September 13th

Hi hi!

First is Friday the 13th

Ok on with the actual post now!

Today 2 of my mums friends came over in the evening for a bit (they stayed even after I went to bed). When they were talking the man was talking about his mum (who has Alzheimer or something) and lives in a care home place now. He then told us a really sweet story about her, which I am going to share with you all.

So before she was really bad, so when she still lived with her son and his wife, she walked to the shop (which was a little far but just close enough that she went on her own) and when she got back she told them how she didn't have to pay for the shopping. This confused her son who asked what she meant that she didn't have to pay. She then responded with 'someone else payed for it' (he thinks it was about £60-£70 worth of shopping) and that confused her son even more. So he asked her for the reseat, only to see the card number that paid (since it shows the last 4 numbers) wasn't any of theirs.

So basically (I think he said this happened near Christmas time) some kind man (I think he said it was a man) paid for this woman, who he probably didn't even know. Whether she was having problems at the till, or something else we do not know. But whoever this person is does not matter, it's the choice they made. I think if more people (who are able) were willing todo what that man did, then just maybe humanity has some hopes.

Whoever that person is, they are a hero in disguise. Saving the day and helping other, but not sticking around for the acknowledgement.

Anyway I just wanted to share that story with you all.

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

Have a warmhearted day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

Song used- If everyone cared by Nickelback
