~Chapter 3~

       ~Obanai's POV~

After I was done slaying that demon, I started to head back to the village. When I got there, I saw the child's parents. I walked you to them, "I'm sorry for your lost" I said as I bowed.

"No no, it's ok. It's not your fault " the mother said. But the father looked pissed, " why didn't you came sooner" he yelled. I kept me cool "Be happy that your alive and that monster is gone" I said as I pointed at the father. 

Enthought it only ate and killed children. The Father slapped me "you baster" he yelled. I felt my mask loosen a bit. I quickly put my hands on my mask, so it won't fall off. The father looked me "what's the mask, you freak" he said. "None of your business, you ugly ass bitch" I said.

The father got more angry and he was about to slap me, but a police officer stopped it. "What's the big idea? why are you hurting this kid" He said. KID?!. "Will this "kid" has a katana and he killed a person" he yelled. 

I could feel everyone's looking at me. The officer look at me in shocked, "is that true". Of course I had to lie, I can't let anyone know about demons. " I am a samurai and I tried to capture that "person" that killed their child. But the person was to fast, so I couldn't get him" I said. The officer stand tall.

God I'm short. 

"Well thank you for your effort, sir" the officer said. I just nodded. "Now lets take you to the station" he said the the father. I watched as the father was dragged away, and the mother hopelessly following them behead. 

I pull me bandages behind my head to tightened it. (his mask was still on, not fully off). Then I headed back to the hotel, to return the keys. I got to the hotel and I opened the front door. I gave the key to the woman in the front desk. 

"Thank you for your hospitality" I said as I slightly bowed. She took the keys "Have a nice day, sir" She said and she also did a small bow. I got out of the hotel and look for something to eat. 

After I found some food to buy, I ordered something to go. When I got my food, I gave the casher the money I owe and left. I was not going to eat it in the village, but in the forest where no one could see my full face. I got out of the village and walked the path back to headquarters. 

I hope you guys liked reading this chapter!!! Have a great day/night!!!

(Words: 457)
