Uniqueness In Looks

Alrighty, so this chapter will be about what makes us unique (physically). So, us dragon hybrids usually have wings, a tail, and horns. Some of us (like me), have a dragon tattoo. 

Wings. Boy, is it fun to fly. Well, being part dragon, that's why we have them. Our wings come in many color variations. They can be icy blue, like mine, or golden, like Pyrozar's (I will mention him a lot because he is the only other dragon hybrid I know). Anyways, my wings are pretty big. But I can tuck them behind my back if I want to. Dragon hybrids can use their wings for many things, such as to protect ourselves from an explosion. I had to do this once, about a year ago when my friends were about to get hurt from an explosion. But then again, there is also the perk of flying (my favorite perk out of them all).

Having a tail can be... strange. It can be pretty annoying, but also very useful. My tail is aqua blue, and sharp-tipped. My friend, Pyrozar though, has a really cool tail. His is platinum with floating lava plates on the end. He usually uses them to annoy me or his brother. Now, what can a dragon tail do, you ask? Well, it is also good for deflecting things such as bullets (I had to do that once too).  Since a dragon hybrid's tail is really strong, we can use it to, well, stab our enemies (don't ask). The annoying part? Having it get caught on almost everything.

Horns are really cool. They make you look tough. Also, you can use them to attack enemies. Kind of like a ram, I guess. Mine are black, and sharp. Pyrozar's are platinum, just like his tail, and are also sharp. I mean, even though I can't wear a hat, I think I prefer my horns. Also, you have to make sure you don't hit them when you walk through a doorway, because it hurts more then a headache if you do. But otherwise, horns are a cool perk in being a hybrid.

Finally, my tattoo. I don't think Pyrozar has one. I mean, he never has told me if he does or not. My dragon tattoo is more like a symbol of a dragon, and it is a dark red color. Usually when I get mad, it glows (my eyes do this too). Think of it like mood ring. Well, that's pretty much it for what makes us unique (physically).
