Bringing Lucy Home

(Okay folks we're going to start this chapter recapping everything. I'm listening to Amnesia on Pandora and let me say I'm pumped for this chapter! It's dedicated to @Crimsomredarrow have safe travels to Michigan!)

*** previously

The guild, Phantom Lord, has kidnapped Lucy!

And back in Fairy Tail someone (Natsu) needs Lucy!


Natsu and everyone had cooled down. He was in the dark corner of the guild unseen and unnoticed.

He folded his arms and glared away.


Just as some members were preparing for anything a shiny blue light appeared and a voice boomed!

"Members of Fairy Tail! I am the guild Master of Phantom Lord! We're 'sorry' for the troubles so far, you understand, we reached out goal. We have Lucy Heartfilia" Natsu jumped along with everyone else at hearing her name.

"This is goodbye."

Natsu was already halfway out the front doors to the guild.

He ran at quick speed you'd of swore it was nothing but a blur. He clutched into her apartment front door but it was locked so he had no choise and tried to climb up her window.

He used to much force and almost fell out of the tree but, halfway down as he fell he stopped falling.

"Need help?" Happy asked carrying Natsu.

Natsu sighed, "whatever!" He then pointed his index finger at her window and Happy understood what to do.

The window was easy to unleash because it was old and weak.

Natsu burst through her apartment bedroom and screamed, "LUCY?!"

He froze. The bedroom was clean. So clean he knew she hasn't been there since early this morning, her cent was fading to.

"Crap! Fuck! Shit!" He tried to think of curse words to describe this feeling of anger towards Phantom Lord, "DAMMIT!"

Happy must've been talking but not one word was heard from Natsu.

Natsu threw himself out her window,
Happy caught him in the air.

"Where now?" Happy asked.

Natsu had this dark indescribable look on his face as he said, "to kick some ass!"
(Please excuse the horrible language I am not a cusser in person)

"Aye!" Happy cheered raising his little paw.

Natsu relied on his nose and the wind to find Lucy.

Lucy was tied up like Repunzel she was high up in a tower.

Only second to top floor up she was.
Without her keys that were going to be later found in the hands of the enemy Juvia, Gray and Juvia will fight and then he'll end up with them.

"Let me go."


"Let me go."


"Let me go."


She's been with this man for awhile and has been focused on a plan. Unfortunately she'll have to wing it.

"W-well let me use the bathroom at least," she said grunting slightly with her legs rubbing against each other.

The man laughed, "you think I'll fall for that old trick?" He then smiled sickingly.

Then he turned around and grabbed a bucket, "here ya go!"

He laughed at his accomplishment.

"Ok," Lucy squeaked then she got into a squatting position.

The man blushed before turning around, "your actually- I'll turn around because I'm a gentleman!"

Lucy smirked then stood up and swung her leg instantly up his crotch. He fell to his knees in pain, at the same time he held his crotch.

"There's a reason why they keep old tricks around!" Lucy yelled and ran up the stairs.

Now on the top floor, the highest floor to the tower Lucy looked over the land. The man was behind her, she could hear his footsteps!

"There's nowhere to go now," she heard him yell.

She looked at the land again before turning around. Backwards she pushed herself off the top of the building!

As she fell she felt his presence. Nobody else could have been there that quickly so she took a breath in.

She let that breath go before screaming, "NATSU!"

Natsu flew into the scene!

He watched her fall, and at full speed he ran toward her, he jumped into the air and rammed into her stomach.

They both fell, with Natsu under her, Lucy had safely landed unharmed. Natsu was just a little dirty but he didn't care.

"Lucy that was dangerous," Natsu said looking into her eyes. She wasn't making eye contact with him, though.

"I-I know," she muttered. Lucy brushed off some dirt from her skirt.

Natsu grabbed Lucy's wrists using his teeth he ripped off the cloth that tied her hands together.

That's when something unexpected happened.

Natsu lightly put both of his hands on both of her shoulders then pulled her to his chest.

"But," he whispered closing his eyes, "I'm so relieved your okay."

Lucy's eyes widened and she let her head sit on his shoulder.

Tears stung at her eyes but she sniffled them back as she said, "I'm so glad to hear that!"

She hesitatingly grabbed his hips and locked her arms together around him.

"I will go after you if you leave," he said.

Lucy gasped then allowed a tear to fall with a smile.

"I will never hurt you again!" Natsu screamed.

Lucy tightened her grip on him.

"B-because I lo-"

"Whatcha talking about while being in such an awkward position?" A high pitched cat voice interrupted them. Happy flew next to Lucy.

"I'm happy your okay, though Lushee!" Happy hugged Lucy.

Natsu lifted his head then growled, "get lost cat!"

Happy laughed, "you wish!" He wasn't there when Natsu slapped Mira, no, he had serious business down at the river.

"You little!" Natsu almost yelled but Lucy patted her hand on his back lightly to signal him to stop.

Natsu calmed down then said, "you tired? I'll carry you home."

Lucy only meakly nodded, "okay."

They separated and Natsu kneeled down, "you'll be the first person I've given a piggy back ride to." He smiled at her. The smile had a hint of blush at the cheeks and toothy but it brought redness to Lucy's face.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked.

"She LIIIIIIIIIKES you!" Happy curled his tongue as he sneered.

Lucy and Natsu both screamed, "stay out of this, Cat!"


Natsu carried Lucy and Happy home to Fairy Tail.

Extension due to the fact that I want it to be longer.


Lucy stood in horror at the sight.

Fairy Tail had been raided and destroyed while her, Happy, and Natsu were gone!

Mira and others were wrapping wounds, their own wounds were already wrapped.

White cloth was wrapped around Bisca's head along with Alzack but his was worse. He must've tried to protect her.

"What happened?" Lucy gasped jumping from Natsu's back.

Lisanna was asleep but in better shape than last time Lucy saw her.

Mira ran away from Lisanna and toward Lucy, "are you okay?!"

Lucy nodded and then asked again, "what happened?"

Mira looked sad for a second before saying, "Phantom Lord attacked us."

"We're glad your ok, Lucy," Gray said smiling at her. Lucy smiled back.

"I saw you coming so we've already decided to put you into Fairy Tail protection," Erza said firmly. She stood next to Gray still in her suit of armor.

"Okay," Lucy said then looked down.

Natsu instantly got to her side, "what's Fairy Tail protection?!"

Mira half smiled, "Fairy Tail will protect her. Except Loke maybe he ran as soon as he heard you were back."

"No!" Natsu snapped at her, "is this some kind of joke?! Fairy Tail can't protect her! She's mine, so I'll protect her!"

Lucy turned red, along with Erza and Mira. Gray glared at Natsu.

"She's not a thing! You don't own her!" Gray growled back.

Natsu got into his face, "oh yeah? Wanna bet?"

Gray turned to Lucy, "you still pure?"

Lucy's face went a bright red,"OF COURSE!" She then Lucy kicked him in the crotch.

"Very inappropriate thing to ask a lady," Erza shook her head at Gray.

"S-sorry," Gray said in pain while holding his crotch.

Natsu snickered at Gray's pain.

"I'll be the one to take her purity, though!" Natsu said.

*Lucy kick*

Lucy shook with fear, "you idiots! This isn't the time to talk like that!" She yelled.

"Aye," Natsu muttered now holding his crotch.

"Lucy you'll go to the hide out with Reedus," Mira said. Natsu was about to object.

"I want to fight!" Lucy mumbled.

Mira shook her head, "you can't. You'll be to vulnerable we need to keep you hidden."

Lucy was about to object, and she would've if Mira hadn't waved her hand over Lucy's face. Lucy's eyes faded from awake to asleep and Natsu grabbed her before she hit the floor.

He glared over at Mira, "what's this? Pay back!?"

Mira then glanced at Reedus, the painter mage, he took Lucy from Natsu.

Natsu didn't hand her over reluctantly but he didn't want to have a tug-of-war with Lucy.


Mira had swung her hand across Natsu's face then said, "that's pay back!" Then she smiled as she walked away.

Natsu pouted with an angry look but didn't feel like hitting anyone right now. He felt protective but knew Lucy would put her like in Fairy Tail's hands.

He turned to Reedus before leaving to fight Shade," Reedus," he called over his shoulder then he continued, "I will be awfully pissed if you let her get hurt! Don't be weak! Protect her!" He then walked towards the fight.


Lucy was taken to a safe house hidden somewhere within Magnolia.


Natsu went to go help fight and destroy the giant machine. He ended up having to fight a member of their guild.

Erza fought.

Gray fought.

Everyone who didn't fight protected the guild.

Porlyusica was healing Master Makarov.


Lucy woke up from that spell and found herself in a room with Reedus. He was just casually sitting in a part of the room with her, you know, painting.

"There's a war going on and you're here painting?!" Lucy yelled.

Reedus flinched, "Miss Lucy, I'm protecting you."

"But I wanna fight," Lucy said whining.

Reedus shook his head, "if you fight then we'll have a chance of losing the guild with everyone focused on not losing you."

Lucy looked down, "me or the guild?"

Reedus nodded, "and we'd choose you in a heart beat but this way we can't lose either."

Lucy nodded and sat down.

Reedus drew her as she sat in silence.

The walls were wooden like a little shack, there was straw on the dirt ground.

"Warren said that Masters not looking to good," Reedus said while painting. His hand moved across the white board in quick skilled movements.

Suddenly the boards on the walls started to shake as the wall near Reedus fell.

A body was seen!

"Knock knock Lucy!" Gajeel yelled. He had breaken the ceiling down!

"Run Miss Lucy!" Reedus shouted over Gajeel and got his paints ready.

Lucy beamed, "I can't leave you!"

Reedus then screamed again,"Run! For the sake of the guild and your new family! RUN!"

Lucy flinched and then ran away. She ran for Natsu. She ran for everyone.

But Gajeel wasn't interested in Reedus, no, he wanted Lucy.

"Oh~ Lucy!" Gajeel yelled and then turned around and threw his iron arm at her. She didn't have her keys with her!

She tripped over this long metal like sword only it was in the shape of a fist.

"Gahh!" She screamed getting slammed onto the ground by the metal arm.

"To easy," Gajeel said laughing.

"Oh no you don't!" Reedus yelled and then suddenly appeared Gray in a fighting stance.

"Painting magic, eh?" Gajeel said still smiling sadistically. He then ran toward Lucy quick. Knocking her out with a sudden punch in the stomach.

Reedus's Gray wasn't anything like Gray because instead Gray totally forgot his own magic. (It happens)

Gajeel dragged Lucy away from the hide out, they were on the roof just leaving as Loke, a witness of what had recently just happened. Loke yelled, "you can't take Lucy!"

He then ran toward Gajeel with a glowing light hidden by his side, "regulous impact!"

Gajeel was pushed down but when he got excited for a worthy apponent. At that second Loke felt sudden pain and started to act weird.

"No! This can't happen now!" Loke hissed.

Gajeel laughed, "well for a second there I thought you were a good fight but I guess I was wrong." Then he casted a spell on Loke that made him disappear.

Lucy swung from Gajeel's side lifelessly as he carried her to his guild.
