Alone Together

Weiss POV

My eyes slowly began to open, trying to adjust to the total darkness before them. My ears were ringing, phantom screeches of grimm sounding in my head. My body ached, cuts and bruises burning. I couldn't see anything, and could only hear the faint pitter patter of rain outside of wherever I was. I had been sat up against some sort of hard wall.

I was soaking wet, my long, ivory hair dripping with water and blood. I cringed at the feeling, such was unbecoming of a Schnee. I shivered involuntarily, it was far too cold in here.

...Where was here?

My breath hitched at the thought, I had no idea where I was. Fear wormed its way into my heart as I began to hyperventalite. Each breath caused an ache to travel down my throat, my terror lasted for another minute before I calmed myself.

A Schnee has no fear.

"Ruby...Blake...Yang...Itachi...?" I wheezed. My voice came out coarse and rough, my throat burning with each name. My mind swam with memories of what had just transpired. I could remember a sea of black, red eyes boring with hunger into my soul. I could remember running to...somewhere with the others, then a crushing pain before my thoughts left me.

'Where are the others?'

The second I tried to move, a jolt of pain shot through my right leg, followed by my yelp of pain. I looked down, but remembered that I wouldn't be able to see anything anyway. Instead, I gingerly moved my fingers down to the area, moving them along my leg until they hit a hard, jagged obstacle.

The brief touch made me wince not only in pain, but in horror. The feeling of my own bone making me shiver. I slowly brought my fingers in front of my place, I moved my tongue across my pointer to see if it was still bleeding, and the taste of iron and copper confirmed my suspicions.

Realizing that trying to treat my leg in complete darkness was futile, I carefully reached for Myrtenaster, which was loosely hanging from my side. With the rotation of a chamber, I activated the fire dust stored inside. The bright orange light made me squint as it appeared, yet the warmth comforted me still.

The light brought with it a plethora of new information. I was in a cave, a small yet safe place. The walls were a myriad of dark grays and blues. A few logs were scattered around the place, probably blown in my the raging winds outside.

I looked down at my leg, where I could see the one poking up from skin. Dried blood covered the area, staining my bare skin red. I gagged at the sight, the pain becoming much more tangible now that I could see it. I gingerly placed my fingers upon the area, clenching my teeth in anticipation.

This was going to hurt.

In one, quick motion, I shove the bone back beneath my flesh. Tears welled up in my eyes, blood pooling in my mouth from how hard I had bit down on my tongue. My whole body was trembling from the pain, crying out for relief. But alas, my aura had been broken in the battle against the grimm.

The sound of a low groan of pain suddenly floated through the air and into my eardrums. My head snapped back, eyes locking onto the source that was a few feet to my right. My hand instinctively brought Myrtenaster into a battle ready position, even if my leg screamed from the sudden movement. The flames wrapped around my weapon danced in anticipation, ready to face the threat lurking with me in the cave.

What I was not ready for, was Itachi laying up against the cave wall, only a few feet from where I sat. Blood covered his body, his right arm loosely wrapped in Ruby's makeshift bandages. His outfit was shredded, rips and tears prevalent in the fabric. His face sported bruises and cuts, partially hiding his severe eyebags and worry lines.

"Itachi?" I whispered, a spark of hope lit ablaze inside me. The ache in my heart that had been ebbing away at my soul faded away. I wasn't alone, someone was here.

I wasn't alone.

The glow of Myrtenaster was reflected in his ebony eyes. They held wisdom and resourcefulness beyond his years. It was strange, when Weiss had first met him, he seemed like an ordinary young man. But spending time with him proved he was anything but.

He was smart, and not in the way her or Blake were. He was wise, like he had already lived 1000 lives. He always seemed to know how to approach any situation, how to solve any problem, how to overcome any obstacle.

During the little time at Beacon that had passed, I had grown fond of him. He wasn't like those elites in Atlas, he was understanding. Supportive. He always was there to help when need be.

Now it was my turn to help him.

"Weiss...?" He said softly, his usual smooth voice was coarse and rough. I immediately acted, crawling over to his side, ignoring the pain in my leg. I reached him in an instant.

"Itachi! You have no idea how happy I am to see you." I whisper yelled. I could see him smile softly in the dust light, the action causing him to wince in pain. "It's good to see you as well, Weiss. How are you feeling?" His voice was strained, clear fatigue still lacing his every word. I glanced down at my leg, the hole still oozing with blood. "I am...fine." I tell him. He looks at me for a moment, before nodding gently. The action caused him to cough harshly, a thin trail of blood now dripping down his lips. I winced at the sight, but immediately regretted it, as a jolt of pain went through my leg. He must of noticed, his dark eyes drifting to my wound. I flinched, mentally preparing myself for the scolding that was to follow. On how I should have done better. That I shouldn't have even been touched. On how much of a failure I was.

And Schnee's didn't fail.

"I'm sorry."


I looked at him confused, what was he sorry for? Sensing my confusion, he continued. "I'm sorry for not being there to help you. If I hadn't have told you all to leave, your leg wouldn't be broken."

Again, what?

"What are you talking about? This is entirely my fault. I was the one who failed my attack on the Deathstalker. I was the one who was too slow, too weak. And I paid the price for it. I should have done better, and I'm sorry that I became a liability-"


I paused in my ranting. His midnight eyes glancing into my own, regret filling those darkened orbs. "This is not your fault. Injury happens to the best of us. Remember the docks?"

I clenched my fist at the memory. First, the feeling of anger that my own teammate was apart of a terrorist organization. Then, the feeling of guilt that I had driven Blake away. And finally, the soul crushing horror when we had found Itachi's body, sweat and blood mixed together in a cocktail of terror.

I could remember the feeling of his blood staining my ivory hair as I checked for his pulse. The relief of finding one, the anger and sadness that followed shortly there after.

But one thing that I couldn't remember, was blame.

It wasn't Itachi's fault. He had been struck down while protecting another, while fighting for what was right. It couldn't have been his fault.

"I...I understand. I'm sorry-" "There's no need to apologize, Weiss. Just don't be so hard on yourself, alright?" I hesitated, but the look on his face made me feel better.

In fact, whenever he looked at me, I felt better. As if all worry had been sucked away, leaving only true, unrestrained bliss. Like butterflies in my stomach, or my head in the clouds. I wasn't too sure why this was, no one else had ever made me feel this way before. Not Winter, not Ruby, not Yang, not Blake, and certainly not father.

It felt nice.

I was pulled from my mind by the clearing on his throat. I gazed towards him, only to see him weakly gesture to my broken leg.

"Weiss, why have you not bandaged it yet?" He asked.

My mind went blank for a moment, and I had to resist the urge to facepalm. I was the one who had brought them, after all. "I...forgot. I was just so confused, with all of this..." I started, but his accepting look cut me off.

"Be still." I told him, digging around in my things before pulling out the small roll of bandages. Instead of treating my own wounds, I reached for his own, ignoring his silent stares of protest. I gently took hold of his injured hand before beginning to wrap up the appendage. I was no professional doctor, but it was much better than Ruby's 3 second attempt.

I continued to bandage his wounds to the best of my ability, muttering quick apologies when he groaned in pain. He said nothing while I worked, allowing my mind to wander to the biggest question that was on my mind.

"Itachi, how did we get here? And where are the others?" I questioned quietly. He answered seriously as I applied a small bandaged to his forehead. "We split up. You and I were the most injured when the Wyvern came down on us. We would have only slowed them down, and because I am better at controlling my emotions, Ruby had us go the opposite way so they wouldn't attract grimm to you and I. I took us to a cave, I'm not sure where they are, or where we are for that matter. But we can figure that out when it come to it. Right now, we need to heal up and get out of here." He explained to me. I was shocked at the news. We...we didn't know where they were? Or even if they're alive?

Sensing my panic, Itachi reached out and gently gripped my shoulder. I flinched at first, nearly expecting a blow. But then I remembered, this wasn't Schnee Manor.

He wasn't my father.

"Weiss, don't worry about them. They are going to be fine." He tells me gently. But how can that be? How does he know?

" are you so calm? How do you know that they'll be okay?" I whisper. The prospect of finding Ruby's corpse torn apart by Beowolves. The image of Blake's mangled body, strung up by her organs over the treelines by Nevermores. The vision of Yang's remain scattered over a blood-stained clearing. The cloud my mind like a thunderstorm, unyielding in their screams. Itachi looks at me, his usual indifferent eyes softening as he squeezes my shoulder.

"I don't."


That makes more sense.

"I see." I mutter quietly, having finished bandaging his wounds and having moved on to my own. The roll shook with each tremble of my hand, making it hard to begin wrapping my leg. Wordlessly, Itachi plucked the roll from my hands and gingerly placed a pale hand on my leg. I flinched at his touch, but didn't make a sound. He began to warp my leg in earnest, slowing down with each whimper of pain that escaped my lips.

"I don't know that they're okay." He told me once more. "But there is no point on dwelling on the what ifs, it will only attract more grimm. You ask me how I am calm, but on the inside, I am terrified. While I sit here in this cave, my friend, my sisters, could be fighting for their lives against the hordes of grimm. However, thinking about what could have happened, will only distract me from what needs to happen. That is why I am so calm, I can't afford to panic or grieve. I must keep moving forward." He explains to me quietly. Any and all sense of joy or even wisdom has vanished from his voice. All that remains in the broken voice of a scared, terrified 14 year old boy. I say nothing at first, I couldn't. It took me a second to remember that this was Itachi. It's just that, I have never seen him so vulnerable.

And it's all my fault.

"I...I think I understand...Once again, I'm sorry for holding you guys back. Maybe if I wasn't here, you would have all been able to escape successfully. What a huntress I am..." I sorrowfully spit with not so hidden anger. Itachi finishes wrapping my leg up, the dull pain of the pressure now on it assured me that he had done it well.

His black eyes lock with mine, welled with with his usual expert facade of calm and now a hint of understanding. His gaze made me blush with the familiar rush of excitement, my cheeks now as red as the blood that stained my ivory locks. But his expression is a small, tight frown, making me look away quickly.

"Weiss, look at me."

"Weiss, I am your father. Look at me when I am talking to you!"

"Y-yes father-"


"Do not stutter, a Schnee does not stutter!"

"Yes father, I apologize father."

"Weiss, please, look at me."

Itachi's gentle voice brings me back into reality, His eyes now hold a soft edge of concern mixed in with his plethora of carefully hidden emotions. His bandaged hand now was entangled with my own, gently squeezing.

"Weiss, are you okay?" He asks.


I nod hesitantly, "I'm alright, Thank you." I lie expertly. I think that he knows, he's too smart not to, but if he does he says nothing. He doesn't leg go of my hand either, and for just a moment I am glad that this cave is so dark, if only because of my now red face.

"Weiss, listen to me. You didn't fail. You are not a failure, and you surely not a bad huntress. You have trained to put your life on the line in order to help others. You didn't have to choose this life, but you choose to be someone who protects and helps others. I have seen you slay hundreds of grimm of all shapes and sizes. You are one of the most intelligent and resourceful people I know. So please, don't think of yourself so lowly. You are a great huntress, but even the greatest of us face a bump in the road every one and a while." He tells me. My heart flutters at his compliments, but it also thumps in disgust. His gaze is soft and caring, making me smile.

Not like I deserve such praise.

"While I thank you for you appraisal of my character, I think you will find that I am not nearly as righteous or noble as you think I am." I mutter harshly while glaring at the ground. I hear him adjust himself slightly, the grunt of pain making me wince in guilt.

"What do you mean, Weiss?" He asks with a hint of curiosity. With how he speaks. It was almost as if he already knew the answer, and the way he spoke reminded me of Professor Ozpin.

I'm not sure why I decide to start talking again. Perhaps it was the reassurance that no one besides Itachi would ever hear me. After all, there were now hidden cameras or spies in this cave in god knows where.

A low, dark chuckle escapes my lips, the sickening sound of my faux laughter filling the cave.

"When I told you all why I wanted to become a huntress, I said that I wanted to leave my father, to become independent." I start coldy while looking up from the ground and into his eyes. He nods gently, motioning me to continue. "And while that is true, its not what you probably think. It's not that I wanted to simply grow up and look after myself. I just wanted to get away. To get away from him, from everything. To him, I'm just my last name. A puppet with iron strings, some object for him to use as he pleases. I..I..I just couldn't take it anymore! For all of my life, I've been trapped in a gilded cage, unable to even so much as breath in the wrong direction without consequence. I just wanted to be free...and this was the only way to do it. And what better to show him than his precious heir running of to the other side of the planet and becoming a defender of the people he uses. And helping people feels good, but it's not about protecting the innocent, or saving the world. It's about protecting my freedom!" I finish with a yell of frustration and anguish, banging my free hand against the cave floor. I don't know why I was so compelled to tell him, but I felt a bit better now that I had gotten it off my chest. My breath had become labored, and my mouth contorted into a scowl. Itachi said nothing, instead just studying me under his gaze.

"There. Now you know, I am not a protector. I only do this for myself. So save your praise for someone who really deserves it, not me." I snap at him with anger. He doesn't recoil, still only staring deep into my ocean blue eyes. For just a split second, I could see an ounce of pit fester in the void-like orbs, before vanishing as soon as it came.

Good, I don't want his pity.

Suddenly, I hear him move from his position against the wall. His hand stayed interlocked with mine while his other steadied himself. His gaze bored deep into my very being, eyes filled with caring, compassion, and understanding.

Did he really understand?

"I see." He responds. I was thankful to the gods that his tone was no different than before, not holding the anger or distaste I thought it would. But I was also confused, why wasn't he disgusted by my confession?

"And what do you see?" I spat, anger bubbling in my chest. My eyes reflected a raging ocean, storms ablaze with deep blue fury. His eyes were locked with mine, an unreadable expression on his face. He scooted closer to me, hand still tightly gripping mine as he began to speak.

"What I see, is a woman who was strong enough to escape. Someone who broke away from the shackles of her home. Someone who values freedom above all else. Freedom to live the life you want. Freedom to do the things you do. Freedom to love the things you love. I don't see a selfish brat, I see someone strong. Strong enough to make a difference." My eyes widen, tears threatening to spill. His words flooded my mind, repeating on loop.

Strong enough.

He continues, a light conviction raising in his voice. "And that, doesn't make you selfish. Even though you fight for yourself, that has not stopped you from helping others. When you and Blake fought, and she ran away, you felt guilty. Not because of something she did, or said, but because you felt that you drove her away. You felt bad, for a friend. You cared, and that makes you a much better person than many I know."

A lone tear dripped down my left cheek, an ugly sob nearly escaping my throat. I put my head in my shaking free hand. He kept his firm hold on my other, comforting me.

I...I don't get it. How could he think that? could he think that I'm a good huntress? But...maybe he's right. I don't know, I just don't want to think about it right now.

"Thank you." I whisper. He hums in response, my eyes unable to see anything. A comfortable silence overtakes the cave, lasting a few moments before he says something. "Besides, by your logic, I'm not a very good huntsman either."

"What?" Shock evident in my voice as I raise my head to look him in the eye. "What are you talking about? Out of everyone in Beacon, you are by far the best huntsman in training I've seen. You're strong, smart, and brave. So much better than someone like me..."

He chuckles softly, his laugh making me smile lightly despite my own tears. "You say that you are a bad huntress because your reasons for doing so are selfish. But, so are mine. I have only chosen this path for revenge."

Revenge? I think to myself. I stay silent for a moment, trying to ponder what he meant. Seeing my confusion, I sighed and continued. "My mother was a huntress." He says in a whisper, now looking down at the ground. It only takes a moment for me to put the pieces together.


A tidal wave of realization washes over me. Memories flood my brain. Memories of a different time, a better time.

"Weiss, dear, what are you doing in here all alone?" Mommy asked. Her voice was like silk, soft and sweet.

"Da- Daddy yelled at m-me again..." I sobbed. Tears flowed from my rosy cheeks, sobs escaping my throat and tears staining the million lien carpet. Mommy bent down with care and gently hoisted me into her arms, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so sorry Weiss. Do you want to join me in the garden? We've just planted some fresh roses."

"Really?! Yes, please!" I shout in joy, my tears long forgotten. I loved playing with mommy, she was so fun!

"Alright sweetie, let's go then." She whispered into my ear, running a hand through my ivory hair as she began to walk through the halls of the illustrious Schnee Manor. My head nuzzled into her chest, which smelled of fresh cut flowers.

"I love you, mommy." I mumble, my voice muffled. Her hold on me tightened ever so slightly, her heart beating in tandem with mine.

"I love you too, my little snowflake."

Blinking away the memory, I look to Itachi, who for what it's worth, looked quite composed. But I had been conditioned to know when someone is hiding their emotions, and I can see the slightest bit of grief in his eyes.

"Oh, Itachi..." I whisper, desperately thinking of a way to comfort him. In a bit of a panic, I spring from my position beside him, ignoring the jolt of pain in my leg as I wrap my arms around him. His body tensed ever so slightly before returning to normal. I was now looking behind him, resting my head on his shoulder in my embrace. Neither of us said a word, the silence becoming even more deafening when Myrtenaster, which I had laid on the ground before, finally went out, shrouding the cave in darkness once more.

I then felt him slowly return my gesture, embracing me with his bandaged arms. He stayed in my arms for a few minutes, a comfortable quiet encompassing the cavern. I could feel every breath he took, his chest rising and falling against mine. It made my heart beat like a drum in my chest, but now was not the time to think about my strange feelings.

"She was the best mother a child could ask for. She baked us cookies, she read us stories, she played games with us. She was as kind as they come, and wore her heart on her sleeve. And...she understood me. She made me feel loved, and even when I had no hope, she was there." He continued quietly. His breathing slowed, his body no longer moving at all. I looked down at this, as I knew what he was doing. It was common to completely shut down all emotion or movement to conceal your own thoughts. My heart hurt at the thought of him trying to hold it all in, but I wasn't going to stop him. Emotion could attract Grimm after all.

"She sounds amazing." I say breathlessly. I wanted to say more, but what else could I say? He laughs softly in agreement, sending another tingle through my body.

"She was."

I knew that I probably shouldn't ask, but part of me wondered what had happened to her. Eventually, my curiosity won out, and I asked. "What happened?"

He said nothing at first, making me immediately feel guilty. "I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked-" "It's quite alright, Weiss." He tells me, his voice more calm and collected than before. It seems that he has calmed down for the most part, sounding much more like his usual self.

"One day, she went out on a mission. Her final mission, infact. It was set to be her last one before she retired. I remember being so happy, to spend more time with her. If there was one thing I hated, it was the fact that she was a huntress. I understand why. Hell, I understand more than anyone. But it still hurt, to have her gone for a week, sometimes months at a time. Anyway, it was set to only take a week at most, but she didn't return the night she was supposed to.....It was the morning after when our Uncle Qrow came by to deliver the news...that she...was gone." He whispered. I said nothing, what was there to say? I could only continue to hold him in silence. He said nothing else, seemingly also content to remain in my embrace.

It was only after a few minutes that I let him go. Now face to face, I could see a lone tear trace down his cheek, yet his face displayed no emotion. "Thank you, Weiss." He told me, my heart fluttering once again at his words. I blushed in the darkness. "You're welcome, Itachi." He smiled a small smile, likely all he could muster.

"That's why I am training to become a huntsman. To bring justice to the world that wronged her, Revenge, you could say. I want to protect others too, but before she passed, I didn't want to be a huntsman. I-" He started, before pausing. He considered something for a moment, before shaking his head. "I just wanted a peaceful life. But when she died, when she was taken. I couldn't sit back and not do anything about it. I will change the world, no matter what happens." He finished, conviction clinging to his words like glue. I nodded, a sad smile forming on my lips.

"I see. That is quite noble of you, Itachi. But still, your justice was to save others. Mine was to save myself. Not very similar, if you think about it." I challenged dejectedly, anger at myself still caressing my heart.

"Well, whatever the case may be, we are here now. Saving others, for whatever reason. And I think that's something worth thinking about." He said.

I wanted to argue, but I couldn't find the strength. And maybe...he was right.

He then gestured to his necklace, a silver chain with a rose pendant that glimmered in any and all light. "This was her final gift to me. She had it hand crafted by an old friend a few weeks before her death. It represents everything she stood for, and that's why I never take it off. To always force me to keep moving forward in her footsteps, even if at times I don't have the strength to." He tells me with a smile of remembrance. "That must be why it's so beautiful then, if it carries her will." I remarked with a smile. He laughs, a real, genuine laugh. "I think you're right."

After a few minutes in silence, he begins to move. I watched as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small crystal of what looked to be fire dust. It glowed harshly with red luster, letting me see him clearly once more. He got up slowly, stumbling slightly before steadying himself. He walked over to the back of the cave, grabbed a log, and turned back.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. He throws the log on the ground in front of me. "Making a fire, it will do us no good to sit here in the cold of night." He responds. I nod, going to get up, but immediately letting out a cry of pain and falling back to the ground.

"Stay still Weiss, your aura will only repair itself if you let it." Itachi tells me with a laugh. I glare at him, but he just grins.

Soon enough, he had gathered a small pile of logs and sticks, and with a sing scrape of Black Rose, the fire dust sent sparks out onto the wood, causing a might fire to emerge from their depths.

The warmth hit me in an instant, comforting me in its gentle embrace. It felt good on my cold skin, the heat finally beginning to dry my soaked hair and clothes. He sat back down next to me, gingerly raising his hands to the fire, letting them glow in the flames.

I did too, raising my shivering hands to the dancing flames. They licked me, bathing my hands in such pleasure that I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

For just a moment, I forgot about everything else, and let the warmth of the fire fill my mind, one of two of my companions.

My eyes flickered to Itachi, who was now looking into the fire in deep thought, probably thinking of some sort of plan. Ever the genius he is.

My eyes were soon drawn to the flame, memories dancing in my head. But for the first time in a while, they were good ones. Ones of my team. Study sessions with Blake, sparring matches with Yang, laughing with Ruby. The food fight. Initiation. Everything that I had come to value over these passed few weeks.

And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Over an hour passed, with Itachi and I discussing a few things. We had formed a basic plan. We would emerge from the cave at the crack of dawn, and attempt to meet up with the others and get back to camp. It wasn't much of a plan, but there was little we could really do in this situation.

We had also inquired about him in detail about our fight with Torchwick. He had yet to learn the details from anyone, so I couldn't help but oblige when he asked to know more.

I would forever cherish the look of pride in me on his face when I told him of my use of the Lightning Blade. He was the one who had given me the idea, after all.

Now we sat in a comfortable silence around the flames. And the more I thought about it, the more his earlier words stuck in my head.

She was the best mother a child could ask for.

She understood me.

She made me feel loved.

Flashes of long, snow white hair went through my head. Soft lullabies, warm hugs. Cheer me ups when I was down. Dotting kisses when the days were too hard.

And then, a void.

Itachi must have noticed my sudden change in mood, fore his black eyes locked with mine. "Is something wrong, Weiss?" He asked, startling me from my thoughts.

"O-oh, it's nothing...." I mutter. He studied me for a moment, before seemingly retreating into his own head to think to himself.

But then, a thought hit me.

What...what if I told him? I had never shared this with anyone since I came to Beacon. And even thinking about it made me want to scream and cry into the winds. But Itachi had just told me about his mother. And now, there was an ever increasing weight on my chest that told me to share my thoughts with him.

But would he even care? Father sure hadn't. When I had come to him grieving, he had simply turned me away. Winter was never around to care, and although Klien was kind, he was unable to truly do much because of Father's chains on him. So what's to say that Itachi would care?


He's nothing like father.

"I- Itachi, can I tell you something?" I say quietly. But it seems to shake him from his thoughts anyway. He looks up from the crackling fire and into my ice-blue eyes. "Of course, what would you like to share with me?" He asks. His tone was accepting, which made me feel just a bit better.

Before it would all feel worse.

"I....I...Can I tell you about my mother?" I asked gently. He looked confused for a moment, before it faded away from his face. "If you would like." He replies.

Oh gods, what have I done? Where do I even start? I...She...I don't-

Itachi knocks me from my thoughts with his hand on my own, I look up towards him, and a reassuring smile adorned his face. "It's okay, take as much time as you need." He tells me. I nod, taking a deep breath before I finally began to speak.

"My mother was everything. She was the only person I could turn to. My father sees me as a puppet, Winter hardly even speaks to me, and my brother Whitley just straight up hates me. But my mother? She cared. She loved me when no one else would. She'd take me to plays to watch humongous performances. She would read me stories before bed. She...she would play make believe with me in our garden. She was the most important person in my life. I loved her so much, I...I had to, there was no one else..." I explained to him. By now the tears had began to pour, dripping down my cheeks and onto the cave floor below.

"Any time I was feeling angry, or sad, or scared, she was there. There to comfort my every moment. It didn't matter what happened, she was there for me. She loved me, and I loved her. And that's just how it was...Until..." I choked out, a sob escaping my lips.

A hand was put on my shoulder. "It's okay, Weiss. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Itachi whispered to me, but I shook my head. I needed to tell someone.

"D..did I ever tell you what the White Fang did to me?" I whisper, but the words hit like bullets. Itachi's eyes widened at the immplications, and in that moment I knew that he had figured it out.

"It was an ordinary night. Father was at a business meeting. Winter was out training, and Whitely was somewhere else, I don't quite remember. It was just me and mother and the manor that night. I can remember it so clearly. We were in the garden, gazing at the stars in the moonlit sky. When suddenly, we heard it. A loud crash. And then flames. I can recall my mother dragging me through the house, running to escape the growing fire. But then...The White Fang came. Th...they poured from the windows....they burst from behind doors and walls. They attacked, and then...then...oh god...blood, fire, I...I can...There was...they killed her. I remember her dying, the blood gushing from her lips as she pleaded for my life. I...I don't...I can't....they were going to kill me too, but they authorities arrived. They ran. And all that was left was her....a lifeless corpse." I was openly sobbing at this point, tears like waterfalls pouring from my eyes. But I didn't stop.

"Sometimes, I wish that they didn't come! I wish that they killed me too! Maybe then I would get to see her again, and I wouldn't have to live everyday without her...without my mom. I...I just want to see her again....please gods...why did you take her away...mommy...please..." I cried out. At first, Itachi was silent, just looking at me with concealed surprise at my outburst. But in an instant his arms were around me, burying my head into his shoulder. I continued to sob, the tears staining his ripped and muddied shirt.

"It's okay, Weiss. Let it all out." He whispered. The back of my mind worried about attracting grimm, but the storm would keep them away. So I just kept crying, until my throat burned and my eyes had nothing left to give. But I stayed in his arms, occasionally sniffling as he began to gently rub his hand across my back. After ten minutes he pulled away, dark eyes gazing into my own with a new, deeper sense of understanding.

In silence we sat, memories and thoughts swimming around in my head. The flames had begun to die out, now barely illuminating the cave. But his eyes seemed brighter than ever. "Thank you for telling me, Weiss. And for what little it's worth, I'm sorry that happened." He says with a heavy tone, that truly displayed remorse and sorrow. "Trust me...It means more than you know." I replied in a whisper, a faint smile on my face. He says nothing in response, content to just the fire die out. And soon enough, it does. The last embers fade, burning away as the wood turns to ash, leaving behind only the strong smell of smoke.

"We should rest now. When we get up, the storm should have cleared up, and our aura's should have healed us up enough to allow us to leave." He explains softly, dragging himself back to his position against the wall. I do the same, the tendrils of sleep already latching onto my mind.

"And, Weiss?" He asks quietly, his voice coming from the darkness beside me. I turn to face him, blue eyes peering into his own. "Thank you for listening." He tells me with a sad smile. I just give him one in return, saying the last thing on my mind before darkness claims me.


My vision fades as my eyes close, all noise fades as I am whisked away into the land of dreams. I lose feeling in my body as my consciousness escapes my body and into the realm of imagination.

"Thank you."

AN: And that's a wrap! I'm sorry that this one took so long, but I've been very busy the last few days. Anyway, let me answer some questions you all might have,

Yes, I changed Weiss's backstory quite a bit. I wanted to give her something special to relate with Itachi for, works. And her relationship with Willow isn't all that important in cannon anyway, so I don't think too any people will mind.

Another thing. Sometimes I feel that Weiss seems too kind here, but I think that she was only so uptight and and temperamental in the earlier volumes was because of the people she's around. Ruby, Yang, and even Blake are kind of...strange, you know? I think that if Weiss was around someone like Itachi, who is calm, intelligent, and polite, she would be in a much better mood than she was at Beacon. Especially because Itachi is actively trying to be nice to her, and in a way that is appeals to Weiss, unlike Ruby who's optimism and abundance of energy aren't really Weiss's thing....and she may be falling for him but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

She also has some self confidence issues here, which I think make sense when you consider her upbringing, the whole "If your not first, your last." and "Any mistake means you are a failure." Thing, you know? So I gave her some, as I think it develops her character some more. I know that they did this in the later volumes, but I wanted to start it earlier here.

There will be one more chapter for this Forest Arc, and damn do I have some ideas for its finale! Just trust me, it's gonna be intense! I hope that you all have enjoyed the chapter, and until next time, peace out!
