Stakeout with the Widow

You go back into the elevator moving down to floor 53 for your room and you wouldn't believe who your next to...
Natasha Freaking Romanoff she catches you moving in a strikes up a conversation saying "so your my neighbour now huh" you shrug and nod heading into your room not really knowing what to say as you step in your shocked the room is massive with a huge bed and all the fixes you settle in quite nicely
8 months later...
You've settled into the team nicely been on a few missions and gotten closer with a few Avengers mainly Stark he has basically become a best friend to you and you've even confided your secret crush on Natasha to him even though you think Natasha might have a bit of an idea anyway word got out that there might be a robbery at a bank downtown and lucky you have been paired with Natasha to stake it out of course though Tony set up who was going
You and Natasha are camped opposite the bank in a small car it's a little cramped but you weren't complaining Natasha decides to start a little chat that gets personal she says "so Y/N you got your eyes on any ladies recently" it catches you off guard and you get nervous she might know you like her so you reply "oh uh not really how about you" she smirks "yea theres this guy you might know him" you get a little jealous of her talking about this other guy but the silence is broken by the BANG of an explosion in the bank you and Natasha look at each other and nod running into the bank seeing Doctor Octopus he says "The earths mightiest heroes live 30 minutes away and they send a Russian spy and a newbie" before anything else can happen you are grabbed by his tentacle arms and slammed to the floor unable to move you see Natasha moving in to attack him she gets knocked to the side you break free of his grasp throwing a metal rod at his he grabs it and laughs "is that all you got" until you enlarge the metal and wrap it around him he grunts then from out of the vault comes a few thugs spraying bullets in your direction you stop the bullets and turn them around injuring most of the thugs and the others drop their weapons scared Doc Ock scoffs "useless meddlers" you see Natasha isn't moving and get worried and Doctor octopus can see it in your face "oh you care for her I guess you won't mind when I crush her" another explosion goes off you see the ceiling coming down and without thinking you jump on Natasha to protect her you await the oncoming debris but nothing hits you after a second you open your eyes to see the ceiling floating inches about you Natasha groans and see what's happening she sees you kneeling over her covering her and the ceiling slowly moving to the side you ask if she's ok and she says yes thanks to you she adds "you really were going to sacrifice yourself for me" she blushes you scratch the back of your head nodding then she pulls you in for a kiss catching you off guard pulling away thanking you for saving her life twice your shocked unable to think or process what just happened then able to get some words out saying "so this guy you like is he maybe.... me" she nods "of course it is" and with that you pull her into a deep passionate kiss only breaking away for air "shit Doc Ock got away" Natasha says "we will get him next time but for now come here" kissing you again with passion you break the kiss to ask "how about dinner this weekend just me and you" she nods ecstatically and just like that you are now dating the infamous Black Widow

Hey I hope you enjoyed I'm hoping to get a lemon in soon so stay tuned for that until next time goodbye
