
Doyoung awoke and saw himself tangled in between arms and legs scattered all over him. He looked at the time and it was 8AM. 'Great schools gates are closed'. Doyoung sighed trying to take off the arms that were planted on his waist. Doyoung let out a whimper when the hand on his ass gave it a slap and squeeze.

"Go back to sleep." Taeyong said. His voice was rough and hazy.

Doyoung obeys and tries his best to go back to sleep. But the thing was he couldn't. He already woke up and he couldn't go back to sleep. He felt the need of doing something. He was bored anyways.

Doyoung looked around to see Jaehyun's cock right there. Then he got an idea. A dirty one.

He gently got up getting between Jaehyun's legs. To tease the other he licked the long shaft as he started sucking on Jaehyun's balls. Making the other make out a groan and grunt noise. Doyoung placed his hand on Taeyong's dick. He started to mess around with it. Massaging it,tracing it and playing with his balls.

Doyoung stopped sucking Jaehyun's balls with a 'pop' sound. He looked at his big treat before opening his mouth wide and taking Jaehyun's cock in his mouth.

Jaehyun felt something warm around his cock. There his eyes fluttered open to reveal Doyoung sucking on his cock like a needy bitch. Doyoung looked up at him and immediately stopped what he was doing. Jaehyun growled when he lost the warm wet feeling around his cock. He loved that feeling and wanted it back.

"Mm. I'll g-go back to s-sleep." Doyoung said about to lay down but Jaehyun stopped him by shoving his cock in his face.

"Continue." Jaehyun demanded.

So Doyoung did continue. Guess Doyoung had his breakfast.

Jaehyun ran his finger through Doyoung's messy hair tugging on it and messing with it. A lazy satisfied smile was planted on the face of Jaehyun's

   " finally put your mouth to good use eh?" Jaehyun teased. A manly grain following.

      Doyoung whimpered around the cock as he continued doing his filthy work. Yes,Doyoung knows he is acting like a slut. He is one. Like how can you ignore two handsome men who fuck you with your eyes.

   "Good boy." Jaehyun praised. Doyoung moaned

Another kink unlocked: praise Kink.

             Doyoung was sucking on the cock messily. As saliva dropped down off of his chin. His eyes were glossy and had a pleading look in them. His lips were swollen. His body was a mess. Everything looked so fucked out. It was so beautiful.

    "I'm gonna cum. You are going to swallow all of daddy's cum ok? Great job princess." Jaehyun praised.

      Jaehyun launched his cock upwards shooting his cum into the latter's mouth. Doyoung whined and Jaehyun moaned.

    "Good...take it so well." Doyoung pouted once as he swallowed Jaehyun's cum.

    "What a cumslut." Taeyong awoken from his slumber.

   "Come on he gave me a nice Blow job." Jaehyun said smirking and patting Doyoung's head.

    "Give me one too." Taeyong growled possessively.
     Doyoung obeyed excitedly. Doyoung crawled over to Taeyong. He held Taeyong's cock in his hand and bringing his mouth to the shaft. Licking it like a kitten.

     Doyoung took the whole cock into his mouth. Taeyong thrusted upwards causing the younger to choke. And whine. Doyoung looked up to meet Taeyong's death evil gaze while Doyoung had an innocent look.

           Doyoung quickened his page. Sucking it. Licking it. The pleasure was brought to Taeyong was amazing. No one ever made him feel this way.

      Soon Doyoung rolled his tongue gracefully over the tip of Taeyong's Cock and started playing with it. He sucked on it and rolled his tip all in his mouth.

      "I'm close. Swallow it for daddy ok?" Doyoung nodded as Taeyong shot a load of cum down the younger's throat. It was bitter-sweet but Doyoung still enjoyed the taste.

     "Did I do good daddies?" Doyoung asked hoping they would give him good feedback.
   "Yes you did amazing sweetheart. You made daddy feel so good. Do you want to feel good?" Taeyong asked

   "Yes daddy. I want to feel good if you let me." Doyoung said.

How obedient.

        "Spread your legs for daddy ok?" Taeyong said.

    Doyoung did was told. Jaehyun leaned in and captured Doyoung's lips in between his lips like a piece of meat. Doyoung moaned softly when he felt a finger inside of him.

   "Mmmh... daddy..." Doyoung moaned. But it was muffled by Jaehyun's lips against his

       Taeyong added another finger. Curling them inside the soft insides of the younger. Making Doyoung jerk his body trying calming it down.

   "A-h h-a ahh." Doyoung moaned as Jaehyun roamed his hands around his bare chest.

      Taeyong added a third finger. In a scissoring motion.

   "Ha. Daddy I-I am gonna cum!!" Doyoung moaned out

    "Go ahead. Come for us." Jaehyun said smirking. So Doyoung obeyed. A pure bliss of pleasure and relief washed over him.

       Taeyong and Jaehyun took a swoop of cum off of Doyoung's thighs and licked it. Doyoung's cum tasted sweet.


"Good job baby. You did amazing."


Hi!!! Guys I'm almost done with a. Few chapters for "our precious omega" I'll let y'all know when it's done and when I'll publish it.

Thank you guys so much for reading and as always:

Have an Fantastic day~~~
