~chapter 2~

Reader's POV

It was a few days after the incident happened and everything was pretty chill, being honest. Uraraka overused her quirk a little and Aizawa scolded us for being so reckless. Ugh.

Eventually most people found out about my quirk, the strange purple gremlin was kicked out of class yet again, friendships started to form and I had a 'welcoming gift' by aizawa (which contained an over energetic blonde teacher proclaiming how I'm 'adorable and strong'. Apparently I'm his -and Aizawa's- daughter now..?)

I grew a lot closer to most people, and I was even accepted into my own friend group! ( I believe kaminari and sero call it the 'dekusquad'?)
They're all really nice! Well, todoroki is a bit cold but aren't we all?
"Y/n! Come to the arcade after school with us, you'll have so much fun" Kirishima exclaimed, pointing to his friend group.

"I'd love to, I really would, but I have to study with Momo today. I'm sure she'd be fine if you all wanted to join?" I turned to Yoayorozu, to which she beamed and nodded.

Timeskip cos ya Bitch be lasy

After two hours of messing around and doing 0.001% worth of work, we all split our ways from momo's mansion.

"Y/n, do you get the train home?" Mina turned to me, tilting her head.

"Sometimes, But I do live quite close to Yaoyorozu so it's not a long train ride at all. If you want, you can come to mine for a while? It's the weekend anyway, so it's not like it matters if you stay for long." I answer, smiling up at the pink ball or energy.

Mina beamed, nodding her head erratically. "Hell yes! I get to hang out at a cute girl's house!" As per usual, I blushed. Ew- compliments, I just cannot handle them.

Timeskip to them being on the train cos I'm laaaaaaassssyyyy

"So, y/n, what do you do in your free time?" Mina asked me, rooting through her bag for something.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I mostly just watch anime and read. Oh, and I like to draw too! I totally don't have a shrine of my favourite character at home :)" I replied, somehow doing the stereotypical anime sweat drop at the last part.

Mina smoked and pulled out a keyring of an pink alien, "well, do you like key rings?" She passed me the cute little keyring, "if you do, this can be a symbol of our friendship!"

I smiled, accepting the gift. I immediately put it on my bag, and then she showed me a matching f/c coloured alien keyring on her bag. How cute!!

When it came up to our stop, we stood up about to get off. Some middle aged prick stood up at the same time as us and pushed me out of the way to get to the door. It would be an understatement to say that Mina was absolutely fuming.

"Hey! Why did you push her? That was so rude!" Mina cried out, helping me up off the floor. The horrible man just shrugged and got off the train, leaving the station.

"Thank you so much Mina, I don't know what I'd do without you,"

"Well, you'd probably die!"
