word over mine. I've even got Eddie as proof of your recklessness."

I tilted my head to the side. "Oh, really." I took a deep breath before I felt tears prick my eyes. "I don't know what happened. We were telling Mrs. K we were attacked but she thought we were lying. Then she threatened to call the cops on me after she called me a slut and slapped me in front of Bill and his friends." I blinked them away. "And you just gave me the proof I need, so great job, Mrs. K."

Her mouth flew open. Yeah, I dare her to say something after that.

"Well..." she began. She took out her wallet before pulling out $40. "How about we keep this between us?"

"$50 and you apologize," I said.

She rolled her eyes before taking out an extra $10 and handing it over. "Sorry for slapping you."

I took the cash but shook my head. "Not to me." I motioned to the redhead. "To Beverly."

"You've got to be kidding me?"

I looked at Richie. "Where's the nearest payphone?"

"Fine, I'll apologize, but Eddie's not allowed to go near your brother and his friends."

"What?!" the boys exclaimed as I clasped my hands behind my back.


Mrs. K had a satisfied smirk before giving Beverly a look. "Miss Marsh...I take back what I said." Then she looked at me. "Happy?"

"Ecstatic," I replied sarcastically.

Eddie's mom gave all of us a look of repugnance before going into her car. My chest grew heavy as I finally spotted Eddie crying in the front seat as she drove away.

"What the hell, Jenny?!" Richie exclaimed. "You can't just tell her we can't hang with Eddie anymore."

"I know," I began. I looked at the kids with a grin as I held up my hand to show them my fingers crossed. "That's why I kept my fingers crossed."

"That's brilliant," Bill stuttered. Before looking at his friends. "We saw the well. We know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared."

Stanley shook his head. "No! No next time, Bill. You're insane."

"Why?" Beverly questioned. "We all know no one else is going to do anything."

"Eddie was nearly killed! It almost took Jenny to second base. And look at this motherfucker. He's leaking Hamburger Helper!" Richie listed before motioning to the slash marks across Ben's side.

"And what do you suggest we do, huh?" I asked. "We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself, It comes back every 27 years."

"Fine!" Ben shouted in agreement. Or at least I thought it was in agreement. "I'll be 40 and far away from here. And why do you care? You're leaving for college anyway. Isn't that why you're leaving this town?"

"Yeah to get an education. But you act like I'm not going to come back."

"Yeah, you'll be 44."

"And that clown will still try to get into your pants," Richie commented.

"Shut up, Richie," Bill snapped at him.

"No. How about we face the facts? Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed, too."

I swear I have never seen Bill so angry with any of his friends before. The look he was Richie was one to kill. "Georgie's not dead."

"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself and Jenny before she becomes Its bride." Richie tried to move around Bill but he blocked him.

"No, take it back. You're scared and we all are, but take it back!"

Bill pushed Richie, which shocked me. Richie glared at Bill before pushing him back. My mouth flew open when Bill punched Richie in his nose, making the boy go down.

"Bill!" I shouted as I Stanley and Mike grabbed Richie and held on before Richie could punch Bill back.

"You're just a bunch of losers!" Richie yelled.

"Fuck off!" Bill screamed back. I held onto him as he tried to attack Richie.

"Richie, stop," Stanley pleaded.

Richie shook his head and let everything off his chest. "You're just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourselves killed trying to catch a fucking stupid clown!"

"Stop!" Beverly cried. I wrapped my arms around Bill and hauled him over my shoulder as I used my foot to hold Richie back. We stopped and looked at the redhead. "This is what It wants. It wants to divide us." Knowing they weren't going to hurt each other, I gently set Bill down while lowering my leg. "We were all together when we hurt It. That's why we're still alive."

"Yeah?" Richie began and started walking away. "Well, I plan to keep it that way."

One by one, the guys started walking away from us. They grabbed their bikes and went their separate ways, leaving Bill, me, and Beverly alone. None of them wanted to die at the hands of It.


The next thing I knew it was August.

No one spoke to each other since then. Bill and I haven't talked like we usually did. But that's my fault. I was so busy packing and buying things because I'm leaving in two days. Two days and I'll be away from Derry. Away from Bill.

That's probably the only thing I dread the most. It never bothered me leaving because I knew Bill had his friends to look out for him but now...there's no one. I even thought about putting college on hold until this is all done but Bill didn't want me to put my future on hold and assure me that he'll be fine.

Now, I was busy packing the rest of my things. I tried not to think about it because I know I'll be crying. My mom and dad made sure to take a ton of pictures with me. I grabbed the small photo album they said I can take with me in case I ever get homesick. Wanting to take a trip down memory lane, I decided to flip through it. The first photo was of my parents when they were around my age and their wedding picture. I kept flipping through the album. From my birth to Bill's to Georgie's. Flipping through the next page was Georgie's school picture. A sad smile came to my face as I brought my hand up, letting my fingers linger over his picture. My eyes began to water as my chest became heavy. Tears began dripping down my face as I have to face the hard truth. Georgie's dead. He's not coming back.

"Don't be sad, Mama, you'll see Uncle Georgie again," I heard a little girl say next to me.

My breathing hitched as I slowly looked down. There she was. Red hair, piercing yellow eyes staring at me, smiling.

Dropping the book from my hands, I tried to scream for Bill but a large gloved hand covered my mouth. I heard a twisted laugh before feeling wet lips against my ear. "Hello, Jenny."


A/N: Sound the alarms, Pennywise has Jenny. Pennywise has Jenny!

And sadly, this story is coming to an end. There's only one chapter left of Pennywise Loves Me?
