
I woke up very late : my head hurt. I remembered George's party, yesterday. I drank ... too much. It was difficult to stand up this morning ... or this afternoon. It was 3:30 pm when I put my first foot on the floor. It regularly happens when you're 27 years old.

" Tommy ? "

No answer. I called him once again. Nothing. Thomas is my room-mate and my boyfriend, by the way. I didn't worry at all; I thought he went to George's house to tidy. I walked to the kitchen and found a post-it stuck on the table.

I found your envelope. You're a monster. I don't know how I fell in love with a murderer. Goodbye, Simon.


I don't know the feelings I felt at that moment. Was I angry ? Sad ? It was and it's still a mystery. And this envelope ... in it, I put all my murders that I wrote on paper. Mary Cooke, strangled. Peter Stavinski, stabbed. Blake McCarthy, drowned. It was hidden but ... Thomas found it and read it. You can think it was stupid to write it, in details, and you're right, but it was my way to let my mark for the future.

I dressed up quickly : a large coat and a dark hat. I opened the cupboard and meticulously took a cardboard box. On it, it was written "as a last resort". I ran outside, the box under my arm, afraid. When I was running on the pavement, I saw the police cars stopped in front of my flat. I didn't have any time, I had to run faster and find where Thomas was. Luckily, it was easy to know : Tommy was addicted to social networks. I saw his last post on Instagram : a coffee cup. The place : Kennington Lane Cafe, London. Ugh ! A vegan and gluten free restaurant ... I hate it so much. Anyway ! It was very close from where I was. I crossed a couple of streets and I arrived in front of the café. Thomas was in it, sat down at a table with a woman. Her brown hair was falling on her shoulders and her look turned my blood to ice. I saw her on TV : she was working for NCA (National Crime Agency). Her name was Raquel Gallagher. But, I didn't have the choice. I entered the café, the hat down on my eyes and I sat down at the table next to them. I ordered a coffee and it came quickly. Thomas was apparently afraid and gave my envelope, my precious envelope, to the woman. She took and put it discreetly in her handbag.

" United Kingdom thanks you for your courage. ", she said.

" Don't hurt him, please ... " Thomas wailed.

" I can't promise you anything but he will be shut in jail. "

" For life ? "

" Probably. "

I gulped and put the cardboard box under the table. I squatted, hidden by the tablecloth. I opened the box and skimmed the bomb which was inside. I adjusted it : it would explode in exactly four minutes. It was 3:56 pm. I sat again and drunk all my disgusting coffee while I was pushing the box with my foot under the other chair. I stood up and paid for the drink. I went out and hid myself behind a car. Three minutes left. I hesitated and then, I took my phone and called Thomas. I looked at the window shop : he heard the call but he didn't answer. I called him a second time and he hanged up again. Two minutes left. Crap. Come on, answer ! I called him for the third time and he finally picked up.

" Tommy, go out of this place, right now ! ", I shouted.

" What ... what are you talking me about ? "

" Just go out ! "

" I don't want to listen to your killer voice ! "

" Tom ... "

" Lalala I don't hear anything ! "

" Thomas ! You have two minutes left to get out of here ! "

" Never ! See ya, monster ... well, no, I don't want to see you again ! Goodbye ! "

He hanged out. One minute left. I put my fingers in my ears, watching for the last time my dear Thomas. He drank his coffee, a little smile on his face. Ten seconds. Policemen were coming. One of them saw me. I was immobilized.

" Goodbye, Thomas. ", I whispered.

The shop exploded. The explosion threw debris several meters around. Some policemen have been projected. Inside ... it was a butchery. I fell on my knees and cried silently. Tommy ... you told I was a monster ... I could have beast, and you the beauty. But you're not here anymore. Some hands grabbed my arms and tackled me on the bumper of the car. I couldn't hear anything, my eyes got stuck on what I did. My envelope has been burnt, as my love ...


" Simon Jamie Garraty, are you guilty of killing Ava Clarckson, Danial Garcia, Brent Gelbero, Jane and Charlie Jones, Raquel Gallagher and Thomas Richardson ? "

At this last name, a tear slid on my cheek.

" Yes, I am. "

" Also, you're sentenced to life imprisonment ..."

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