chapter 02

Natalia wakes up to her alarm screaming at her to get up. She slams her hand down on it and the noise ceases as she reluctantly drags herself out from under the duvet and blanket. She stretches her back until she hears a rewarding crack before sighing.

Taking a deep breath, she pushes the door open and quietly walks to the bathroom. On her way, she glances out of the window to find Neil's car isn't there meaning he's already gone to work. Sighing in relief, she goes into the bathroom and locks the door behind herself to get ready. Whilst brushing her teeth, she notices in the mirror that there's still slight bruising on her neck from two nights ago when Neil had come into her room for a 'chat'.

Yesterday, she accompanied Max down to the arcade and Max had a good time, apparently beating a bunch of high scores on the machines, so she's on Neil's good side for now. But Natalia is more than aware how little that means considering the fact her father's mood can change at the flick of a switch. She's not naive anymore, she won't take this for granted.

She retreats back to her room to get ready for her first day of school.

Digging through her drawers, she pulls out a pair of blue flared jeans and a tight brown turtleneck shirt with long sleeves to cover the bruises on her wrists and neck. Resting on her chest lay a sterling silver necklace with an arrow charm that she had been gifted one birthday, just as Billy had gotten a copper Saint Christopher necklace. Her mother had told her that the arrow would guide her in life. Of course, it's not true, but it was a nice sentiment that she had once believed as a naive child.

Along with her outfit, she adds her black boots and a simple black male's oversized leather jacket that hung loosely on her frame, it had once belonged to Billy before he outgrew it and gave it to his twin. The last thing she gets is her backpack, shoving her worn copy of Carrie by Steven King into it as well as a notebook and two black pens, and then her walkman and headphones. She only has a few books so she must've read the copy dozens of times by now, as well as her other books, but she still enjoys having something to read to keep her mind off of things.

She applies some light makeup to her face, consisting of mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. She only does full makeup for parties or when she needs to hide bruises. And even then, she doesn't always. Most people would usually just assume she'd gotten into a fight outside of school back home in California when she'd show up with a bruise colouring her cheek or eye. Billy had made a reputation for the Hargroves, and there's no doubt he would do the same in Hawkins.

Natalia leaves her room and goes into the kitchen where Billy is waiting. He's wearing double denim with a white shirt underneath and his necklace too. The toaster pops and two waffles come out, he takes one and throws the other in his twin's direction. She catches it and takes a bite whilst simultaneously grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Whilst she does so, she feels Billy's stare and turns with a questioning glance.

The older twin sighs, beckoning her over with a tilt of his head. She steps over to him whilst eating her breakfast and he turns her shoulders so she is side on. His fingers go to the turtleneck and pull it up a little higher, gentle as to not hurt the tender skin. She realises that her bruises must've been on show round the side where she can't see them.

Looking back into his eyes, she sees guilt and anger. Guilt towards himself that he can't protect her from their father and anger towards Neil for hurting her and Max for being the reason for the bruises.

Natalia just shrugs, "it doesn't hurt that bad."

Billy just scoffs, saying that doesn't matter, before shoving the rest of his waffle in his mouth like a pig. "Tell the brat if she's not outside in five minutes we're leaving."

Natalia rolls her eyes at her twin's leaving figure as she finishes her breakfast, downing the last of her water and rinsing the glass.

She then goes towards Maxine's room and knocks on the door, "almost done? Billy's getting impatient."

"Yeah," she calls from the other side and just a few seconds later the door opens. She's wearing a striped shirt and blue jeans with green and white shoes. Her brown bag is on one shoulder and she's holding her skateboard in one hand. She doesn't have a jacket.

"Can I?" Max asks her stepsister with a timid smile.

The blonde nods, knowing what the younger girl is asking, and Max smiles before rushing off to the older girl's room.

She comes out with one of Natalia's old zip jackets, a red one with white stripes on the sleeves.

"Hey," the blonde girl stops the redhead before she leaves. She had taken note of the nervous look in her blue eyes. "You're gonna be fine, okay? I'm sure you'll make friends easily." The redhead has a look of disbelief on her face. "Oh, cmon, there's gotta be at least one person in school who you won't hate."

The older girl wraps an arm around Max's shoulder in a half hug as she leads the younger girl towards the door.

Billy is already sat in the driver's seat of the blue Camaro, his prized possession (with the exception of the necklace, but only Natalia knows about it's significance). As usual, Max climbs into the back whilst Talia sits in the passenger seat.

Before he starts driving, he holds out his pack of cigarettes and passes over the lighter, Natalia takes a cigarette and uses the lighter before passing the metal item back. She makes sure to blow smoke out of the open window for Max's sake, thought Billy doesn't share the same thoughts. She doesn't smoke nearly as much as Billy, she just does occasionally to relieve some stress and anxiety, like the first day at a new school.

When they arrive, the older girl gets out quickly to allow Max to leave as she seems to be in a hurry to get away from Billy. She skated away after sending her sister a goodbye smile. Natalia takes a quick glance around the parking lot as she takes one last drag from her cig before stomping it out on the ground and moving towards the school building.

She and Billy part ways and as soon as she is inside the school, a girl approaches her.

"Hey, you're one of the newbies right? I'm Tina, you should totally come to my halloween party," the girl passed Natalia a bright orange piece of paper reading 'Tina's Halloween Bash, Come and get sheet faced,' with a poor drawing of a ghost and bottle of what she assumes is alcohol.

"I'll think about it," she tells her briefly before walking away, shoving the paper into her pocket.

She'd rather spend her halloween in her room reading one of her horror books or watching a scary movie on the tv in the living room, but she can't. Not at home. It's not safe enough at home. If she's in her room, Neil could easily have a bad day at work and come inside to find her there and want to take it out on her. And it's even worse in the living room, it's not a communal room. It's his room. With his tv. He picks what to watch. She could never be at ease in that room.

So maybe she will go. Maybe it'll be fun? Besides, it wouldn't hurt to meet some people. And if anything happens, she knows Billy will be there.

He'd never miss a party, he's all about being popular and having status. Whoever rules this school, she wishes them luck. It's never taken Billy more than a week to gain control of a school. If it comes down to it, he's not afraid to get a little rough either. In fact, he enjoys a good fight.
