After the stake out they circled back to their warehouse. Everyone fills each other in on what's going on.

"Hondo and his team were kept back at headquarters. They stayed there the whole evening," Jason says.

"Danny and Grace moved back and forth. Nobody was suspicious enough to catch my eye."

"Same," says T.K., "my team assisted in some rescue calls. They seemed pretty restless being couped up with the 118." He directs that last part to Buck. "Hen looked upset as did Athena when she visited. Maddie went back to work after visiting. The 118... they acted as if nothing happened and went on with their day."

Buck frowns upon hearing the update. He shouldn't have expected much though. With how he was being treated he was not surprised they didn't care that much. He shakes his head letting Eliot continue.

"Something is going on at the pier. Shipments are coming in but I couldn't get a good view. The containers were driven into the place."

Buck adds, "multiple people were going in and out of that building. None of them were Mashahdi."

"It's a secure facility with top-notch security. I think Khost got local gang members to join him. The guards didn't look like much but they did have guns. Weapons smuggling is surely one of the things Khost is up to."

"Alright, I'll call Hondo and inform him what's going on. Maybe he can get more on the place."

They all nod and then head to their beds. Buck stays at the table taking a seat. He kicks his feet up interlacing his fingers behind his head. Eliot walks up slowly taking a seat on the table.

They stare at each other for a moment. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He shakes his head, "Jay just made me think of some things. Relationship things."

Eliot hums. "That I can't help you there. If it's a recent thing, all I can tell you is to not let it go. I did that and when I came back she was married to a different man. Don't make the same mistake I did."

"I think I already did," he whispers. Eliot gestures with his hand to continue. "Just over four years ago I was in a relationship. I was going to propose but then we got into a fight. They got drunk that night and screwed someone else. Then I ran. I came here."

He nods his head going to the counter to grab a bottle of beer he picked up on the way back. "How do you know you made the mistake?" He hands a beer over to him. Buck graciously takes it. "You ran but for good reason, just like the lawsuit. Look, I don't know what your fight was about but if in the end, it caused them to be disloyal to you, are they still worth your moping?"

Buck glances up from his beer and looks at Eliot. "Well... I-I don't know."

Eliot raises a brow. "You're still in love with them?"

"God, you sound like Jay."

"Eh! Don't compare me to that shithead!"

"I heard that!" Jay shouts back.

"Good!" Eliot and Buck both chuckle to themselves. Eliot takes a drink of his beer before setting it down on the wood. "You're a good kid, Buck."

He shakes his head spinning the half-full bottle in his hands. "I-I made a lot of mistakes coming here. I wasn't in the right head space when I came here. I-I became a manwhore. I was sleeping with women left and right. I can't be forgiven for that."

Eliot bobs his head from side to side. "I admit that is absolutely stupid but you do what you have to heal your broken heart."

Buck knits his brows together staring up at the man. "I never knew you could be sentimental, Spencer?"

If Eliot had a pillow to grab he'd surely throw it at Buckley's head. Instead, he reaches over slapping him upside the head.

Buck laughs rubbing the back of his head. "No need to get physical."

"You started it with that ridiculous comment."

"It's true though."

"Fuck off."

"I just might."

That earns him another slap upside the side. The two start a wrestling match. Buck jumps over the table tackling him to the floor. They rough house not administrating any long-lasting injuries. It gathers the attention of others.

When Eliot pins him he yields. The second he gets off him T.K. takes the opportunity to have his turn. The two boys go back and forth. They each land a couple of blows trying to get the other to yield. Unbeknownst Steve is filming their brotherly fight.

"Is that all you got, brother?" T.K taunts through his short breaths.

Buck pants managing to put him in an arm lock. T.K groans feeling the spread through his arm and shoulder. "Not cool, bro."

"Do you yield?"


"Yes, what?" He smirks.

T.K. looks over failing miserably to get out of the position. "Don't make me say it."

"Oh come on you know you want to."

"I really don't."

"If you say it I'll let go."

T.K moans trying again to get out of his grasp. It's no use, Buck is too strong. "Fine! I yield, big brother."

Buck laughs joyfully letting go of T.Al's arm and rolling off to the side. The two of them pant for air as they get to their knees. Buck smiles happily at the boy as he glares at him from the side. It's worth hearing that phrase.

"How you doing, little brother?"

"Fuck off, Buck."

A child-like giggle distracts the two from their brotherly banter. Steve laughs in the corner next to a snickering Jason. "Oh, I'm showing Maddie that the first chance I get. In fact, I'm going to send that to my phone right now."

Buck deadpans standing up. He goes to walk towards his bed. He stops short pausing in front of Eliot. "Uh, thanks."

"Anytime, kid."

"I'm twenty-nine. I'm not a kid."

Eliot huffs out a laugh. "Maybe but in my eyes, you're that twenty-year-old that joined Bravo. You were barely an adult then. In my eyes, you'll always be a kid, baby SEAL."

He grimaced, "is that nickname going to stick forever?"

"Yup," Jay says popping the p."

"Fun," he says with a roll of a his eyes. "Let's sleep, shall we?"

T.K laughs, "haha, I'm not sleeping with you. You reek."

"Says the guy who hasn't showered in just as long as me."

The group laughs before going to their beds. Buck clutches the necklace on his neck looking up at the ceiling. "I'm not sure about you guys, but it's good to see you again."

"Right back atcha, baby SEAL."
