Alyssa and Conner

Alyssa Was preparing to leave she wanted a peaceful and calm life. she knew if she stayed she would only get hurt. That's when a familiar Axolotl hybrid knocked on her door. bathing whether she should open the door or not. She decided why not dream had never threatened her.
When she open the door she saw him. he wasn't wearing his signature mask. she was shocked that she didn't know what to say.

"Can I come in"

Alyssa could barely hear him. She didn't say anything just moved aside for him to walk in.

He turned to her "Can you do me a favor" he said a little saddened he looked down at his arm's.

She was so surprise by Dream unmasked face she didn't notice the baby in his arms she was even more shocked than before "is that a baby" she said full of surprise and concern.

"Yeah his name is Connor" dream said with a sub smile "I gave birth to him a few days ago" Dream said the looking at the baby in his arms. The two look nothing alike the baby boy was a deer hybrid. Dream was an axolotl hybrid.
Dream went back to looking at Alyssa "I need you to" Dream pause for a second tears forming in his eyes "take him with you" dream said almost crying.
Alyssa was shocked she had never seen Dream this vulnerable it scared her a bit. she said nothing just took the baby in her arms. As soon as she took the baby Dream run out the door tears running down his face. Alyssa was still shocked but now she has baby in her arms. She smiled and looked at the baby "Hi Connor I guess you're coming with me". She was happy she wasn't going to be alone. That was the only thing stopping for leaving, her fear of being alone. Ponk refused to leave with her he wanted to stay with Sam. But now she does have to worry she finished packing and left.
