Thinking of Us~?


As soon as Dust had left Error to deal with Ink, he had rushed down the dark corridors of the mansion, making a beeline for his room to check on Blue.

"God please be okay..." He muttered as he ran, thinking of all the possible bad scenarios that could happen.

He had genuinely had a heart attack when he'd gone into Error's room earlier to tell him something only to find Ink sat down on his bed with FRICKING CAT EARS AND A CAT TAIL?!?!

He sped up his walk, wanting to make it to Blue as fast as possible.

Sure, having the already adorable Blue turn into a half cat thingy?

Ugh that would just be too much.

Dust went from his quick pace to a sprint as the urge to check on Blue grew stronger and the worrying thoughts continued building up in his mind.

What if the injection affected him differently and he got hurt?
What if he mutates?
What if Sci was lying about the injections not killing them?

Dust practically broke down his bedroom door as he stumbled into uneven room, tripping over his rug and collapsing face-first on the floor.

He scrambled back to his feet, looking around. "Blue!?"

A lump on the bed shifted.

Dust sighed in relief upon realising it was Blue. He had curled up right under the blankets, none of him visible.

Dust tensed, slowly reaching a hand out to grip onto the blanket, wary of what would be under.

"Please be nothing bad..." He whispered, closing his eyes and crossing his fingers on his free hand as his grip on the blanket tightened.

"Here goes noting..."

He quickly pulled his hand back, tugging the blanket off of Blue completely.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to feel a wave of heat hit his face as he blushed deeply.

Blue was curled up, alseep, completely unaware of what was going on.

Dust stood there, motionless, taking in the changes on him.

Number one; the fluffy baby blue ears on his skull, dark at the tips, fading down to practically white at the bottom. Dust held his breath as he leaned down to touch the think fur covering them, shivering at their fluffiness.

Something curled round Dust's wrist and he blinked in surprise to see a soft blue tail wrap round his hand gently, in an almost reassuring way.

Dust blushed, stroking the tail. It was like Blues's ears, except it was dark blue at the base and white at the tip, getting more fluffy as it went along.

Blue purred in his sleep as Dust stroked along his tail, a smirk growing on his face.

Blue mewed in his sleep, arching himself towards Dust in an attempt to make him pet him more.

Dust chuckled softly, shifting so that he was sat down next to Blue, moving him gently so that his head rested on his lap, the taller petting the smaller softly, smiling as loud purring filled the room.

Dust continued petting Blue as he looked up, staring at the wall opposite him.

"Half cat half skeleton..." Dust muttered to himself as he thought of what on earth the scientific name for that would be.

"Skelecat?" Dust snickered at his own suggestion, rolling his eyes and looking back down at the small 'skelecat' below him.

Dust pet Blue some more, loving the soft purring that emitted from the smaller.

Eventually Dust shook Blue gently, wanting him to wake up so that he wasn't stuck talking to himself like Cross always does.

Blue whined and let out the most adorable yawn Dust had ever seen in his life before opening his eyes sleepily, his tired expression only added to his overall cuteness.

"Hey there Blue~" Dust cooed as he poked Blue's cheek.

Blue blushed as he looked up at him, an innocent expression on his face.

Dust smirked.

Blue suddenly seemed to realise the position they were in and yelped, scrambling away from Dust to the other side of the bed, his blush darkening significantly.

"Something wrong Blue~?" Dust asked, keeping the alluring tone of voice.

Blue shook his head quickly, blushing more. "N-No!"

Dust laughed and then suddenly realised that Blue hadn't noticed his ears or tail yet. Dust reached out for Blue's head, making the other lean away slightly.

"Relax Blue..." Dust muttered as he leaned forwards a bit more, his hand curving over the top of Blue's skull. Dust's hand quickly slid over to one of the fluffy ears and stroked it, making Blue go completely poker faced.


"Relax Blue, they're just ears."


"Cat ears..."


Blue skidded over to the old mirror in the corner of the room, his jaw dropping as he saw his own appearance.

"What happened to me?!"

Dust snickered. "Same as what happened to Ink. The injections are starting to work their magic."

Blue looked behind him at his fluffy tail. "S-So the injections turn us into cats?"

Dust reached out a hand for him. "I don't think so. I believe your only going to get this cat-like. I don't think you'll turn into proper cats, just half cats..."

Blue took Dust's hand cautiously and sat back next to him on the bed. "Oh..."

Dust smirked, looking him up and down. "Well I'm not complaining about the side effects~"

Blue squeaked and blushed deeply, pushing him away. "C-Creep! Your not the one stuck as a half-cat-half-skeleton thingy!"

Dust laughed and leant back on the bed, flopping onto his back so he was facing the ceiling. "True..."

Blue groaned and flopped down next to him, shifting so that he was facing Dust.

Dust tilted his head to the side slightly and raised an eyebrow at Blue's intense expression. " okay there Blue?"

Blue didn't answer, continuing to look at him with that intense expression.

"U-Uh..." Dust didn't really know what to do, feeling like Blue was planning something, but weather that thing is good or bad...

"I'm just gonna–!"

Dust was cut off in mid sentence as Blue leaned forwards suddenly and closed the gap between them, connecting them mouth to mouth.

Dust's eyes widened in surprise, but he waisted no time wrapping his arms around Blue and pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.

Blue shut his eyes and shivered, letting Dust take over the kiss. The taller stroked the top of Blues skull as they kissed, making Blue shift closer to him, purring into the kiss.

Eventually Dust pulled back, panting lightly as he stroked along Blue's fluffy tail.

Both of their faces were flushed with dark blush and the two of them looked like they're were about to collapse or faint.

"Th-That was nice..." Blue mumled as he looked to the side, his eyes constantly darting back to Dust, looking him up and down.

Dust laughed nervously. "Heh, yeah..."

"Screw this." Blue muttered as he lunged forwards again, kissing Dust.

Dust yelped in surprise, but didn't fight back. He sat up properly, pulling the smaller onto his lap as he wrapped his arms round his waist.

Blue looked blissful, loving the kiss as much as the other.

Blue whined as Dust pulled back, making the other chuckle. "Hey Blue..."


"I have a question..."

Blue tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes a bit. "Ask away?"

Dust laughed. "Sooo...I've been curious ever since you Ink and Dream had that weird sort of argument before we went to Life's garden. You were trying to spill each other's crushes right?"

Blues face turned mischievous and he giggled. "I see where your going with this~"

Dust smirked. "I want to know who they are. I mean, I know a few of the guys crushes here, so I want to see if any pairs actually have a chance."

Blue chuckled. "Of course, I'd love to tell~"

Dust grinned.

"Well, Ink tried to spill that I like you, but that doesn't matter anymore. Ink secretly likes Error. He'll deny it every time, but his art book is full off sketches or paintings of him, along with some of his fantasy couple drawings of the two of them."

Dust blinked. "Really?"

Blue giggled evilly and nodded. "Dream's always been better at hiding stuff from people, good at hiding emotions. But Ink and I figured it out last week. Little golden Dream likes none other than Killer!"

Dust jolted. "Killer!? Are you serious!?"

Blue nodded. "He got so mad when we found out."

Dust snickered. "I can imagine."

Blue looked over at the wall. "I think Geno and Reaper look cute together..."

Dust laughed. "Is that so huh? Well...personally I think that Horror and Lust look cute together."

Blue nodded quickly. "But you know who else looks cute together?"

"Nightmare and Cross?"

"Hehe true but that's not what I was thinking."

"Mmm were you thinking of us~?"

Blue giggled, leaning closer. "Maybe~"


MMMMMMMMM love Dustberry

Blue is in the shipping club XD

Ack Afterdeath tomorrow - the one ship that I find impossible to write -_-

*cracks knuckles* love y'all

