Part 7 - Its been to long!

Sorry I haven't been updating...I just have had school, and homework. I'll try though, ENJOY!

Your name - y/n
Fav color - f/c
Second fav color - s/f/c
Eye color - e/c
Hair length - h/l
Hair color - h/c
Fav food - f/f

You p.o.v.

Yesterday me and Travis went on a date. It was fun, but I'm not sure if I want to be with Travis. Everyone else is really nice too, and I like them too. I just can't decide. Today is a me day...only me, my f/f, my Netflix, and my f/c onesie! Wait, I need some coffee!

I run to the store and buy some coffee. On the way to the cash register I bump into a guy and we fall. "I'm so sorry I-Vylad?!?!?!" "Y/N!" My old bestie from Okasis. Me, Cruz, and Vylad always hung out with each other. We were the popular kids in school. "I haven't seen you since High school!!!" Vylad exclaimed. "It's been to long!" I said, hugging him.

"So where are you staying?" I asked Vylad while we were walking outside. "Actually...I don't have anywhere to stay..." he said looking down. "YOU AND ME CAN BE ROOMMATES!!!!" I shout. "Shhhh...y/n not so loud, but, really?!?" "Yeah! But you'll have to sleep in the basement....we can fix it up though!" "That's sounds wonderful! But y/n" "yeah Vylad?" You asked kinda worried. "Can you not tell my brothers about this?" "Brothers? Who?" "There names are Garroth, and Zane." "GARROTH AND ZANE! I know them!!!!!!!! And yes, I won't tell them."

~time skip after moving~

"I was going to have a all me day, but I guess we can have a alone day together?" I asked/said. "Oh, sorry..but yeah! That sounds like fun!"

After the 13 plates/bowls of f/f, and 7 movies later...

*yawn* in getting tired...I'm sure vylad wont mind if I fall asleep...

Vylad p.o.v.

We were watching our 8th movie when I felt something on my shoulder. It was a sleeping y/ neko princess.

Flash back

"Hey neko, freako!" Some girls yelled at y/n. "Don't listen to them, y/n, they are just jealous of how beautiful you are." Cruz said. That made me mad, but I had to cheer y/n up. "Yeah, they are a bunch of...of...POTATOES!" I said. She starts to giggle. "Potatoes? Really, Vylad?" "That's all I could come up with!" "Anyways, y/n, you are our neko princess..."

Flash back end

I had a huge crush on her back then...I still do. I hope that the other guys in mystreet don't like her too.

I petted her ears and heard her purr. "Awe..."    *click* I whip my head to where the noise came from..and saw Kawii-chan. "KAWII-CHAN!" I whispered/yelled. "Don't worry kawii-chan won't tell anyone your here or you are with y/n-sama. I already know....because I watched you since the coffee place..." "Ugh! KC, you are one of a kind you know that?" I said slightly annoyed. "Yeah, Kawii-chan knows."

Sorry for the short chapter, it's pretty late and I'm tired...and I promise that I'll start writing better chapters! 552 words! BAI!!!!!
