Gabbie Marshall - jealousy

y/ns pov

I had been hanging with one of my friends Gracie a lot lately and Gabbie didn't approve, she didn't like Gracie even though I knew Gracie would never do anything to ruin Gabbie and is relationship.

Gracie and I were sitting on the couch playing video games when I got a call

" hey gabs what up"

"Nothing much i just wanted to know where you were at "

" oh, I'm at Gracie's right now I'll be home in like an hour."

"oh ok bye i love you."

"I love you more"

Gracie and I continued to play our game but something didn't feel right after I said I was at Gracie. I decided to just head home now and see what was going on. I got up hugged Gracie and walked out to my car

I sent Gabbie a text letting her know I was on my way home and that I would be there in 20 minutes.

Gabbies pov

when I heard y/n was with Gracie so mad I immediately started crying and called Jada

" Hey Gabbie what's going on"

"Jada y/n is hanging out with Gracie and I just have this awful feeling."

"Gabbie y/n would never do anything to hurt you she loves you."

"I know I just get so jealous."

"It ok "

i got go i think y/n just pulled in thanks you made me feel alot better"

"Anytime Gabs"

y/ns pov

I pulled into the driveway and headed up to Gabbie It is an apartment

i walked in and didn't see Gabbie anywhere. I called out for her

"Baby where are you"

" in the bedroom" I heard her sbniffle

I walk into the bedroom to find her lying on the bed and it looks like she's been crying.

" babe are you ok what's wrong"

"I'm ok now I just got kind of upset"

" upset about what"

" that you were hanging out with Gracie"

' why ?"

"I don't know I just don't trust her"

"oh well if you want me to stop hanging out with her I will"

"no, I can't just expect you to stop hanging out with your friends"

suddenly I got a call from Kate

" hey Gracie just called me crying and confessed she had a crush on you"

"um thanks for telling me, Kate"

" anytime"

I immediately told Gabbie and she said

" Now you definitely won't be hanging out with her"

I chuckled before nodding my head 
