Sick. [MiniCat]

"Tyler!" Craig's raspy voice called out for his friend, who was downstairs.

"Hm?" He yelled back to him. There was a pause, and then a thud. Tyler sighed and got up from the couch and made his way up the stairs.

He peeked his head into his roommate's room, seeing him sprawled out on the floor, him tangled up in his blankets. He was trying to get out of them, but when you're too achy to even get up properly, it didn't really work. Craig whined and looked up at Tyler, gesturing him to help.

"How the fuck did you do this?" Tyler laughed and helped Craig untangle himself. He looked half awake, but he climbed back into his bed anyways.

"I was going to ask you to bring me my laptop..." He shrugged and reached up to his face to take his glasses off.

"Fine," Tyler left the room and back downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and to the cabinet. He grabbed a box of crackers, went back for Craig's laptop, and back up. Tyler dropped off the crackers at the foot of his bed and handed Craig his computer.

"Thanks..." Craig's voice was mostly gone, and he sounded really tired. Tyler nodded and grabbed the crackers.

"Move 'yer ass over, Craig." Tyler pushed him to one side of his bed and he laid down next to him. Craig had grabbed his blankets from the floor when Tyler left, so it was already on the bed.

"Tyler, what're you doing.."

"Making this sick fuck feel better." Tyler pulled the blanket over the two of them and pulled Craig into his chest.

"You're gonna get yourself sick you ass," Craig complained.

"Let me just do this. I don't give a fuck if I get sick right now," Craig sighed as a way of giving up. Tyler smiled in victory and pulled him closer to himself. A comfortable silence filled the room for a few minutes, until the sick man spoke again.

"... Give me a cracker please..."
