Epilogue: One Last Time

(3rd Person POV)

4th of April, 20XX

A female figure stood in the rain, four graves in her sight, her head down and her black clothing all wet, her (h/c) hair down and her left hand gripping tightly while on her right, held flowers, Spider Lilies, regular Lilies, and Black Roses...

“Two years.... Happy Birthday... Error....”, she congratulates, a tear falling and her voice shaking and breaking, the (h/c)-ette grits her teeth and flinches hardly before gritting her teeth and letting a hoarse question scream out, “Why..... WHY?!!-”, (Y/n) wipes her tears of sorrow before placing down the flowers down in front of the graves.

“Smile, so that you can even though I can't”

The memory flashed of her brother, Fresh, trying hard comforting her when she was down.

“It's just a scratch, come on, you're strong aren't you?”

A new memory flashes through her mind, this time she was on the ground with a scratch on her knee, looking up at her older and glitching brother.

“Hey, (Y/n)? Promise me you'd live even though we won't... And keep on smiling for us...”

She finally falls down to her knees sobbing away all the pain and guilt, guilty for leaving, for being a criminal, for running away...

She remembered clearly at this day, the day she was going to surprise her elder brother by coming back to them at Ebbot City, she had everything planned.


“Are you sure about this? You know if this goes bad we have an angry mob to deal with by the station...”, a mature voice states, a bead of sweat rolling down as he held a wrapped package, “And what would your boyfriend do? Fire us? Yeah, not gonna happen. Why? Cause this is of course gonna work! I'm sure of this!”, a cheery female mocks, “He is not my boyfriend!”, the mature male became childish for a moment before letting out a sigh and giving up in complaining.

“Tú y tus hermanos son iguales. Idiotas”.

The female stopped for a moment before turning at her partner in a scary way and glares with a psychotic smile.

“You know I speak Spanish, right? Pendejo”.


“Come on! They should be done with their missions right now, according to Blue that is”, (Y/n) cheers, a cake in her hands as she makes way to a building which apparently was the police department's mission, catch the Fell Organization.


“Is this the place (Y/n)?”, a male child steps in from the alley with his soul partner, “(Y/n)? Partner?”, he steps next to the female to see what was going on, the two males' eyes widen as they stood in shock, the three were speechless to say the least.

In front of them, was a building, the Fell Organization's headquarters, but it was already burnt down crashing.

A policeman was seen in front of her, sobbing down, his scream deafening, sorrow could be felt and heard, something felt familiar about the policemen, a yellow, and cracked crown on his head, only one skeleton had that crown. Dream.

“Dream?!!”, the three friends run towards the yellow policemen in worry, the skeleton turned his head around and ran and hugged the one in the center, Cross.

The female ran towards something dusting, or someone to be exact, a body with blue tear marks and black bones, a red sharp bone piercing through it's chest was held in his left hand, and a dusty paintbrush hugged closely on his right.

“No... No... No no no no no... Error?.... ERROR!”, the female screamed out, running to the dusting skeleton to at least grab a hold of him, only getting a touch from his fingers before the skeleton dusted completely, everything was gone, even his scarf, it dusted, only a doll of herself remained on the ground next to a paintbrush.

Suddenly she started to dig around the ruble, mumbling phrases of 'no's with 'don't die' with her breath.

The female stopped when she saw something, a glimpse of red and black, no, two blacks, she dug around to find an unconscious familiar black robed skeleton holding a red scarf closely to his chest and a pair of cracked YOLO glasses next to him, all covered in dust.

That was enough to make the female touch and start to shake the skeleton, checking if the flirty policemen she hated so much was alive, when she heard a grunt, she let out a shaky breath of relief, “R-Reaper... Reaper!”, she shook the unconscious policeman once again, the policeman opening his eye socket a bit, “Y-You're G-Geno's s-”, he started to cough out in pain, gasping for air.

Not long after, ambulances arrive with a couple of police cars, then everything was a blur to the female, her teary eyes seem to blur everything, even the sounds in her surroundings...

-End of flashback-

Suddenly, the rain stopped pouring on her, but her surroundings were still raining, and the sound of rain falling still could be heard.

The female looked up at the person who did it, to meet not one, but two skeletons, an adult and a child, both wearing robes, the child wearing a familiar red scarf, both were in black, (Y/n) looked back down at the graves.

The three stood in silence before the child placed red roses at a grave, there, on the grave, wrote,

Geno Cq

The child stood up and whispered a 'Goodbye mommy', before running at his father and hugging him, sobbing, hearing the sobbing, the female sobbed as well, mourning in pain and sorrow, the tall male let tears slip down, wiping them off with his unoccupied hand once in a while.

Four new figures stepped forward to the graves, all wearing black, a skeleton with a red scar under his right eye looked down at his sobbing partner.

A young skeleton with blue and yellow eye lights cried out in pain, on his knees in front of his best friend's grave, one hand gripping shades that had the writing ROFL on them.

The Joku brothers just stood in silence, a few tears slipping out from their eye sockets.

The (h/c)-ette stood up at last, wiping her eyes and walking back to her apartment, more of running back though, but not without a few tears slipping out with hiccups of despair.

Once in, she slammed the door shut and locked it tight, soon collapsing next to a shrine, the news in the background rolling on.

'A group of drug dealers, named Fell Organization, have been caught and put in a sentence of jail for life for crimes such as drug dealing, murders, and sexual assault-'

The same news as two days ago, the same old shit, but hurts just as much.

(Y/n) grabs a picture, an old picture from the past, a family picture years ago, when everything was still sunshine and lollipops, a gigantic Mimikyu doll in her hands and brothers by her side, her mother above them all, everyone smiling happily, nothing to fear, nothing to cry about.

She let out a shaky breath before letting her hand guide through the picture frame, then proceeding to hug the picture close to her chest.

“AAAAAAA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”, she screams out in sorrow, not caring if the neighbors heard her, it seems as if everything was falling down all around her.

Soon, her own screams died down, leaving her still sitting cross-legged down, leaning on the shrine's table, the picture next to her, her (e/c) orbs started to dull out.

Her vision started to blur even more, with a feeling of three pairs of arms wrapping themselves around her and glimpses of her brother's smiles.

The female let out a shaky little chuckle of sorrow before closing her eyes, with the thought of being able to see them in her dreams...

Even if it's just a glimpse....

One last time

You guys wanted an Epilogue, I give you an Epilogue! Muahahahaha! How was it? You tearing up? Ya big baby! And I was definitely NOT crying as I was writing this! My eyes hurt... Who's been chopping onions?!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Anywho see ya next time on mah new book! It'll be called Soulstring! See ya!


Honorable mentions-


~The End~
