Love Maze

Rose smiled, and then she cuddled closer to Moon. Moon smiled, and then he pulled her closer to him. This relationship was a little worrying because Moon and Rose got together for their dark minds and for their dark times. Moon was always looked down on because he was built creepy and scared of them all. After all, he was made out of nighttime time, and as well he was made out of stars, but of course, some of the children are scared of that as well because he doesn't know what happens when he blocks out, and as well he doesn't understand why he would end up in places.

On the other hand, Rose was a different type of person. Rose was born into a miss-up family. A mother who wasn't there for half of her life, and for the other half of her life, her mother was in clubs and as well drinking her life away. Her father wasn't any better either. Her father was abusive towards her, and she ran away from that home. When she ran away, she remembered that one animatronic that would make her smile and laugh when she was younger, and that's when she came to the mega pizza plex, and that's when she started to live with him and Sun. Sun found her in the walls, and he heard her story, and so Sun took her in and then Moon found out and he heard the story, and that's when he went mad because he couldn't believe that someone would ever do something like to a small child or even a young child but primarily to their flesh and blood. Moon promised himself that he would protect Rose, so he did, but then that love as a friend became known as a love for something else. He fell in love with Rose, which was something new for him because he had never felt like this. This was something new to him, but he liked this feeling. At the same time, Rose was feeling something, and Rose was also new to this feeling because she had never felt this way before. All the time, she felt hated and as well just abused, but she had never loved before. So when both of them started talking to each other, and the feelings started to come out, they were happy to hear that they felt the same way. 

The both of them found happiness in each other's arms. At first, it was hard for both of them because they had never been in a relationship. But at the end of the day and at the end of the year, both started to get the hang of their relationship. It was weird for both Moon and Rose because of the whole thing of being nice and everything, but they got us to. Moon was being gentle towards Rose. Knowing her backstory, he wanted to show her love and support. Moon knows that this is all new to her because of what happened to her in the past, but he is making sure that Rose thinks and feels that she is loved and deserves love. They have been together for about a year now, and at the moment, they are cuddling with each other.

Moon wrapped his arms around her waist, and Rose cuddled closer. Both of them are enjoying the warmth of each body. Moon reached over to Rose and played with her hair. Rose had very soft hair, and he loved the feeling of her hair getting tangled in his fingers and the smell of her shampoo. Moon was very addicted to her scent and as well to her. "You know, my Moon love. I'm glad that my brother found you in these walls. I was so alone when you weren't here, and I was so lost when I didn't meet you, but thanks to I have found a way to live, and as well with you, I think that I could do anything." Moon told her, and Rose smiled. Then, she hugged Moon tighter and kissed him on top of his lips and his cheek. Moon was known not to say all that love stuff, and he wasn't that romantic at all, but that changed when he met Rose. Rose was the only person who changed him and the only person who made Moon like this. No human or animatronic could shift Moon, but Rose had the power to do that. "I should be saying that to you because you made me see that i could be loved as well that I'm not just an object that they could move around or hit." Rose told Moon and then Rose reached towards Moon and then she cupped his cheek. "You have changed me, my love, and I am thankful for that." Rose told Moon, and Moon smiled. Then, he leaned in closer to her, kissed her on the lips, and Rose started kissing him back. Moon chuckled when he felt Rose kissing him back and that's when Moon picked Rose up and he put her on top of him. The two of them pulled away and then looked at each other. Here is another thing that you guys should know about Moon and as well of Rose, they have never did anything like that. They have never seen each other naked or they have ever done anything of touching each other. Moon wanted to make sure that Rose was comfortable enough with him so that he could do anything of that. 

Moon looked at Rose, and then his hands were sitting on Rose's waist, but then his hands started to move slightly more up. Moon was looking at Rose, making sure she was uncomfortable with him touching her. He never saw anything of that, and so he started to move his Hans further up, and he started to feel her breast. Rose let out a small gasped and Moon moved his hands away but Rose quickly grabbed his hands and then she put them back on top of her breast. "No, please don't stop. I want to feel your touch." Rose told Moon, and Moon nodded his head. Then, he started to message Rose's breast. Rose whimpers again but this time Moon didn't move his hand off of them.

Moon looked at her, and he could tell she was enjoying herself. Moon smirked and then he stopped and he moved his hands under her shirt and Rose shivered because his hands were cold and her body was hot. Moon felt the fabric of her bra and then his hand went under her bra and that's when he felt her wonderful breast. Moon reached behind Rose and he started to unclip her bra and he took it off and then he took off her shirt as well. Now Rose was sitting on top of Moon without a shirt. Rose looked nervous but she know that Moon was waiting for this for a long time and she wanted to make sure that she was the best girlfriend for Moon. Moon looked at Rose, sat up just a little, and then looked at Rose. "Moonlight, are you sure that you want to do this? I could see that you're nervous. If you don't want to, then I won't push you to this." Moon told Rose, and then he pulled Rose closer to him and held her closer to him. "You know that I wouldn't push you on doing things that you don't want to do. If you're not ready, then it's fine. I could wait." Moon told Rose, and Rose smiled and she hugged him back. Rose knows that Moon could wait but thinks he has waited long enough. She doesn't want Moon to believe that she doesn't trust him.

"I'm ready for everything that you want to do." Rose whispered to Moon, and Moon looked at her. "I trust you fully, my love." Rose told him, and Moon smiled, and then he kissed her on her lips, and then his hands started to roam all over her back, and Rose started to move her hips around so that she could have some pleasure under there as well. Moon let out a small groan and then he moved his hands towards her waist and then he stopped her from moving her hips. "No, I am here to take care of you." Moon told her, and then he flipped their spots so Rose could be under him. Rose let out a slight squeal, and then she looked at Moon and Moon let out a small smiled and then he started to kiss all over her neck. "You will not move any finger or your body because I am here. You will get all the pleasure that I could give you." Moon whispered into Rose's neck, and then he let out a small bite on Rose's neck. She let out a small moan, and Moon let out a tiny chuckle, and then he let his hand roam downer. He paused for a moment and then he looked back up at Rose because he wanted to see if he could it or if this is as far as he could. Rose smiled, and then she nodded her head. Moon nodded his head, and then he moved his hand, and then he started to rub her women's parts through her shorts. Rose gasped, gripped Moon's shoulders, and released small, soft moans. Moon smiled, and then he started to move his hands faster, and that's when he began to feel that Rose was moving her hips as well, and then he could feel how wet Rose was at the moment.

"Could I take these off?" Moon asked Rose, and Rose nodded her head. Moon stopped moving his hand and then took off Rose's shorts. He looked at Rose, who was wearing cute blue star panties. Moon smiled, and when he looked up, he saw Rose covering her face. Moon smiled, and then he moved her hands out of her face, and then he saw that she was all red. "Don't be embarrassed, my Moonlight. Everything is normal like this. This is normal, my love." Moon told her and then he pulled down her panties and then that's when he saw everything that belonged to him. Moon smiled, and then he went down, and he opened her legs a little broader, and then he looked up at her, and she nodded her head. Moon smirked and then he started to kiss her thigh and then he started to kiss the top of her stomche and then he started kiss her womanhood. Moon stuck out his tongue and then started to lick her womanhood, and he smiled and then he began to suck the clit. While doing so, he saw that he was enjoying herself. He could feel her hands on his shoulders, and he could feel her nails clawing into his metal shoulders, but she could pile them off because he was made out of metal. Moon started to suck on it harder, and she began to moan out louder, and Moon could tell that she was about to cum, but then he pulled away from her womanhood.

Rose whined slightly, and then Moon smiled and kissed her. "If you let me beyond this point then its okay but if you let me go more then i promise you that i wont hurt you and i promise that your have all the pleasure that comes with it." Moon told Rose, and Rose smiled, and then she nodded her head. Moon smiled and hen he pulled his pants half way down and then he slowly pushed himself inside of Rose. Rose could feel how Moon was stretching her from the inside, and in the beginning, it hurt as she let a slight whimper and a small gasp because of the pain. Moon stopped a little, and then he looked at Rose with pain and worry in his eyes. Rose looked over, and he cupped his cheeks. "I'm okay. I just needed a little time to get used to it. This is the first time that I have something big inside of me." Rose told Moon, and Moon nodded his head. Then, he smiled when he called him big. So he waited for a while and then Rose looked at him and then she nodded her head and that let Moon know that he could move know. Moon started to move his hips a little and he could hear the soft moans that was coming from her mouth and Moon smiled and then he started to move faster, and as well, he began to push harder. When Moon started to move faster and harder, Rose started to moan louder, and as well she wrapped her legs around Moon's waist, and when she wrapped her legs around his waist, that made Moon go deeper inside of him. She let out a soft moan, and Moon let out a groan when he slid deeper inside of her, and then she wrapped her arms around his neck. Moon looked at Rose and he saw her with your eyes half way opened, with her mouth opened and as well she had a red line across her face. Moon stopped for a moment, and he pulled out. Rose let out a slight whine, and she let out a whimper as well. Moon smiled, and he kissed Rose on the lips.

Moon flipped Rose around so that Rose was on her hands and knees and also so that her ass would be in the air. Moon started to rub himself against the wetness of Rose's womanhood, and he groaned, feeling how wet she was. Then he slowly began to push himself inside of Rose, and then he groaned again when he felt how tight Rose still was, and Rose moaned when she felt Moon fulling her up again. Moon started to move his hips again and this time he wasn't stopping. Moon grabbed on to Roses hips and he began to move faster and as well harder and Rose started to moan so loud that Moon had to cover Rose's mouth so that nobody could hear her screams. "They would hear you, my Moon love, and only I could hear those moans, right? I'm the only one who could hear you scream, right?" Moon asked Rose and Rose nodded her head and then she gripped harder on the bedsheets and she closed her eyes. Moon could feel how tight Rose's walls were getting and as well on how his little friend was twitching inside of Rose and he knows that the both of them were getting ready to cum. Moon started to move faster, and then he could feel himself about to cum. "My love, could I please? Can I cum inside of you, please?" Moon asked Rose, and Rose moaned out, and then she nodded her head, and Moon smirked, and then he cummed inside of Rose, and when he did, he let out a small groan, and he gripped onto Rose's hips harder when he cummed. When Rose felt the warm liquid inside of her, she cummed as well, and she covered all of Moon's cock, and Moon groaned when he felt that around his cock. Rose gasped for air, and then she fell on top of the bed and Moon pulled out of Rose, and he fell on the side of Rose. He smiled and then he pulled Rose closer to him and then he kissed her on too of her head.

"Thank you for trusting me with something like this, my love, and I promise I won't hurt you or make you uncomfortable with anything."

"I trust you with all if my heat Moon. Your the person that made me trust you and as well you are the one that made me feel what trust is really like."
