Phobos: ¨dont care¨ *they get to the house* ¨sans we have a guest well a person whos gonna be under house arrest and staying here¨

Chira: ¨whos the guest¨ *sees error* ¨aw hell naw¨

Error: *Snorts*

Chira: ¨no fuck this dont care just dust him or hand him to undyne¨

Ink: "Pfff"


Phobos: ¨...wish i could¨

Error: "Ya I am your new house guest so get used to me also do you have any like bagels or something"

Phobos: ¨you are a prisoner and we have taquitos, biscuits and sausage gravy¨

Chira: ¨the biscuits and sausage gravy are mine and ill dust you if you take it¨

Error: "Chill ya biscuits I'll go find a couch somewhere then" *Proceeds to walk to le couch*

Chira: *skitters away from error to the stairs*

Error: *Notices at smirks at the Sans before laying down on the couch*

Phobos: *glares at error in dont you dare use my bothers ptsd against him*

Error: *Rolls his one existing eye dramatically*

Chira: *is now sitting at the bottom of the stairs*Phobos: *goes in the kitchen to get some food for everyone*

Error: *Is chilling on le couch looking tired*

Chira: *hes calmed down a good bit he gets up and sits on the couch away from error*

Error: *He looks at him*

Chira: ¨... what?¨

Error: *Shrugs and rests his head on le couch looking at the ceiling*

Chira: ¨whatever...¨ *his tail lashes around hes still not really used to it*

Error: "So how long am I gonna be stuck here with you two?"

Chira: ¨um well based off the crimes you did your sentence would be 55 years and your staying with us till a space opens up at the prison¨
