chapter 03

"Everybody, these are our new students. Welcome Billy and Talia Hargrove," the teacher introduces the twins. Natalia had convinced Susan to call the school and have their names on the register as Billy and Talia rather than William and Natalia.

Whilst she's stood at the front of class, she makes eye contact with a boy sat near the window. He looks tired, somewhat disappointed, whilst he props his head up on his hands. Underneath his elbow is a piece of paper with lots of scribbling out. Their eyes lock until Steve looks away, unbeknownst to Natalia it was because of Billy glaring fire at Steve 'the hair' Harrington.

Once the introduction is over, however, Talia makes her way straight to an empty seat near the back. It's homeroom so there are no assigned seats, most people have their chairs turned around to face the desk behind or next to them to chat in a group with friends, the teacher is sat at her desk at the front doing her own thing, but Talia doesn't bother attempting to socialise for now and just grabs her book from her bag instead once she reaches her chair.

Whereas Billy walks slowly to an empty seat in the middle of everyone, sucking up as much attention as he can, smirking and winking at his new female fans as he goes. Once he is seated, the girls surrounding him turn their chairs to face him whilst they twirl their hair in between their fingers and laugh at what he has to say with interest.

Talia just rolls her eyes at her twin, typical Billy.

Her classes go by rather quickly and with little trouble, she meets two girls in the hallway on her way to lunch because one of them bumps into her.

"Oh!" the ginger girl who collided into Natalia squeals. "Sorry!" she mutters in a daze before picking up her folder from the floor.

The girl has pale skin that looks a little yellow in the dim lighting. Her wavy orange hair reaches past her shoulders and has been somewhat tied up into a half up/half down style. She saw a quick glimpse of her greyish blue eyes before the girl had looked away.

The other girl beside her rolls her eyes with a small smile on her face, "sorry about her, she's always in her head. I'm Luna, Luna Gray. This is Claire Ross. You're new right?"

Luna's pale skin seems a little flushed, as if partially embarrassed by her friend's actions. She has deep brown eyes, dark and mysterious, and her chocolate hair is straight like a ruler compared to Claire's.

"Yeah, I'm Talia Hargrove," the blonde formally introduces herself, despite knowing they probably already know who she is in such a small town.

"You wanna come sit with us?" Claire grins, having now stood up and familiarised herself with her surroundings.

Natalia shrugs, agreeing. It was either that or go sit alone in the library, she might as well try making friends first.

"Are you going to Tina's party?" Claire asks as she plays with a strand of her hair whilst walking.

"Haven't decided yet. Are you?" Talia asks back.

"Are you kidding? Of course we're going. It would be social suicide not to," Luna mutters the last part as if that would be the end of the world.

Luna looks to be your typical girl. She's wearing tight black jeans (which Natalia will admit make her ass look great), with a tight navy blouse accentuating her curves. She's obviously spent a while straightening her hair to perfection, and her makeup is just above the minimum in a classy way. It consists of a base coat of foundation with some concealer and highlights on her nose with blush on her cheeks, then some brown eyeshadow and mascara for her eyes and tan lipliner around her mouth along with lipgloss.

Claire, however, is very different. She doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks. Good for her. She has a childlike aura around her: like the way she fiddles with her hair or watches her feet as she walks, purposely placing the heel of one foot to the toes of her other foot. She dresses a little like the victorian days but she pulls it off in a cute way. Her style reminds Natalia of a cottage. Today's dress is a crimson colour that hangs loosely off her slim figure, the top is tighter like a corset while the bottom half sways around her legs.

Talia watches as the ginger girl bumps into another girl, having been looking down at the small mud stain on her white pumps.

Beside the blonde, Luna gasps quietly as she whispers, "this is not good, that's Carol and her boyfriend Tommy H."

"Watch it, freak," Tommy H sneers at the girl, who is wobbling on her feet slightly as if she is dizzy and about to fall to the floor.

As Tommy began to square up to the quivering girl, Natalia pushed the ginger towards Luna gently and steps closer to the freckle faced boy. Luna catches Claire's arm and holds her in place whilst the blonde glares up at the boy.

"Who you calling a freak?" she tells him in a steady voice.

The boy seems taken aback slightly before he rolls his shoulders and scoffs, "what?"

She isn't intimidated by his height advantage and doesn't back down, after all she was practically raised by Billy Hargrove, "I won't repeat myself, Freckles."

"You must be Hargrove's sister, huh?" the boy smirks, seeming impressed as if she'd passed a test to be welcomed into his group. "I'm Tommy."

"Means nothing to me," the blonde turns on her heel and takes her two new friends with her.

"Omg, that was so fun! You're, like, cool," Luna gushes at her, smiling at Tina as they pass in the hallway.

"Thank you," Claire squeals from behind Luna, earning a nod and shrug from Talia.

"Oh and for your information, Billy is like the highest level of hot," Luna sighs dreamily.

"Ew, gross, that's my twin brother you're talking about," Natalia fake gags.

"I don't think he is," Claire mutters as the three continue their journey through the halls.

"Thank you," Talia smiles at Claire before giving Luna a 'hah, see' look.

"Ugh," Luna groans. "Whatever, her opinion is invalid. You see, Claire has been dating her boyfriend, Ethan, since freshman year."

Claire blushes as she elbows the brunette. She was about to say something else when someone comes over to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and falling into step with her pace.

Claire giggles as she introduces him to the new face, "Ethan, this is the new girl, Talia. Talia, this is my Ethan."

"Nice to meet you," Ethan stretches his hand out to her and Natalia smirks at the formality before accepting his offer. 

"You too," the blonde gives him a small smile.

"You sitting with us?" Ethan asks.

"Yup," Luna answers on her behalf before turning to the blonde. "Aren't they just sickeningly adorable? She's liked him since, like, middle school," Luna awes with a fond tone.

"How long have you guys been friends?" Talia wonders as they approach an empty picnic table outside.

"Oh, me and Claire have been best friends since we were born, our parents are friends. And Ethan joined us just after they started going out," Luna replies.

"So you're the third wheel?" Talia smirks.

Luna groans, "yes! It gets so annoying when I'm here all lonely and single whilst they're so stupidly happy."

Claire reaches past Talia and smacks Luna on the shoulder.

"Hey! You know I love you!" Luna groans, rubbing her arm. Ethan coughs making Luna roll her eyes, "and I like you too."

"You don't love me?" Ethan places a hand on his chest as he sits beside his girlfriend on the bench and kisses her cheek.

Luna just rolls her eyes as the kiss on the cheek turns into multiple kisses peppered on her face and they are eventually making out. She points a finger at the two as she looks at her new friend beside her, "you see what I put up with?"

Talia just laughs, "it's a good job i'm here then."

"That it is, Hargrove," Luna raises her bottle for a toast and Natalia meets her halfway, lifting an amused brow.

"Hargrove? Your Billy's sister?" Ethan asks, startling the two girls a little as they hadn't realised the make out session had ended.

"Yeah, twins," she takes a sip of her drink. "Why? He giving you trouble?"

"No, no, not me. Harrington." Ethan continues after seeing her confused face, "Steve Harrington, or King Steve, he used to be top of the school but I guess he's got competition from your douche brother now, no offence."

"None taken, he can be a complete asshole if he wants to be," Talia shrugs at Ethan's accidental insult to Billy. "I wish this 'Harrington' guy luck, honestly, it never takes Billy long to dominate a school."

Ethan shrugs, "Harrington's been slipping anyway since he started dating Nancy Wheeler."

"And since the whole Byers disappearance and reappearance thing, he's not been hanging with Tommy H and Carol," Luna adds. "You know about that right?"

"I've heard little bits around school," Talia answers vaguely, not seeing it as her business.

"What're you reading?" Ethan asks the girl, gesturing to Natalia's book out on the table. The girl lifts it up to show him the title. "Ahh, your a horror/thriller kinda gal?"

Claire speaks up from where she's cuddled into his side, "don't mind Ethan, he's a total geek."

"Yeah, Ethan defies everything in the high school rule book by being a cool-smartypants. Like, he reads and gets straight A's, yet he plays basketball and hangs talks to 'the guys' and shit," Luna smirks causing Ethan to roll his eyes.

"Who cares about popularity," Ethan shrugs and Luna almost chokes on her crisps.

"I do!" she argues.

"Well, whilst you're having fun being social, i'm gonna keep getting good grades so I can actually have a life after Hawkins," Ethan sticks his tongue out at her.

"Hey! I will also have a good life." Luna sighs with a big smile, "I'm gonna marry rich."

Ethan just scoffs as he steals a handful of crisps from the bag and Natalia smiles to herself as she observes from the sidelines.
