Floral Design (Meadow and Loki (ABO))

The mission had been a disaster. Bed intel all around. They were fleeing before they'd made any progress. Jet shot down by a massive EMP which also took Stark and Barnes out of commission right off the bat. Then as if that wasn't bad enough, a sonic device was used to floor Wanda and Rogers. That left Loki and Barton to take out the entire base and protect their teammates. Loki had warned, he'd told them not to be hasty, not to take the smaller team, he told them better to be safe than sorry but did anyone listen to him. No! Of course, they didn't. And now he's injured and trudging through snow. Fleeing. They'd been forced to flee. To spread out into the wilderness and run. Pathetic. But necessary. Loki looks down at himself and groans, his fingers, clutching to his side, are covered in his own blood. It's pouring out of him. He stumbles a little, leaning against the tree at his side, trying to steady his heartbeat, slow the heart, slower the flow of blood. Pushing himself up he carries on moving. Trying to find shelter. If he can find shelter he can set about treating his wounds. Get safe first. Right now he's glad for his Jotun heritage, he knows the others will be struggling with the cold but him, it's one less thing for him to worry about. He keeps walking. An hour, two. He loses track off time, he's pretty sure he falls in and out of consciousness a few times too as he travels, barely managing to stay on his feet. He trips and no longer has to energy to stop himself from hitting the snow, but he does, somehow, manage to turn onto his back, the snow under him already turning red. His fingers twitch in the snow as he watches the stars above him, he doesn't remember it getting dark but he supposes it must have done. He coughs a little and then sneers at himself. He doesn't know where the others are, if they made it out though he can guess, they're not useless, how far they got, if they're hurt like he is. Probably not. Loki had shielded Barton letting the archer make a break for the trees, Loki had taken the shots, the blows, the knife meant for Clint. He at least knows Barton will have gotten out. At least. He turns his head to look through the trees, part of him wishing one of those Avengers will come running through them. But no one is coming to his rescue. Not yet at least. It will take them a while to get reorganised. And Loki is not going to last that long. He can smell it. Death. Coming for him laying there in the snow, his blood pumping, oozing out of the wounds on his arms, his legs, his chest and back but the most worrying is one deep one to his chest, a sword, of all things, skewed through him under his ribs at the right angle had caused damage, too much damage. He knows this. Can feel this. Of course, this is where he dies. Midgard. In winter. In snow. There is a sick irony in there somewhere. He takes a deep breath but even that hurts.

"Of course" he manages to groan out. Yep. This is his death. And he deserves it. Alone. In some snowy wasteland. Slow. Painful. All the hurt he caused, the pain, the scheming. This is of course the death he gets. His eyes flutter open, when did he close them, earing the crunch of snow underfoot, someone is here, to kill him or help him, he's not sure yet. He's not sure which one he will welcome more. A quick death. Or something helping him. It's getting closer and he cannot bring himself to move, to defend himself. He takes in a sharp breath, that aches, that shoots pain throughout the rest of his body. He lets out a pained gasp, fingers twitching to reach for his chest. And that's when he smells it. The scent that reaches him has the alpha in him practically howling with joy. Freshly cut grass. The smell of earth after a rainstorm. Cracked Lightning. Winter. Magic. He feels himself relaxing, absorbing the scent as it approaches. Yes. This is better. Peaceful. He chases the scent as it swims around him, moving, fingers, there are fingers on him, the heat sinking into his skin but he can't centre of it, he can't focus. The scent is overwhelming, sinking into his pores. He's aware, sort of, that he's being moved, there's a soft lulling, comforting vibration under him, the sound of animals, the scent of dogs on top of 'those' smells. Not dog. He corrects himself. No. it's wolves. There are wolves around him. He should be afraid, in his weakened state he is vulnerable but he doesn't fear them. It's something else, the feeling of fur, living fur against his side, there is one curled up with him, young though from the size. He opens his eyes and finds himself peering into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes hovering above him, blue eyes on a woman, the rest of her face hidden in a hood, the smell of fresh moss invading his nose, he wrinkles it a little.

"You're a long way from home, Jotun" she comments and pulls back, he frowns a little and follows her with his eyes as she touches his chest, he hisses in pain and turns a glare on her. "Hold still" she argues, he grits his teeth and sets his head back closing his eyes. "It's not far now" she adds. "But you need to remain still" she orders of him setting another blanket around him. Loki nods a little, he really has no choice here, his life is in her hands.


Loki wakes to the smell of the earth and something floral, he stirs, slowly, afraid to move. Something shifts against his side and he pauses, suddenly remembering that he was in the presence of wolves the last time he was awake. He lays there, stiff, not wanting to open his eyes. This has to be a dream. That smell. That scent. Wrapping around him. Freshly cut grass. The smell of earth after a rainstorm. Cracked Lightning. Winter. Something that makes him feel like he's home.

"I know you're awake" A voice states from the end of the bed, and he doesn't need to open his eyes to know she has her arms folded over her chest. Loki opens his eyes, caught out, the woman at the end of the bed is not what he expected. She stands tall, long brown hair weaved and braided with flowers and herbs and a couple of feathers, she's beautiful, in an Earthy way. He glances at what he felt moving and the thing that is sleeping against him is in fact a wolf pup who rests its chin on Loki's hip bone watching him with wide eyes. "How do you feel?" She asks, Loki turning his attention back to her, she shifts slightly moving around the side of the bed towards his side. Her long green dress flowing with her, it's fitted at the top but more flowing at the bottom, and torn and ripped in places.

"Like I was shot...multiple times" He answers, she smirks slightly amused before sitting on his other side, her fingers moving to the bandages around his chest. Her fingers covered in black tattoos, swirls and leaf detail. They're beautiful. Loki watches her face as she works on checking his wounds. "Where am I?" he asks her.

"My home" she answers. "You are safe here" she assures him, lifting her eyes to his. Where they were blue before he swears they are green now, like the colour of an Evergreen tree.

"My team" he starts cringing as he pulls on his wounds as he tries to sit up.

"Are safe" she assures him pushing him back down. "They made it out of the forest just fine....they were already discussing your rescue, and when you are healed.....I will make sure they find you" he groans. "Now rest...I will make you something to eat" she stands again and moves to leave the room.

"Who are you?" he asks turning his head to look at her, his fingers have ended up in the wolf's fur, gently running them over his back.

"My name is Meadow" she answers. "Welcome to my home, Loki"

"I never told you my name" he offers suspicious.

"I've been around a long time, Odinson" she points out. "And I never forget a face" he stares at her a moment, she looks down, her cheeks dusting pink a little. "I wouldn't expect you to remember...." she whispers and then leaves the room. Loki looks to the wolf who is still watching him.

"What?" Loki asks it and scratches it behind the ears as he tries to figure out why she thinks they've met before. He is sure he would remember someone that beautiful, someone with that scent he would have remembered. Considering how the Midgardians smell to him he would have remembered someone like her. Asgardians have individual scents, Jotuns, Vanir, all have their own individual scents, it's part of the system, but Midgardians do not play by those rules. She has to be one of them. Maybe an exile. He shifts on the bed and tries to sit up. He is healing but it's going to take time. And being here is not ideal. He shifts and manages to sit up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he clutches his side. This is unbearable. He hates feeling weak. He's an alpha, built to be strong and proud. And here he is.


Meadow is stood at the counter chopping vegetables, the window open letting in a light breeze that seems to whirls around her. She hums a little as she cooks. The sun shining on her through the window. Loki wants to scoff, how much this looks like a scene from those animated girly movies Wanda watches. He leans in the doorway behind her, managing, only just, to keep to his feet. He's exhausted walking from the bedroom at the back of the small cabin. There is a shift in the breeze, moving around him before it disappears back to her again, she twitches slightly in annoyance.

"You should be in bed" she scolds without looking around at him.

"How do you know who I am?" he asks her, she sighs and moves to him to help him. He wants to fight her on it but he knows he needs help and she just knows without him asking for it.

"Everyone in this realm knows who you are" she comments helping him sit on the small couch, covered in blankets and pillows. He grunts a little in pain.

"But you are not of this realm" he argues watching as she grabs a blanket from the side and wraps it around him. "I can smell it on you, Omega" she stiffens and leans away from him, her face now set in a glare.

"Do not define me by my biology" she snaps. "Alpha" she walks back to the kitchen and continues cooking, her spine rigged, her jaw clenched tight. Loki watches her, he will not admit to the shudder that ran through him at the title, it's been a long time since anyone had called him alpha. It's a long time since he's been around someone else that got it. Well, Thor knows but he doesn't count. This is a woman, who is part of the dynamic, an Omega woman with a scent that makes his mouth water. He knows she is not a Midgardian. That is obvious. And he is pretty sure he would have remembered her from Asgard if he ever met her there. He would have remembered. He is jolted from his thoughts by a furry paw swatting at his leg, he raises an eyebrow and looks down at the wolf cup peering up at him. Loki manages to bend over slightly to pick him up and sets him next to him.

"You have a pet wolf?" he asks.

"He is not a pet" she argues. "He was injured" she corrects. "Mother dead...." the wolf nuzzles into Loki's side. "So I brought him back here to heal" Loki glances at her, a small smirk working onto his lips.

"So I am not first" he comments, she pauses slightly and looks down, she smiles slightly.

"You are the first Jotun" she admits. "The first....humanoid" he nods a little, for some reason that pleases him greatly, he hums a little and turns forward, relaxing into her couch, letting the warmth of the room, the smell of the Omega and her cooking seep into him. His eyes flutter slightly, fighting to stay over, but he is weak, and he tired, and he loses. He falls asleep.


Loki sits poking at the vegetable stew in his lap, it's hearty and warm and given the cabin's location he should be keeping warm, even with his Jotun heart he still feels the chill of the night air, but he can't bring himself to eat. Meadow had moved him back to the bed whilst he was asleep, letting him rest, letting him heal, he's surprised he didn't wake during that moment. His mind is currently whirling, because he knows now that he knows this woman, he's just having trouble placing her.


Meadow checks on Loki after she's eaten, finds him asleep, food untouched on the bedside table, she purses her lips annoyed but she leaves him to rest. She'll be more forceful with breakfast. She closes the bedroom door behind her before walking into the front room to rest on the couch, the wolf pup lifting his head to yawn out a small howl, she smiles and shakes her head amused at him.


As a child Loki used to like to sneak out of the palace and into the forests, he'd pick flowers for his mother, collect herbs for his spells, rocks of various design and colours for his collection of things. He likes to collect anything and everything he can get his hands on. Everything is fascinating to him. He crouches in front of a flower, open and red and smiles.

"Who are you?" Loki is startled, caught mid pick of a rose he knows his mother would love. He looks up to find the source of the voice. She's standing on the rocks above him, wrapped in cloaks of the deepest greens and browns. Ringlets of hair pouring out from her hood and bright green eyes peering out at him.

"Who are you?" he counters back, she cocks her head.

"Well I did ask first" she argues climbing down to join him, he notes her bare feet as she approaches him.

"Loki" he answers and raises an eyebrow at her.

"Hello" she greets swinging the bottom of her skirt a little. "Meadow" she offers with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" he asks her looking around.

"Mother says I shouldn't wander too far from home" she offers. "But I couldn't resist" she admits with a smile. "Asgard has some of the best trees to play in" Loki raises an eyebrow at her.

"Play in?" he asks her, she stares at him as if he's suddenly grown a second head.

"You have never played in a tree?" she asks him, he shakes his head.

"Princes don't play in trees" he argues, she snorts and smirks.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" she points out, he sulks a little and looks away. "Everyone should play" she adds moving close to him and then smirks leaning closer to him. "Would you like to?" she asks him, he glances at her, sees her eyes shining with excitement and how can he say no. This girl who so easily approached him, spoke to him, offers to play with him when no other child has ever done that. No other child brave enough to approach the princes other than those of the court. Loki nods and she smiles bounding away. "Come on!" she cheers over her shoulder, Loki follows after her.


It's an afternoon of climbing trees, splashing in the rivers and skipping stones. Loki's never had that much fun before, not with his books, not with his magic, not with his brother. But this girl is something else.

"Do you want to see something?" she whispers to him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind, he turns his head to her and smiles. He's already decided he's keeping her, he doesn't care what anyone else says he wants her in his life. He's drawn to her, tracks her when she moves. She pulls away from him and takes his hand pulling him along. "You can't tell anyone" she adds.

"I won't" Loki assures her, she stops and turns to him.

"Promise," she tells him. "You have to promise" he searches her eyes before nodding.

"I promise" he offers warmly with complete honesty. She smiles and pulls him along as she walks backwards, they both pass through a sort of bubble with a pop and then they're no longer on Asgard, Loki looks to Meadow surprised.

"You have travelled through a portal before?" she asks him, Loki shakes his head. "Well now you have" she teases slightly as she pulls him along with her.

"Where are we going?" he asks letting her lead the way.

"You like flowers" she points out, he nods. "Then you'll love this" she weaves them through trees and flowers some of which Loki has never seen before. This place has an air of magic about it, powerful and old and impressive. Trees far bigger than any on Asgard, flowers more fragrant. He's enchanted, even more so when his new friend pulls down her hood revealing her face to him. He may be a child but he knows beauty when he sees it, and she is beautiful, and will be more so when she grows older. This he knows. Meadow pulls him closer and lower as they approach the edge of the trees, she nods forward and Loki raises an eyebrow and turns to look at what she's brought him to. A huge tree stands in the centre of a tiled square, the base of the tree is surrounded by flowers of colours that don't exist, in shapes that have no words. Loki smiles. It's mesmerizing. He moves closer but Meadow stops him. "We're not supposed to be here" she whispers pulling him down into a crouch when three women walk towards the tree. Tree nymphs. With turquoise skin and pale green hair, they seem to glide as they walk, giggling among themselves, Loki smiles, he's only ever seen nymphs in his books, but they're real and right here in front of him.

"They're beautiful" Loki whispers, Meadow smiles and nods in agreement.

"Meadow" A voice warns behind the two children.

"Oh no," Meadow whispers. "Mother" she greets standing and turning knowing she's been caught out. The woman watching them is tall, slender, dressed like Meadow in greens and browns, her hair dark, greying, with a green strand framing her face. She raises an eyebrow at the two of them and then sighs.

"Take him home" her mother scolds nodding to Loki. "And return immediately" Meadow nods and walks away, Loki hurrying to catch up with her. He remains quiet as he studies her, she's upset he knows that much. He doesn't understand why though.

"Why is she mad at you?" Loki asks her.

"Not allowed to play with other children" she admits. "Big things in my future" she sneers repeating words she's heard more than once. "All I want is one friend" she admits sadly, her voice breaking a little, she's lonely. Loki takes her hand and she looks at him.

"I am your friend," he tells her with a smile, she smiles back at him.


Loki and Meadow pop back through the portal arriving back in Asgard. Meadow releases Loki's hand and turns to him with a small smile, trying not to get upset at the thought of losing her first and only friend.

"Will I see you again?" Loki asks, she shakes her head.

"Not likely" she answers. "Mother will not let me leave her sight now.....knowing I snuck out again" she looks down sniffling, getting upset with herself for getting caught. She suddenly hugs Loki, tight, almost crushing him to her, but he hugs her back. "Loki" she whispers. "Odinson" she teases showing she knew who he was all along. He smiles softly.

"Meadow" he counters watching her walk away, disappearing back through the portal with a pop.


Meadow brushes her hand along the neck of the horse stood at her side, his eyes watching her warmly. Animals like her. Meadow having been set up to be the next Mother Nature involved the inheritance of a lot of flora and fauna based powers, her childhood was filled with animals and flowers and wood nymphs. It was supposed to be idyllic. But she felt suffocated and lonely. She was the only child. The only one.

"Miss?" A voice states approaching her, Meadow raises an eyebrow and turns to see Captain America approaching her. It's not that much of a surprise, she did send for him, for them. He's joined by Bucky and Tony who linger behind him, waiting for him.

"You are here for Loki" Meadow comments softly.

"You called us?" Bucky asks, she nods and hums softly. She looks to the horse and nods.

"This is Eliego" she offers stroking his neck. "He'll take you to your friend" she offers and smiles softly. "It's not that far" she assures them.

"You're not coming with us?" Steve asks.

"My time here is done" Meadow admits. "Time for me to move on..." she adds walking away from them, Eliego turns and walks away from the others, heading into the trees leading them towards her cabin.

"Are we really going to follow a horse into the forest where a creepy hippie just told us to go?" Tony asks.

"To get Loki" Steve points out. "Yes" He then proceeds to follow after the horse, Tony and Bucky share a look.

"He's your friend" Tony reminds him, Bucky shakes his head and follows after his best friend. Tony rolls his neck and then groans before taking the same steps after them. "We're so going to die here" he mumbles pulling his jacket closer to his body.


Meadow walks forward through the trees before she vanishes through a portal appearing this time on a beach, her toes sink into the sand and she smiles resting her head back to soak up the sun streaming down on her face. As much as she loves the forests and being surrounded by trees and plants, there is something about a beautiful beach, golden sands and blue skies....she lets out a breath, her smile turning sad. Loki is on her mind. And she cannot enjoy her surroundings.


Loki groans shifting where he sits, his side still aching despite the wound having healed now, Thor at his side, the tv playing some old classic movie. Neither is really paying attention, Thor is picking out the red skittles from a bowl whilst Loki rests, his mind on Meadow. He shouldn't be upset or disappointed that she left him, because she did assure him his 'friends' would find him, and they did. She kept her word. He just would have liked a goodbye. A 'see you around' maybe. Instead of nothing. Not even a note. The wolf nuzzles into his side, he probably should have left it behind, but he wasn't sure she was going to return, Steve didn't seem to think that she was going to, so how could he leave the pup behind? He couldn't. So he brought it back with him, and it's barely left his side since.

"Your rut must be due" Thor comments, Loki hums in acknowledgement.

"Couple of weeks" Loki offers.

"What are you going to do?" Thor asks, Loki sighs and looks at him.

"I could go back to Asgard" he answers. "Use a..." he pauses and wrinkles his nose, whilst using an omega from the ranks of those omegas specifically there to be used by alphas is something he's done in the past, he cannot seem to stomach it this time around. "No" he corrects. "I need to find Meadow" he admits, Thor frowns and turns to him. "The woman that saved me.....she was of the spectrum; she is an omega"

"A Midgardian?" Thor asks.

"No" Loki answers. "She's not a human, or an Asgardian, or a Jotun...I don't know what she is...." he admits turning to the wolf. "She's my omega, Thor, I felt it...she's my mate"

"Then we must find her," Thor tells him. "This rut will be unforgivable on you if we do not..."

"Those consequences are mere rumours" Loki argues with an eye roll.

"Do you want to test them?" Thor asks. Does he? Loki ponders. It was always said that after finding their mate the next rut would be torturous; some alphas have even died during it. An alpha's true omega is perfect for them in every way. That rut after finding them is supposed to make them hunt the omega down, to mate them, to mark them, to claim them, so it's more powerful, more driven.....obviously Loki has never had a rut that bad, because he never found his omega, till now. Sometimes, the rumour goes, that 'mate' rut can be appeased with any omega, but it's more dangerous for the omega, the alpha could be more violent, more volatile in their joining. He needs Meadow. "We'll find her" Thor assures him. Loki nods a little. "We have time...." Loki hums a little.

"I'd met her before" Loki admits. "Before I presented....she was the girl that showed me the nymphs" Thor chuckles.

"You didn't shut up about her for months" Thor remembers. "You only stopped because it made you cry and father said..."

"Brave princes don't cry over little girls" Loki repeats his 'father's' words. Thor looks at him, Loki shrugs and shakes his head. "I don't know when I forgot her....but I know it was because of that; I stopped myself think about her because I knew it would upset me....and that disappointed him"

"Loki" Thor whispers.

"It's fine" Loki argues quickly. "I found her then lost her again..." he sighs. "I'll find her again" He sighs and looks at the wolf.


"Reports of strange nature occurrences" Steve reads leaning back in his seat. Loki's knee juggles where he sits, his impending rut...impending meaning that it started the day before and is currently kicking his ass. Because Thor was right. This time it is worse, so much worse than any other rut before. He feels on edge all the time. Thor glances at him wary because he knows how dangerous rutting alphas can be. And rutting alphas are more dangerous the rut after they find their mate, making Loki a ticking time bomb.

"Strange how?" Bucky asks.

"Witnesses state the sea is misbehaving" Steve offers, the group frowns and he shrugs. "That's all it says..." he holds up the tablet and sighs. "We have a location so we should check it out"

"Because the sea is.....'misbehaving'?" Tony asks with a smirk, Steve rolls his eyes.

"Just suit up and get on the jet" Steve scolds standing he casts a worried eye at Loki who hasn't looked up from his shoe since they sat down.


Loki snaps the last buckle on his suit into place as Thor enters the room behind him.

"Are you going to be okay?" Thor asks Loki who grunts and nods.

"I'll manage" he answers grabbing his collection of knives.

"It's alright if you need to ride this out alone" Thor assures him. "There is no shame in it"

"I want to work" Loki argues. "I want to stay busy...." he draws off, eye twitching slightly as he fights off the effects of the rut. He takes a deep breath and clenches his jaw, his fingers curling into his fist.

"Brother" Thor starts, Loki shakes his head.

"Please" Loki whispers. "Let me work" he looks to Thor who searches Loki's eyes before nodding, conceding.


Loki and Thor walk onto the jet to join the others, Steve casts Thor a look, the Asgardian nods back. Loki takes his seat and then lets out a sigh. His head pounding, his body thrumming with the pressure of his rut. Everything inside of him seeking out his omega. But he has no idea where she is.


Loki sees her first, the cause of the natural anomaly, Meadow, stood on the beach, her arms outstretched as she controls the waves and the sand. Around her Hydra close in. Loki's heat almost drops, almost, because he can see that she has the power to protect herself, and any other time she would be on it.

"Meadow!!" Loki shouts, her head swivels around, her skin gleaming with sweat. Her heat hit her about the same time Loki's rut hit him, then she'd been found by Hydra. Her powers aren't as powerful as they usually are, her concentration waning, her heat distracting her. She's already covered in blood, her own, some of theirs. She isn't going to last much longer. Her eyes plead with Loki, he nods back at her and she lets out a relaxed sigh. A bullet hits her shoulder and she screams in surprise and a little bit in pain. Loki snaps his head to the attacker and growls at him for daring to hurt her. She cries out throwing out her hand and the waves crash down on her attackers before pulling them into the sea. Meadow lowers her hand and then collapses to the sand beneath her. Loki pushes himself up and runs towards her. Loki skids on his knees to her side, leaning over to grasp her face in his hands, his fingers pressing against her feverish skin.

"Meadow" he pleads before he lifts her up into his lap. "Silly girl" he scolds nuzzling into her neck, scenting her, trying to get her to do the same. Her hands lift and wrap around his neck, he relaxes feeling her moving. "Meadow" he whispers clutching her to him. "Omega"

"Alpha" she pleads back sniffing at his throat. Loki's arms tighten around her, he is now very aware that there is another alpha behind him, part of him is aware that it is Thor, his brother, his brother who wouldn't take his omega away from him, but he's currently rendered primal by his alpha mind. Thor thankfully doesn't try to get closer. He knows to keep his distance.

"Come on" Tony whines. "Not on the beach"

"Leave them be" Thor scolds.

"They're practically dry humping" Tony points out. "When I do it; you all tell me it's inappropriate"

"This is different" Thor scolds. "This is an alpha comforting his omega"

"What?" Bucky asks as he frowns. "Like...wolves and stuff?"

"Humans don't run on the spectre" Loki points out as he stands, he helps Meadow to her feet. "You're biology isn't advanced enough"

"Excuse you" Tony scoffs. "My biology is plenty advanced"

"We can discuss this more back at the tower" Thor argues. "The Omega needs medical attention"

"Meadow" she argues leaning against Loki's side. "My name is Meadow, not Omega" Loki lifts her up, letting her curl against his chest. She clutches to his shirt and closes her eyes setting her head against his shoulder. Loki's fingers press into her side softly and she cries out a little before whimpering, Hydra has been pushing to get to her for hours and whilst she managed to kill them all without help she is too injured to look after herself. Loki shushes her pulling his fingers back.

"I'm sorry" he whispers sharing a look with Steve.

"Let's get her back" Steve offers. "Bucky" Bucky nods a little.

"I'll call ahead, get Banner to set up the medbay" Bucky assures them and then runs back to the jet as the others make their way to it too.


Loki is like a caged and cornered animal as he stands vigil over Meadow's unconscious body in the medical wing of the tower. Bruce stands in front of him, behind him stands a medical team waiting to work on the woman. Bruce motions to Loki.

"You need to back off" Bruce warns Loki but Loki isn't letting anyone near her. "She needs medical help, Loki, you have to let us help her" Thor grabs Loki's shoulder and tries to pull him away.

"Loki, let them help your omega," Thor tells him, Loki glares at Bruce but allows Thor to pull him away. Bruce nods to the medical team to move to Meadow on the medical cot. "Sit here," Thor tells Loki pushing him into a seat. "You can still see her..." Loki growls under his breath. He's an alpha in rut being held back from his omega. It's not safe for any of them, hence why Bucky, Steve and Thor are present and ready to jump in to stop him from hurting someone, even if the two super soldiers don't understand what's going on with the whole alpha omega thing. Loki is tense watching the others approaching Meadow, though his subconscious knows they are there to help her. To patch her up. The alpha brain is wanting to defend her from everything and anything even those that are trying to help her. Thor holds Loki down with a hand to his shoulder.

"I can't lose her" Loki mumbles, Thor looks down at him.

"I know, they'll fix it" Thor tries to assure him but even he sounds doubtful. Meadow had completely collapsed on the jet on the way back and then coded, twice. It wasn't looking good for her and Loki couldn't watch, even if he had to, he had to make sure she makes in. Alive. He needs her alive.


Later, much, much later: Meadow groans as she wakes, her body sore and tired. There is a breath on her neck, soft and shaky, worried. Her fingers lift and brush through Loki's hair, his body trembling with her touch because he honestly thought he was going to lose her. Loki laughs relieved before he nuzzling into her neck, his lips brushing over the bonding gland. She shudders and clutches his arm. Once the doctors and nurses were finished Loki was instantly at her side climbing into her cot to keep her close. No one but Bruce approached after that.

"None of that" Bruce scolds. "She needs to rest" Loki growls pulling back from her. "I know..." Bruce counters. "Okay, but you can control yourself for a few days" Meadow strokes Loki's face, his eyes move to her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks her.

"The moment I smelt you I knew who you were to me" she admits. "But.....this world doesn't have the spectrum..."

"But I do" Loki scolds slightly. "I do....you knew I did, you could have told me" she glances at Bruce embarrassed to be having this conversation with him around, Bruce notices.

"I'll go....get something to eat" he mumbles and then leaves. Meadow turns back to Loki.

"I was afraid" she admits, he frowns at her. "Loki...." she sighs and shakes her head. "Do you not wonder why I am on Midgard?" she asks him.

"I don't..." he starts and then shakes his head.

"All I ever did was disappoint her, my mother..." Meadow whispers pushing herself up a little. "Time and time again till...." she sniffles. Loki pulls her closer, sensing his omega's distress, he lets her nuzzle into his scent gland, letting it soothe her. "I hurt my people" she admits. "Killed some...it was an accident but....but my Mother, she....she exiled me for it" Loki closes his eyes stroking her hair. "I haven't been back since" she adds clutching to him.

"How long?" he asks her.

"I don't know" she admits looking away. "A while" she whispers. "I don't really count"

"Meadow" he whispers sadly, she looks at him.

"It was an accident" she whispers getting upset. "But I'd already screwed so many times....." he kisses her cheek and pulls her closer, letting her curl into his side.

"You have me" he assures her. "You have always had me" he kisses her head, lingering there to breathe her in. "I'm sorry it took me so long" she snuffles and nods.


The next time Meadow wakes she is alone. Loki's scent still lingers around her so he can't have gone long ago. She shifts slightly trying to sit up. Bruce glances up from his computer.

"Where's Loki?" she asks him getting comfy.

"He's gone to urm..." Bruce struggles a little. "I don't really understand what's going on" he admits.

"Oh" Meadow whisper. "He's in rut so he needs....release" she offers, Bruce raises an eyebrow at her. "It's an alpha thing"

"Alpha?" he asks. She sighs, she knows humans don't know about this but come on, it's not that hard to figure out.

"Okay," she turns to him slightly. "It's biology" she explains. "Those of us with the advanced physiology find that when we come of age we present as either an alpha, an omega or a beta" she pauses as Bruce pulls a chair closer to listen to her. "I'm an omega" she admits. "Loki and his brother are both alphas"

"How do you tell?" he asks. "How do you know when you meet another omega? Or an alpha?"

"Scent" she answers. "We can smell it one another" she touches her neck. "We have two glands" she touches one. "Scent" she moves her finger slightly. "Bonding...." She goes back to her scent gland. "Our scent acts as a sort of mood thing, when we're sad, alphas and beta and other omegas can smell it, when we're happy....and it's the same for them...Sometimes two people have scents that are like....crack" she admits, Bruce snorts a little. "It draws us together, painful to be apart for long periods of time....those sort of scents are only found among certain pairs..."

"True mates" Loki states, Bruce and Meadow, look to him leaning in the doorway watching them. He seems less tense given his recent....release of energy.

"Yes," Meadow agrees.

"Like soulmates?" Bruce asks, Loki nods a little.

"Basic, but yes" he agrees. "It's biological. The perfect omega to breed from, the perfect omega to calm, the perfect omega...." she looks at him warmly.

"You mentioned a rut," Bruce tells Meadow.

"It's a....instinct" she explains. "A heightened...sexual desire to knot and breed an omega who is in heat" Bruce raises an eyebrow. "Heat is like...I suppose it's similar to a humans menstrual cycle, it's our most fertile week, our bodies change, pheromones...slick, it prepares us for mating, whilst calling to an alpha"

"So you don't have...periods?" he asks her, she shakes her head.

"No, we just get really, really, really horny" she admits with a smirk. "And hot, and sticky...it's probably worse than a....period"

"Omegas can actually die from a heat" Loki moves towards them. "If they're not knotted" he points out giving Meadow a look, he can see the sweat on her brow, can smell her need, knows she's acting normal in front of Bruce, when she wants to melt into a puddle.

"Really?" Bruce asks missing the point Loki is trying to make.

"Is she okay to move?" Loki asks.

"Her healing is active and advanced..." Bruce offers. "She'll be fine" Bruce assures Loki. "You can go....whatever it is you're going to do" Loki picks Meadow up bridal style even though she is more than capable of walking now. He smirks down at her as she wraps her arm around his neck.

"I don't know about you" he starts softly. "But I would very much like to claim my mate" she smiles up at him twisting her head slightly to present her bonding gland, he lowers his head and presses his lips to it. He won't mark her until they are in private. It's personal and special and should only be something between the couple.

"If you have any more questions about the spectrum you should talk to Thor" she offers Bruce who nods and then waves them off. Loki chuckles and carries his omega out of the medical bay.


Loki draws his fingers over the fresh bonding mark on Meadow, placed in the curve of her neck and shoulder right over that gland. He smiles to himself. After all these years he finally has his mate. He wonders what it would have been like if he found her earlier. If he'd remembered her. If he just looked for her.

"All those wasted years" he mumbles snuggling into her neck. She strokes her fingers through his hair.

"Not wasted" she argues tiredly, he lifts his head to look down at her.

"How can you say that?" he asks her. "All those years we spent apart"

"Growing" she answers him. "We are together now because that is the way the universe wanted it to be....we met as children because the universe wanted us to meet....." he brushes her hair back from her face. "We were apart because it needed us to be apart...." he searches her eyes, sees she truly believes that, he ducks his head and kisses her before pulling back.

"Are you hungry?" he asks softly, she hums and nods. "Why don't you get dressed and we'll go see what we can find?" he kisses her cheek and then climbs out of bed, Meadow stretches and groans a little. She's still in heat but it's subdued enough that she can get up for food, Loki knows how to look after her instinctively whilst she's vulnerable like this. As her alpha, he is supposed to take care of her. And he is doing so perfectly. He leans back over to touch her cheek, she rolls her eyes to meet his. "You want a bath first?" he asks her, she nods and smiles at him. "What?" he whispers seeing it.

"Just you" she whispers warmly back. "Taking care of me"

"You're my omega" he counters. "I want to take care of you" he assures her and then kisses her shoulder. She sighs content letting him kiss towards her neck.


"Hey" Wanda stops and looks to the small plant pot on the side. "My flower " Wanda states touching the leaf of her formerly dead plant. "It's alive" she whispers.

"I'm sorry" Meadow offers standing behind her. "It was suffering, I just wanted to help" Wanda turns to look at her.

"You did this?" she asks, Meadow nods. "I tried everything" Wanda admits.

"I know" Meadow assures her. "It told me, it's very grateful" she turns and walks to Loki who smiles from the doorway, Wanda raises an eyebrow at Loki who shrugs back wrapping his arms around Meadow as she nuzzles into his chest.

"Wanda, this is Meadow" Loki offers. "Meadow, Wanda" Loki brushes Meadow's hair back from her neck to look at her bond. "Meadow is my.....girlfriend"

"Oh," Wanda smiles. "This is her....everyone's talking about you" Loki shoots Wanda a look. "What?" she asks innocently. "It's not very often we get new female housemates" Loki nudges Meadow a little and she walks back into the kitchen where Wanda stands.

"Sit down," Loki tells his mate. "See what I can find" Loki peers into the fridge, it's all bad food, the Avengers aren't known to be healthy eaters and Thor is the worst offender. He sighs a little. "Fruit?" he asks spying the pineapple in the back.

"Fruit is good" Meadow offers, he hums in acknowledgement and then grabs the pineapple from the fridge.

"How did you do this?" Wanda holds up her plant, Meadow looks to it and then to Wanda before holding out her hand, the plant seems to come to life, wrapping around Wanda's wrist, she smiles watching it. "That's amazing" Loki smiles a little as he cuts up pieces of the fruit before turning to her.

"Here" Loki sets the bowl of pineapple in front of Meadow who hums.

"Where do your powers come from?" Wanda asks sitting at her side, Meadow looks to her.

"My mother" she answers. "Her powers are passed on by blood..." she picks at the pineapple as Loki grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and sets it on the counter.

"So your mother can do the plant stuff?" Wanda asks her, Meadow nods.

"Yes," Meadow looks to her. "She has many names," Meadow tells Wanda. "But you will know her as Mother Nature" Wanda stares at her.

"Your mother is Mother Nature?" Wanda asks, Meadow nods. "The actual Mother Nature? Season, weather...animals"

"Yes," Meadow assures her.

"She must be very old" Wanda mumbles then realises. "Sorry" she whispers, Meadow smiles.

"Well, it's more of a title" Meadow corrects. "Passed on through daughters" Meadow turns to her. "So she's not the original mother nature....she's just one of them"

"So does that mean you...?" Wanda starts.

"No" Meadow interrupts her. "Not me" she shoves a chunk of pineapple between her lips, Loki shares a look with Wanda before the young woman shrugs and stands.

"So I'm going to leave you to your pineapple...." Wanda offers. "Thanks for saving my plant" she holds it up a little and then walks away. Loki brushes Meadow's hair back over her shoulder and kisses her neck.

"I'm sorry" he offers pulling back. "Wanda shouldn't have asked"

"It's fine, she didn't know any better" Meadow turns to him. "Just...bad subject" he brushes a tear from her cheek. Loki leans closer.

"You would have made a wonderful Mother Nature" he whispers to her, she shakes her head.

"No, Loki" she argues. "I wouldn't have...that's why I am here, because I wasn't good enough to take over the mantle..." he strokes her back and kisses her head.

"Want to go back to bed?" he whispers to her softly, she nods and turns to face him, letting her lips ghost over his. He grabs the pineapple bowl as he pulls away and helps her up from the chair. She stops him though and pulls him closer.

"Thank you" she offers warmly. "It's been a while since I've been in the company of others....being here, I thought I would find it difficult, but you've been kind and welcoming and...." she takes a breath. "Thank you" he kisses her softly and smiles against her lips.

"Come on" he takes her hand and leads her away and back towards his bedroom.


Meadow lays in bed with Loki, both happy to just rest here, neither in any rush to leave and face the day or the others, although they both know that there are questions. Especially regarding Meadow and her powers. She is pretty damn powerful and they want to be sure that she is on their side. She stretches a little.

"So what happens now?" She asks as she turns slightly to look at him, Loki brushes her hair back from her face and shrugs. He's not sure. He's never been in this situation before. His fingers move to touch her neck, brushing over the bonding bite there. He knows that whatever happens, his place is with her. If that is here or somewhere else, he doesn't know and he doesn't need to know. He finally has his mate. He finally has his omega. And he finally found that little girl that gave him friendship, if only for a day, and showed him the nymphs.

"You could stay here with me" He offers. "Or we can go back to that cabin" He adds. "Or we can find somewhere new" He nudges his nose along her neck. "Whatever you want" he draws his arm around her and pulls her closer to him. She smiles up at him. She holds out her hand and from the ceiling streams of vines erupt and twirl around one another, seeping through the room, decorating it. Loki raises an eyebrow, watching flowers bloom along the vines.

"Guess I've already moved in" She teases, Loki smirks and kisses her as the vines continue through the room. For now. This will be their home. That she will stay with him means everything. His fingers brush softly over her cheek and then he pulls back to look at her. She's beautiful. And she is all his. His omega. The woman he gets to love and care for. The woman that, well, is essentially, his queen. She deserves that title and so much more. And he is going to work on making himself worthy of her. To match her. He owes her that much.


Years Later:

Meadow twirls, and as she does, her dress twirls with her, petals bursting out of the fabric. To the utter joy of the little girl clutching to Loki's hand. Their daughter. The spitting image of Loki. Long black hair. Bright eyes. Pale skin. But her powers scream Meadow. All that nature at her fingertips. Poppy. Of course, sticking with the nature tradition.

"He looks happy" Wanda comments from where she sits with Thor, the two of them watching Loki with his family.

"He is" Thor agrees, knowing just what Meadow and Poppy meaning to him. "How he had given up on finding someone to love him despite everything he had done. How he never thought that he'd get to be a father. And yet, here they are. The love of his life and his daughter. "Finally" Thor adds warmly. Loki has finally found his place in the universe. Time will tell where they end up. Where life leads them. But whatever they face. They will face it together. As a family. Loki lifts up his daughter as Meadow glides back to them, flowers sprouting from the ground under her feet. Loki nudges her nose and kisses her as she reaches him. Poppy's arms wrapping around their necks.
