~chapter 5~

Y/n's POV

Today is really not fun, fresh or funky. My dear shinbro got his ass completely handed to him, which was harsh (albeit a litttttle bit funny,, but don't tell him !). But that's not the main reason why today completely sucked ass.

I had to fight

I had to fight mINA

Fuckingggnbggg minaaaaaaa

I'm totally not gay or whatever, but I completely lose my mind even thinking back to the scene. She was just so perfect, so flawless. I couldn't bring myself to stop staring at her battered form, breathing heavily from the endless turrets of attacks I sent her way. Remarkable, to say the least.

Her eyes were engulfed in a passion never before seen, it encircled her aura and completely pulled me in. I was lulled, entrapped in a siren's call. I'm not gay though. Totally.

Spectators POV

From one end of the arena a bright pink bubble of energy waltzed onto the platform, a beacon of humble pride.

One the other end, a h/c haired figure strutted slowly, curiously looking at her audience. She was smiling, of course.

"Ashido Mina, of class 1A! Y/n L/n, of class 1A! Two respected members of the hero course- who will reign superior? In 3-2-1! Let the battle commence!"

Immediately the h/c haired female pounced to the air, a ripping sound followed. A huge, fluffy tail unfurled from its hiding place and began swatting the floor to keep the girl afloat and above her target.

In retaliation to this the bubbly pink girl- who was, for the most part, just speculating a plan at this point- began side stepping continuously away from the giant tail using her acid. She had a plan, but she wasn't sure if she should go ahead with it.

Acid girl ran around her opponent, chasing it in circles. The cat-like female (I've imagined y/n as a cat, but if you've thought different then thats fine!)quickly caught on to what Mina was doing because cmon, only dogs chase their own tails. She played along with it until Mina left her with an opening so she could trap her in her tail and bring her toward her.

To Mina, however, this idea of y/n's completely caught the poor girl off guard. As the h/c coloured tail was thrown around her, she was stopped by her own brain convincing her it was perfect time for her to have a moment of pure bliss.

For the time it took y/n to bring Mina closer to her, Mina just cuddled with the giant puff. It was as if she was in her own bed, embrace her pillows as she slumbered peacefully.

It only took one hit to the head to wake her up from her little day dream, though. As soon as the bubblegum coloured girl came to her senses, a fist was flown at her face with incredible speed. She couldn't block the first one, but she sure as hell could block the next one.

As soon as the h/c haired girl pulled her arm back to swing yet again, her alien opposition encased her arm in a nice helping of acid.

The screams of pain caught everyone off guard. And by everyone I mean e v e r y o n e . Even Pro Hero Present Mic- who up till now was doing his usual squabbling he liked to call commentary- was completely flabbergasted and sat in silence for a few seconds.

A few seconds too long, it seemed. For as soon as the screaming started it completely shut off, the h/c haired girl quickly overcoming any overwhelming urge to scream by dropping to the floor and swinging her opponents feet from underneath her.

Mina didn't have time to react, as this angelic figure (in her eyes, mind you) started to wrestle with her to the side of the platform. The entire crowd watched sat on the edge of their seats, waiting and waiting for the final verdict.

In the end, only one of them stayed on the platform.
