One Shot

Hellooo :)

First of all I would like you to know that this is my first time writing in english, I normally write in spanish. So if you know spanish you can read the stories in my profile if you like, you are welcome. If there is one or many mistakes, I am sorry and you can let me know in the comments. I really hope you like it :D


Today is the day. I was finally going to meet them all but better yet, I will get to know him in person. The day of ComicCon has finally arrived.

I traveled alone to San Diego, where the event will take place this year.

Yes, as you read, alone.

I was already old enough, 23 years to be exact, I wasn't going to have no problem with the law. Apart I did not have someone that share my tastes to accompany me here, so yes, I came alone and I am sure that I will enjoy it to the fullest.

I had been at the event for a while waiting for the time of the meet and greet with the cast of The Walking Dead. Once it was time, I ran to get in line, which was already notoriously long.

In the distance I could see him and my nerves threatened to make me sweat worse than a pork. Norman smiled while signing and taking pictures with his fans, he looked really happy. He was wearing his typical black sunglasses, which prevented me from fulfilling my dream of seeing straight to his beautiful eyes.

Only two people were left in line to where Norman was and as he was the second, Andrew Lincoln was at the beginning. When it was my turn, I hugged him and took a few pictures with him. A very nice guy, as I imagined.

But now the good was coming. The main reason for my coming here; Norman Reedus

- Hello beautiful. - he greeted and immediately gets rid of his lens, exposing his glorious eyes. This was going to get out of control. If I was already nervous, that gesture made me much more nervous. I answered the greeting as I could and after that I quickly asked him to sign my favorite photograph of him and then take some well-deserved photos, which I would surely frame upon arriving home.

His warm breath on my cheek when he deposited the kiss for the photo, made me forget everything. I stayed static until a bodyguard told me I had to continue. I gathered all the possible value and I whispered to Norman's ear the desire that I had carried with me since I saw him in the series.

- Could you be my first kiss? - I whispered shy and afraid of rejection.

A little lie would not hurt anyone. I had given my first kiss but at 14 and it was only a peak, it was not a real kiss. I never had luck with the boys so nothing else happened from a first date and the maximum contact had been a hug.

I looked at his face one more time and he had only parted lips, forming a small "o", without saying anything.

How silly I was, how did I thought he could do what I craved madly. I was about to turn to leave when he gets up from his seat and approaches my ear ... "Look carefully where I'm going and in five you follow me." He ordered

On the outside I was trying to keep composure but inside of me, there was a jungle. Norman went to a white door backed by two guards and disappeared around. I waited for the five minutes he told me and went to that door, afraid of what might happen. Was this really going to happen or was it just a cheat because of an illusion? The second was more credible in my opinion. I was thinking about the words I would tell the guards to let me through but without realizing it I had already passed through the door, not noticing that both men just broke through. Behind the door, there was a small corridor and on the left there was only a black door, so I assumed it would be there. When I entered, there he was on his back taking off his shirt and taking a different one. It was a such a spectacle.

- Hi.- I said shyly making Norman turn without having put on his shirt. He approached me dangerously but in such a seductive way that he left me speechless once again, adding the fact that he was not wearing a shirt. Like a tough guy, he took my waist and grabbed my body in a quick movement. In a matter of seconds his lips were already next to mine devouring me in a passionate kiss. That kiss rose in pitch and I, as a local, learned fast to handle the movements. I could not stay behind.

- So ... first kiss eh? - He spoke between kisses.

- It wasn't a real kiss, we barely touched lips. - I admitted nervously.

We continue in our own and every second that passed, every garment in our bodies remained. This was serious. It was about to happen, we were about to unite in one when everything went black.

I awoke with my breathing totally agitated and a little sweaty. It had all been a dream? It must have been. It was too good to be true. Completely frustrated, I sank into the mattress to go back to sleep, wanting to dream again with Norman for a little longer, when a strong arm caught my waist.

Scared for who it would be, I turn around and meet his face.

"Norman?" I said, stunned and surprised.

- Today I woke up craving you as my breakfast...well, I always do. - He admitted smiling and wiping his sleepy eyes...

To then own my lips.

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