Chapter 3: Tuesday

"Oh my god." you just realised Olivia and that Stupid Skank Veronica (SSV)
(honestly, fuck you too veronica)
from middle school were living together as Romates. They were both The popular bitches in school and you both despised them.  Regardless, you still decided to go because no matter what you still have to go on a date with your dilly willy🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

today is Tuesday and you Still have plenny of time Before the deadline. Dylan still hasn't responded Back, but your too Afraid to call him because you think you Might get Obsesed over his Totaly hot voice Again

so you do the second Best thing and ask him for Nudes!! Just kidding (but u wish u did), you Don't  actually Do that. but you Text him again and Youre wait an Hour for him to Respond like a Dumbass.

Currently at home You'r thinking about how Fucked and shity it's gonna be Having to live with those stupid whores Veronica and Olivia for a day (even their Names make you want to vomit) But what Must be done must be done!! It's too late to back out cuz tommorow morning you're catching a flight to New Zealand (we're those stupid Bitches live like honestly i Lost respect for everyone who Lives there at this Poijt)

2day you have plenty of time to do Whatever you want before Total chaos invites itself over in the form of Olivia's stank house so u decided to actually call Dylanly willingly (Lol) after building up the dedication And also putting on an ounce of makeup and perfume when You aren't even going to be facetiming

seriously, he's that hot.

Te phone rings. and it rings 2 times. "He must be in the shower right now thinking about me🥺🥺" you think, but then he picks up within a heartbeat.

"Hey Y/N 😏" (This Emoji is used to represent the tone he talked at.)
"I was just thinkin bout you, wanted to ring u cause I didn't respond in a while babes."

You Literally got so fucking Horny by the Thought of him Thinking about You

"U-uhm That's so nice of u Dylan!!" You respond like ur srsly in love with him (which u are btw)

"Haha babes, no worries. Any way, I don't check my phone that often cause I get a lot of notifs on ma phone from being so famous and sexy all the time babes. Sorry."

The fact that He's so Hot and famous But still has time To Talk to u Is literly Making ur entire face redder than a Tomato.

"U-uhm that's fine.. W-what day is best F-for You D-Dylan?"

"Babes, any day for you. Except Wednesday Thursday Friday and Sunday. I gotta do somethin on those days babes so Saturday is all you and me."

Okay, so you Have untill saturday To Get everything ready. That Should be enuf time. Yu respond in the Most Basic fanGirl(or boy) Way ever.

"A hahaha okay Dylan!! Thank you so much for everything btw!! I gotta go now thank you so much!!"

You hang up cuz you'er too nervous to talk more. Saturday it Is. That's enough time. This is all gonna be perfect.

(flip to the next page for more)
