
"My School Rival" is a captivating tale of competition, self-discovery, and the surprising path from enemies to lovers.


JPI Technology was a prestigious school known for its academic rigor and competitive sports teams. The hallways echoed with the footsteps of ambitious students, each striving to carve out their own legacy. Among them, two names stood out: Yves Ricalde and Mikha Lim.

Yves was the model of perfection. With her straight-A record, leadership in student council, and graceful presence, she was admired and envied by many. She carried herself with an air of confidence that commanded respect. Her popularity was unquestioned, and she had a loyal group of friends who followed her lead.

Mikha, on the other hand, was the new star. Transferring in during her junior year, she quickly made a name for herself as the MVP of the volleyball team. Her athletic skills was matched only by her sharp intellect. Tall, athletic, and strikingly beautiful, Mikha was the only one who could rival Yves in every aspect.

From the moment Mikha arrived, an unspoken tension brewed between them. Their rivalry was inevitable, fueled by their desire to be the best. But as the school year progressed, the competition between them would lead to an unexpected journey of self-discovery and, ultimately, love.
