Chapter 9: Our Little Psycho

When The Sun Hits
~ Slowdive

"Sweet thing, I watch you
Burn so fast, it scares me

Mind games, don't leave me
Come so far, don't lose me
It matters where you are

As the sun hits, she'll be waiting
With her cool things and her heaven
Hey, hey lover, you're still burning
You're his song, yeah"


Wednesday, 8:15 am
"Three days?" The five of them sat around the academy's main room. "That's what Five said." Nadine was laid out across a couch, her eyes closing slightly from fatigue. "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part of how soon." Klaus spoke as he sat down on the floor in front of Nadine.

"But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed but Fives a little..." Allison started before whistling and spinning a finger near her head. "Our little psycho." Klaus laughed out. Nadine chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse from happening those two lunatics wouldn't be chasing him." Luther defended the boy, making Nadine smile. "That's why they were after him?" Diego asked from the couch across from her. "Yeah."

"Nady, do you know anything more?" Klaus questioned while he turned slightly from his spot to look at her.

She sat up and cleared her throat, putting a hand over one of her knees. "All I know is that I was sent here to help him stop the apocalypse. To help you guys." Allison tilted her head as she stared at the girl. "Sent to us? Like, what? An angel or something?"

Wren grimaced from behind Nadine. "You can't tell her until you can trust her." The living girl scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly. "I think I should wait until Five gets back to explain that. He's better at it than me. Words get into my head and they just kinda spin around without stopping."

Klaus and Diego nodded, already forgetting the topic. "What did Five even see?" Allison switched the subject. Everyone looked at Nadine who waved her hand towards Luther, not wanting to speak for her new friend.

"Uh, apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." He clicked his tongue and sat in silence for a second before standing up. Nadine rolled her eyes at the man. Luther walked into the middle as he spoke. "Okay. So, here's the plan. Uh, we go through Dad's research-"

"Wait, what?" Allison asked. Everyone spoke to him at the same time, rejecting the first step to the plan. "You can take the boy off the moon but you can't take the moon off the boy." Nadine nodded as she spoke and closed her eyes. Klaus turned around and chuckled at her. "I think you need some sleep." She hummed in response.

"What actually happened the first time around?" The man asked Luther. "Yeah. What are you not telling us?" Diego accused. "Come on, big boy, spit it out."
Wren snapped her fingers in front of Nadine's face. "Nadine. Wake up. You're missing the show." The girl turned over in her sleep, scrunching her nose.

Luther looked around nervously before looking at his coffee. "We died." He muttered so that no one can hear him. Wren laughed loudly, banging on the back of the couch. "Nadine! Wake up, please!" Wren spoke as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "What was that?" Allison asked him.

He coughed after drinking a sip of coffee. "I said, uh, we died." Everyone stared at him and each other. Wren smirked and grabbed onto the basket next to the couch, pushing it over lightly and sticking her hand out.

An umbrella sprung out and landed on the floor loudly, opening up. Klaus yelped, his back smacking the couch making Nadine sit up fast. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. "I have to get some sleep."


"Everyone?" "I don't know" "No, we need to figure this out." "Is it just us?" "Yes, it's everybody." "In the house?" "The whole planet?" "No, outside the house. Everyone died." The four siblings plus Nadine all stood around in a circle, talking over one another with questions and answers. Nadine rubbed her temples and closed her eyes, feeling another rush of exhaustion hit her.

"Hey." Vanya walked in with a man. Nadine didn't find him familiar and Five never mentioned another sibling. Everyone turned around and watched them. "What's going on?" She asked them. He stood beside her with a creepy grin forming. Who the fuck is he?

Allison took in a breath as she looked between them. "It's a family matter." She answered. Nadine blew out air through puckered lips. That's gotta hurt. "A family matter. So of course you couldn't bother to include me." She responded.

Luther shook his head and put his weight from one foot to the other. "No, it's not like that. We were-" "And of course she's here. Why wouldn't she be? She has powers. Fives girlfriend is in-the-know but not your own sister. Don't let me interrupt." Vanya pointed towards Nadine who stuck a hand over her chest and opened her mouth slightly in hurt. "Why does everyone keep calling me his girlfriend?" She muttered to Wren who shook her head.

Wren stared at the man beside Vanya deeply, her eyes digging into him. She walked closer and inspected him. "There's an energy coming from over here, something I haven't felt before." Nadine tilted her head as she stared at the man.

"Vanya, wait. I'll fill you in later when we're alone." Allison went after her. Nadine crossed her arms as the guy made eye contact with her. He looked her up and down, like he could see everything. Like he knew her. "Please, please, don't bother. And I won't either." The man walked over to Vanya and stood behind her.

"Vanya, that's not fair." Allison defended herself. "Fair? There's nothing fair about being your sister. I have been left out of everything for as long as I can remember. And I used to think it was dad's fault, but he's dead. So it turns out you're the assholes." Vanya turned around and stormed out of the house after that.

The man stopped for a second, staring at each of them, before following after her. "Who is the teenage girl in there? I don't remember you ever mentioning her." He asked Vanya as they left. "I don't know, some girl that follows Five everywhere he goes. She just randomly showed up the day after he came back."

The man nodded at her, trying to make it seem like he wasn't interested. "And you said she has powers?" Vanya nodded at his question. "Do you know what they are?" She shook her head and grunted. "Does it matter? She's just like them, anyways." The man nodded again before putting his hand to his head. "I left my jacket inside. Can you give me one second?"

"Ouch." Klaus muttered. "I'm gonna go find Vanya and explain." Allison turned to leave and go after her but Luther stopped her. "No, wait. There isn't time. We need to figure out what causes the apocalypse. Now, there are loads of possibilities. Nuclear war, asteroids. But I'm thinking this is about the moon, right?"

Nadine groaned, rubbing her forehead lightly. "Dad must have sent me up there for a reason. And I was giving him daily updates on the conditions, I sent field samples. So the first thing we need to do is find his research." Luther continued to talk about the moon.

"Hold on. Hold the phone. We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?" Klaus asked his siblings. "Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego added.

"Five. Last time we didn't have him." Luther answered. Nadine put her hand in the air and he raised an eyebrow, pointing at her. "You also have me now, just in case you forgot."

Klaus leaned over in his seat making the girl raise an eyebrow at him. She backed away as he gagged. She was a sympathy vomiter and wasn't going to take any chances. "We have Nadine this time too. We weren't all together last time."

Klaus groaned as he got up and started walking. "This time, we'll have the full force of the Umbrella Academy. That's what we need." Luther explained to them. Allison sighed. "So, where's Five now?"

"Well, he had a plan to change the timeline. He'll be back soon." Luther answered. "He better be." Nadine muttered as she played with the rock in her hand. "I'm going after Hazel and Cha-Cha." Diego randomly commented as he started walking away.

"What, right now?" Luther questioned. "Hell yeah. Three days. I'm losing light by the minute." The man answered seriously as Luther went after him. "Wait, Diego. Look, I know you wanna avenge your friend, but we got a bigger problem here." The bigger man spoke quickly.

Nadine stood up and stretched, yawning deeply. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna go home and get some sleep." The girl spoke to Allison and Klaus as she grabbed her blazer off the back of the couch she was laying on. She had been sporting the dress for far too long. "Also gonna get a change of clothes."

She walked to one of the doors and when she grabbed the handle she felt something. Something eery and uncomfortable. She shook it off and continued out, starting to dial something on her phone. "Hi, yeah, can I get an order for pick up?"

Wren smiled at her sarcastically as they walked beside each other. "Ordering take out, just like normal. The apocalypse is happening in a couple days and you're wasting time." Nadine rolled her eyes. "Listen. Five told me to wait for him so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to wait for him. And while I'm doing that, I'm gonna eat and sleep."

After a while of walking she made it into her favorite Thai place. "Order for Nadine." The girl smiled at them and tapped on the desk twice. "Illusion." She whispered, drawing a circle with her finger and a star in the center.

She looked to the right after feeling someone looking at her. A man walked past the window, his eyes staying on her as he continued. She felt a shiver but looked forward, shaking off her anxiety.

The cashier smiled again and handed her the food, wishing her a nice day. She smiled back and waved. "Your illusion work is getting better." Wren commented as they walked. "Eh, that was small. I can't imagine how hard it would be normally." Nadine shrugged, smiling at the spirit.

Nadine got tense, looking back behind them but not noticing anything. "Oh god, I have to go. The coven is calling for me." Nadine stared at her with big eyes. "Right now?" She asked, looking behind them again. "Yes, right now. I'm sorry, Nadine. I'll be back as quickly as possible." The girl nodded before watching the spirit disappear.

"It's okay, Nadine. You're just anxious. There's no one actually following you." The girl walked up the stairs towards her apartment and struggled to unlock it. She walked in and set her food down on the plastic table, going to change out of the umbrella academy uniform.

Nadine walked into the bathroom and shut the door before changing into the big shirt and baggy jeans she had on the day she met Five.  It had been a couple hours since he disappeared and she was getting a little worried. He can take care of himself. She walked out and into her kitchen, standing on the tips of her toes to grab a plate from a cabinet.

Nadine stopped as she felt a presence behind her. A hand whipped across her face and over her mouth as a knife stuck itself closely to her throat. "You move, you die." With wide eyes, she looked around the room, noticing something.

Her window was open.

Nadine lifted her hand slightly so that the palm of it was facing the window. She bent her wrist, making the window slam shut. While he was distracted by the sound, she stomped on his foot and elbowed him in the stomach. He let go of her and bent over to catch his breath.

The girl bent down and used her hands to walk herself away from him. She pushed herself up, sprinting towards the door. She put her hand on the handle and went to twist it when something lodged itself into the side of her head. She heard a click, feeling the hard metal of a gun placed to her temple. The man laughed darkly as she stiffened.

"Let's try that again."


Wednesday, 8:15 am (again)
"Hold the phone." Klaus interrupts everyone's bickering. The four siblings plus Nadine all stood around the main room. "We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?" Nadine nodded, tapping a rhythm on the table she was leaning against.

"Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego added. Suddenly, electricity crackled and a blue portal appeared in the air over the table. "What the fuck!?" Nadine jumped back as a body fell out of it, landing harshly on a briefcase.

"Jesus!" Allison shouted, everyone else falling back as well. Five laid on the table, groaning in pain. "You guys, am I still high, or do you see him, too?" Klaus questioned from his spot on the couch. "Five, where have you been?" Luther questioned as the boy rolled off the table.

Nadine jumped to grab his arm as he fell, helping him stand up straight. He looked around before finally setting his eyes on her. His eyes widened, like he had seen a ghost. He let out a sigh of relief. "What's wrong?" She asked him. He shook his head and stumbled once more. "Are you all right?" Allison grabbed onto his other arm. "Who did this?" Luther questioned in anger.

"Irrelevant." Five grabbed the cup of coffee from Allison's hands when Nadine finally let go of him. He stood and walked a few steps away. The boy chugged the coffee with his back turned to them. He's limping. Nadine tilted her head as she watched him. Why did he look at me so weirdly? He exhaled, finishing the drink.

"So, the apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us." He smiled bitterly at them. "The Umbrella Academy." Diego stated. "Yeah, but with me, obviously." Five motioned to himself and then to Nadine. "And her."

Allison put a finger in the air, squinting her eyes slightly. "Yeah, okay. Now that we're on the topic again, who is she?" Luther nodded in agreement at the question. "She wouldn't answer until you got here." Five lifted a curious brow at Nadine who just smiled brightly at him. She walked over to stand beside him, their shoulders an inch apart.

Five raised a hand in her direction. "This is Nadine, she's like us. Kind of." Luther's eyebrows came together as she jokingly curtsied towards them. "Like us? What do you mean? Does she have powers?"

Nadine smiled over at Wren quickly before looking back at them. "This is my ancestral guide, Branwen. I'm a witch." The girl walked over to the couch and put a hand on Wrens shoulder. The siblings that hadn't seen Wren yet took a step back, their eyes wide.

"Yeah, a baby witch." The spirit chuckled and Nadine quickly took her hand off the girl, crossing her arms. "I'm not a baby witch! I'm a full grown, adult witch." The siblings nodded slowly as they took in the information. Nadine walked back over to stand next to Five again.

"Anyways, it's her destiny to be by my side and help me with the apocalypse." Five concluded the explanation, looking over at her. She leaned forward slightly and smiled again. "Written in the stars." She whispered, pointing towards the ceiling. Klaus smiled at the two, whispering a small "how cute."

"If you guys don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us?" Klaus shook his head and Five nodded, continuing his pep talk. "No. And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead." Nadine raised an eyebrow as she watched him talk, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I know who's responsible for the apocalypse. This is who we have to stop." Five took out a piece of paper and handed it to Allison. He grit his teeth like he was in pain making Nadine place a hand on his shoulder gently. "Are you sure you're okay?" He nodded at her for a second, his eyes glancing over her face, and went back to watching his siblings.

"Harold Jenkins?" Allison read the name off the piece of paper. Diego looked up at Five with an eyebrow raised. "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

