Part 3

At dinner, Lee, Norwood and Liam sing the birthday song to me and I make a wish over a piece of chocolate cake. Of course, Lee brought me two scoops of ice-cream to go with it.

Just then, Jake, the guy I met earlier, walks by with another couple.

"Happy Birthday, Masai," he says, stopping at our table. I had not realized he was seated so close. "Why didn't you tell me earlier it was your birthday?"

"Because you were a stranger earlier."

"Well, I'm not now, am I?" His tone is flirty, his smile wide.

I glance at Anna and her smile is just as wide. She gives me a blatant look of encouragement. I also see the questions in her eyes. Who is he and why did you not tell me you met him?

I briefly glance up at Lee, but he quickly looks away and begins to clear a few empty dishes from the table.

"Hey," Jake says, "after you're done with dinner, why don't you join us and let us help you celebrate?"

Lee's back is to me and I watch his shoulders stiffen briefly before he walks away, taking dishes to the kitchen. "Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but not tonight."

"Are you sure?" he tries again, slight disappointment in his eyes.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep too well last night and I'm pretty tired."

"Okay, but if you change your mind, we will be in the lounge on the main floor of the atrium."

"Thanks," I tell him, attempting to infuse sincerity into my voice, not the least bit tempted by his offer.

When Jake and his friends leave, I look around for Lee and spot him a few tables away talking with the guests.

"Girl, that man was fine," Anna says. "You should have gone with them and had some fun. I would have if I was single."

"I'm right here, babe," Chad reminds his wife, putting an arm around her and she laughs.

"I know." She pats his cheek lovingly. "Just trying to help my sister out. He was fine, but he doesn't have anything on you."

I can't help but smile as I watch them. They are both two years older than me and have been married for twelve years, and I have never seen two happier people. Even when their kids are driving them crazy, they are happy because they have each other.

They have everything I want.

Lee finally returns to our table and I thank him for the wonderful birthday dinner.

"It was so much fun and I really appreciate it," I tell him.

"You are very welcome. I'm happy we could help you celebrate."

"So am I," I say, warmth filling me. I keep my eyes from lingering on him, not wanting Anna to glimpse anything in my expression.

We all stand to leave. Again, his embrace is warm and his arms are home, but this time it is physically painful to move away.

It is because of the touch last night.

His touch against my cheek has weakened me, making it harder to keep my feelings hidden. Still, I try.

Instead of my usual walk afterward, I spend this time on my stateroom balcony, not wanting to risk running into Jake. A little after ten, I make my way out to our meeting spot on deck. There, I wait for Lee.

~ ~ ~

It is almost midnight and he hasn't shown, and I have an overwhelming urge to cry. Thinking about Jake's earlier invitation, I realize Lee had heard him ask me, but he never heard my answer. Does he think I am with Jake? Did he think I changed my mind about meeting him tonight? Did he forget to come? He had to know I would keep my word. His friendship is too important to me to do otherwise.

Or maybe he finally sensed my true feelings for him and decided not to come. I could kick myself for being so transparent!

Angry at myself, I blink the tears away, deciding not to wait any longer. I have lost too much sleep as it is and I will never be able to function tomorrow.

As I stand to leave, suddenly he is here and my heart lightens.

"I'm so sorry, Masai. Tonight, it took a lot longer to close up."

"It's okay." I smile, my gaze dropping to the gift shop bag in his hand.

He gives it to me. "Happy Birthday. I have to go, but thank you for waiting."

Before I can respond, he turns and walks away. I can't fault him. It is so late, he will probably be dragging tomorrow as much as I will, and he can't afford to be tired.

"Goodbye, Lee," I whisper and head back to my room, choosing to wait until I am there to open the bag.
