Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The next day, January 1st, I hung around all day, but Caleb never texted or called me. I tried not to let myself feel disappointed but I couldn't help it. I had actually had a nice time with Caleb the night before.

I went back to work on January 2nd. Sophia and I chatted a lot, and she asked about Caleb a lot, but I didn't want to go into too many details until I knew where I stood with him. But she was used to me being cryptic and closed off anyways.

He didn't call me at all that day either. By January 4th, I had given up hope that Caleb would reach out. I felt completely embarrassed. I had obviously felt more about New Year's Eve than he had. It wasn't his fault, I guess, but I was completely mortified. I mean, for four days, every time my phone buzzed, I jumped to get it just in case it was him.

"Hey, Marcus is stopping by at lunch and I think he's bringing Caleb." Sophia leaned over my desk.

"Oh." I didn't hide my feelings very well from her.

"What? What did he do this time?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Nothing. It's just... He kissed me a couple times and I thought he was going to call, but..." I just shrugged my shoulders. How stupid was I for getting all caught up over some boy.

"What a dick. I told him not to pull his usual shit with you." She looked pissed.

"Well, it's not a big deal. I just don't want to see him."

"Alright, I'll give you a five minutes heads up and text you when they're gone." She told me. About a half hour later, she told me they were five minutes out, so I decided to take my lunchbreak somewhere else. I went to this little sandwich shop and ate a caprese sandwich while I chatted with the owner. The owner was an older man, who had owned the shop with his wife until her passing.

I told him a bit about how Irene and I had always wanted to open a bakery together. He thought it was a good idea and started listing places that were good neighborhoods for a bakery.

"Oh it's just a dream." I told him, "nothing to start planning for."

I was on my way back to the office, Sophia had given me the all clear, when I passed a familiar police car.

"Red!" I looked down the street to see Marcus and Caleb walking towards the car.


I quickly turned to leave but they had obviously already seen me.

"Oi Red! Don't walk away from me." I froze at Caleb's words and then turned back to face him. Marcus walked by me to get in the car, but Caleb had paused by the corner, and motioned for me to come to him. I did. I walked to him slowly, but he obviously wanted to talk and I knew better than to disobey.

"Hi." I said when I reached him.

"Hey, I went to your office to see you, but you weren't there."

"Oh yeah, I went out for lunch." I shrugged my shoulders. He looked down at me intently. I didn't want to meet his eyes.

"Nice, let's go for a walk." He wasn't asking, he was telling me. He tugged me with him, holding onto my forearm gently.

"Ok." I said, even though I knew my consent wasn't required.

"So um, Sophia kind of lay into me." He said. Uh oh, I had been worried of that. I should have told her not to mention anything to him, but I had honestly not thought of it. I felt nervous, was he mad at me? Had I embarrassed him in front of Marcus and Sophia?

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was just girl talk, I didn't mean-"

"I'm sorry I didn't call. I should have. And I wanted to." His tone was sensitive and serious. I dared to look up at him only to find him completely focusing on me.

"Ok, I'm sure you were busy." I pushed off the feeling of excitement that he had wanted to call me. What if he was just playing me? He could be lying.

"I was, but I still should have called. I'm sorry if I hurt you, Red." He pulled me to a stop so that I had nowhere else to look but back up at him.

"That's ok." I gave him a small smile.

"But since I'm here now, can I ask you out again?"

"Yes." I responded way too quickly. He grinned at me, with dimples and all. His dark hair was pressed to his forehead because of his cap. His uniform had long-sleeves, hiding his tattooed arms. It wasn't as cold as it had been, but I was still snuggled tightly underneath a jacket, many layers, gloves, a hat, a scarf, and pretty much anything else. I used my layers to hide from him.

"Great, are you free Saturday night? There's a movie I've been dying to see and it's like a chick flick so I'd feel weird going without a... chick." He said without any shame.

"Ok that sounds fun."

"We don't have to call it a date, I know how you don't like that." He said as I leaned away from him and against the building behind me.

"We can, umm, we can call it a date." I said softly. He flashed his pearly white smile at me. I couldn't help but blush.

"Alright, it's a date. I'll check movie times and text you tomorrow, I promise." He grabbed my hands in his own and squeezed them tightly. I hoped he couldn't feel my hands trembling in his palms. It wasn't that I was afraid of him in that moment, more that I was nervous about everything.

I had never had a boy show interest in me like Caleb had.

When Saturday rolled around, I spent two hours figuring out how I was supposed to dress and how to do my makeup. I wanted to look pretty, but I didn't want to overdo it. And then I had to call Sophia and have her tell me what I was supposed to wear.

She told me skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a cute top. Of course, I knew I'd just hide everything underneath my coat and scarf.

Right on time, he knocked on my door. I was already ready, of course, and had been sitting and waiting, but I still took a moment to take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. It didn't work, but it at least gave me a moment so I didn't run to the door like a desperate idiot.

"Hey," I said when I opened the door. "Why don't you come in while I get my bag?" Of course he looked amazing, in skinny jeans, a loose button-up, and a blazer. He wore a big black coat over it all. I immediately felt insecure in what I was wearing. Should I have put my auburn hair up in a bun? I tried to push the thoughts from my mind. I knew I'd never look good enough to be seen next to him.

"You look gorgeous." He said, interrupting and contradicting my thoughts. I blushed, but didn't respond. I was pretty sure that guys were obligated to say those kinds of things on dates. I grabbed my purse and shoved my wallet and phone into it, and a chapstick since it was cold out and my lips were always chapped. And then I started putting on all the layers- coat, hat, scarf, mittens.

"D'you have enough clothing there?" He chuckled at me. I scowled, was it too much? Should I be trying to look sexier?

"It's cold." I said. He smiled broadly at me.

"I know, love, I was just teasing you. You look very cozy. Ready?" He held out a hand to me, which I accepted as I grabbed my keys. He led me out of the apartment and waited patiently while I locked my door. He even bent down to pick up the keys when I dropped them because my hands were shaking so hard from nerves. I blamed it on my gloves, but the way he smiled at me indicated that he knew the truth.

We rode in the elevator quietly, just standing close to each other and exchanging smiles. And when we got to the car park, I didn't need him to guide me to the familiar car. But he did insist on holding the door for me and helping me inside. I let him do that. I remembered how important that stuff was for him.

We went to dinner first. He took me to a hole-in-the-wall Italian place where we shared a delicious margherita pizza. I took note of how many red pepper flakes he piled on top of his slices- he liked spicy food. I didn't have a lot of experience with eating spicy food, so I didn't try any. I thought it'd remind me too much of my mother rubbing hot sauce on my eyes.

We actually had a really nice time. I dodged some questions about my life pre-London and instead we talked about music and movies we liked. I was excited to find that he also enjoyed some oldies stations- although our definitions of 'oldies' differed a lot.

The movie was fun, too. It was funny and cheesy and romantic, but overall predictable, which I appreciated greatly. He paid for both dinner and the movie, even though I protested, but he promised he'd let me pay for our next date.

I hated that I was so excited at the mention of another date.

Of course on Monday, Sophia made me give her a minute-by-minute play of the date and was very pleased at my description. I did leave out the kiss we shared at the end of the night. I wanted to save that for just myself.

It was Wednesday and Sophia was out on her lunch break, so I was manning the front desk. I was busy typing up appointment reminders and putting in orders for prescription refills, so I didn't hear anyone come in. When knuckles rasped on the desk, I was startled. I let out an ungraceful yelp, and quickly looked up to meet the amused green eyes of none other than Caleb Scott.

"Hello there," he smirked at me.

"Hi." I wasn't even mad at him for scaring me. I was just happy to see him.

"Are you all alone here?" He asked me, looking around.

"Yeah, I usually take the later lunch breaks. All the doctors are out, so no patients, and Sophia is-"

"Fucking Marcus in my squad car," Caleb answered for me. I blushed at his response. He could be so sweet sometimes, and so crude other times. He seemed to enjoy my embarrassed reaction to his crassness.

"Yes, well, that."

"You don't mind being alone?" He asked, leaning on the desk so he could be closer to me. Our faces were a mere six inches apart and a small part of me hoped that he would grab me and kiss me.

"No, I prefer it actually. I've heard enough about Marcus and his sexy arms for one day."

Caleb laughed out loud at my snarky comment. He seemed to enjoy the few times I dared to speak like that. I couldn't help but smile at his infectious laughter.

"I had a nice time Saturday night." I told him, hoping to change the subject off of Marcus and Sophia.

"Me too," he looked at me intensely and licked his lips. "That's actually what I came here to talk to you about. Are you free on Friday?" My heart fluttered.

"Yes." I answered, way too quickly. But I was too excited to feel embarrassed.

"Good," he smiled, "my mate's band is performing at this pub, and I figure you and I can find a quiet table in the corner to hang out."

"Yeah, that sounds really fun." I nodded.

"Great, I'll see you Friday at nine." He knocked on the desk twice before standing up straight. I was disappointed that he didn't kiss me good-bye, but overall thrilled that he wanted to take me out again.

When Sophia came back from lunch, I had her give me the run down. What do you wear to a band's performance at a pub? Do I eat dinner beforehand? And all that good stuff. I was so fortunate to have her- she was so patient with me and never once got annoyed by my constant questions.

Thursday and Friday passed so slowly, and it seemed like a year had passed in those two days. But when Friday night rolled around, I couldn't contain my nerves and excitement. Everywhere I went I seemed to skip there. I had so much extra energy that I even went for a run Friday morning. I mean, it wasn't a successful run, but I still went and that's what counts.

Caleb was a few minutes early in picking me up, but that's ok because I was ready early anyways.

"Hello," he looked so good, as usual.

"Hi," I said to him, pretending not to notice how close he was standing to me when I locked my front door. I felt his arm wrap around my waist, but before I could react, I was yanked suddenly into his body. He caught me quickly and held me against him.

"Hello," he said again, his hand moving up from my shoulder, where it was holding me still, and onto the back of my neck. His hand was so large that his fingers were pressed on either side of my jaw.

"Hi," I answered again, my heart fluttering over what was about to happen. He held eye contact with me for a moment, before leaning in so close that I could hear his heart beating steadily. I hoped that didn't mean that he could hear how erratic my heart was beating.

He pressed his lips to mine gently, and kissed me slowly. When he pulled away, I sighed in disappointment, but his lips were on mine again very quickly.

Caleb was good at many things, but I think he must be the best at kissing. His kisses were romantic and gentle, yet aggressive and exciting. I may not have had a lot of experience with kissing, but I still knew how excellent his kisses were.

"C'mon, we should get going." He said in his deep voice, pulling away from me. I didn't answer, too out of breath and still recovering.

He wrapped a long arm over my shoulders and led me to the elevator. He kissed me more in the elevator.

When Caleb led me into the pub, we were met by a chorus of loud cheers and shouts. I blushed under the attention of the entire place and quickly stepped behind Caleb, whose tall height shielded me. Caleb seemed to know everyone there and said a big hello. Even the bartender knew who he was.

He pointed out a little table in the corner, which had a reserved sign on it. The sign was obviously handmade, written in sharpie on cardboard. I assumed he had told one of his friends to do it, because the sign actually read "Reserved for 'the wanker' Scott". I made a note to ask him about it.

"Go sit and I'll grab us drinks." He instructed me.

I did as I was told and sat at the private little table. I did feel more comfortable over there, because it was a little off to the side and hidden from half the pub. But that didn't mean people weren't staring at me.

Caleb set down what looked like a ginger ale in front of me, and placed a beer in front of himself.

"So that is called a Moscow mule. I think you'll like it, but don't drink it too quickly." He told me.

"Thank you," I smiled and tested the drink. It tasted like a spiked ginger ale, but I liked it a lot.

"I got us a basket of chips, too. It always takes forever though, so don't hold your breath."

"Why is everyone staring?" I asked him, proud of myself for being brave. He glanced around, as if he didn't notice and rolled his eyes.

"Just ignore them." Was all he said. He seemed to be a little pissed off about something, so I didn't want to press it.

"When does the music start?" I asked after taking another sip of my drink, trying to change the subject. He pointed out someone towards the front of pub, where the stage was. He looked to be older than Caleb, but not by much, and was bent over a table talking to someone.

"Whenever that prick gets his arse on stage." Caleb said pretty much into his beer glass.

"Oh, is he your musician friend?"

"The one and only." He put down his drink and looked at me seriously. But then his mood broke and he smiled broadly. "You look so out of place here." I blushed deeply at his comment and fiddled with my shirt awkwardly.

"Sorry, I tried to look like-"

"Hey, hey, relax. I meant it as a compliment." He chuckled, shooting a large hand across the table to grab my wrist and stop my nervous fiddling. "You're too good for this place, sweetheart." He said to me in a kind voice.

"Oh," was all I could say. I didn't quite understand what he meant by any of that, but I did immediately feel uncomfortable. It was clear I wasn't good enough, I just didn't think that he would point it out.

"You look cute, but would you stop pouting. I just meant that you're a breath of fresh air in here." His hand reached up to capture my chin between his thumb and forefinger, and he tilted my face up so I had to look at him.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be a spoilsport."

"You apologize too much. Here, cheers," He raised his glass up and waited as I grabbed my drink in a shaky hand and clinked it against his. We both took a big gulp, and I wasn't going to lie, it did help with the nerves.

The crowd started cheering, and I looked over to see the band climbing onto the stage. Caleb got up and pulled my chair, with me still in it, around to the other side of the table so I could see the stage better, and so I could sit right next to him.

Our fries came out and we sat in the corner, listening to his friend's band play, eating our fries, and telling each other things by putting our lips to the other one's ear so that no one else could hear.

It was a great time.

"I should probably go close out the tab." He told me when the band said they're playing one more song. It was almost midnight, but I was pretty sad the night was almost over. Caleb and I managed to have amazing conversation even though we were in a loud and crowded place.

"Oh I should probably do that, since I'm paying." I responded, reaching behind me for my purse. Last time we had gone out, he had promised me that I could pay for the next date.

"Red," he said to me in a tone I couldn't quite place, "I've got this." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, holding me still.

"You said that I'd pay this time." I reminded him. Had he forgotten?

"Yes I did," he smiled at me, flashing those irresistible dimples, "but I wasn't actually going to let you pay. I only said it to make you feel better. I'm sorry for lying." He looked a little guilty, but mostly just amused that I had believed him.

"You have to let me pay. I don't want to mooch off of you." I insisted.

He actually threw his head back and laughed out loud on that one.

"I'm not kidding, I want to pay for this." I protested.

"That's too bad, I won't let you." He stood up from his chair, and when I stood up too, he quickly and gently pushed me back down into my chair. And he was gone before I stood back up. I sighed in defeat, I couldn't believe he did that. I felt a little embarrassed that he had paid for everything so far, but mostly honored that he liked paying for me.

He came back over about when the last song was done, so we stood together and clapped for the band.

"Let's get out of here before people start to mingle." He said to me as he grabbed my hand in his and pulled me towards the exit.

"Hey, I'm serious about not wanting to mooch off of you," I said to him when we were in the car, "it's important to me that I pay for stuff." He started laughing again, and I didn't understand what he found so funny.

"Who taught you that word?"

"What word?"

"Mooch. It's ridiculous. You're not mooching off of me, I'm taking you out on dates." He explained to me as if I were an idiot.

"Yeah, but sometimes I can pay for things too." I countered. He shook his head at me and looked out the window to his right.

"Red, would it make you feel better if I said you'd emasculate me if I let you pay for anything?" He said to me after having a moment to think about it.

"What? Would it really make you feel that way?" I asked him. I was completely new to the whole dating thing, so I really didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. I thought that we were supposed to share the expenses.

"I mean... no. But I'm supposed to be paying for dates. Just- just let me pay, alright? I'm not going to give in, so you may as well save your efforts and not try."

I didn't respond, but I mulled everything over in my head. He seemed to be pretty stubborn on this issue, so I dropped the argument. But I wasn't sure that I was completely comfortable with it yet.

He walked me up to my apartment and leaned on the wall next to me as I unlocked the door.

"Can I come in for a nightcap?" He asked me. I glanced over to him and then opened the door.
