Mob's birthday oneshot 🎉

This is for Mob's birthday, May 12th! It's a time skip since the current story is in April, so some friendships might have developed more- possible spoilers, since I haven't planned that far ahead in the canon time yet. Sorry about that! On with the story~

Mob was being guided by only Midoriya's hands and his ears, leading him to whoever knows where. A blindfold covered his eyes, rendering his vision useless. Titters from all of his friends resonated around him.
"Shut up, Kaminari!" Kirishima hissed fussily. He had planned the whole endeavour, along with Midoriya, who had mentioned it was his birthday 2 weeks prior, Uraraka, and Iida, his closest friends. All of his classmates were there, even Bakugo. He and Todoroki hovered on the sidelines, but Todoroki was a bit more involved since he was too arrogant to admit he kind of liked the young esper. Midoriya signalled at Mina to turn the lights off, and Todoroki begrudgingly used his flames to light the candles. It was a one time thing, he vowed, and it wouldn't ever happen again.
Mob felt his blindfold being ripped off and he saw a huge cake, covered in turquoise icing and two candles forming the number 16 on it. Their flames were the only thing that illuminated the room.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mob.. Happy birthday to you!" All of his class sung in unison- save for Bakugo, who was just there because everyone else was- and Todoroki, who, granted, still sung, but was slightly off-time and was more muttered than sung.
Overwhelmed by all this attention, Mob's cheeks burned a deep red. By his side were Uraraka and Midoriya, who were singing loudest of all. In front of him was the cake in all its glory- Sato was very proud of his work and how it turned out.  For his presents, everyone had chipped in and bought one, even Bakugo- who had bought him a mug, but it was still something.
Midoriya, arm around his best friend, cheered as he cut his cake. The batter was swirly rainbow cake, as a little reference to how he always glowed rainbow whenever he used his powers. Before eating his cake, Mob insisted that he cut the cake for everybody else, so they could eat all together.
"Wow, Sato-kun, this cake is amazing." Mob gushed. The cake felt soft and airy in his mouth. The buttercream went perfectly with it, and together they made a delicious treat that Mob's- or anyone else's- stomach would never forget.
Sato rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Aw, gee, Mob, you don't have to thank me,"
"I'm not joking. This cake is the best I've ever tasted," Mob wasn't holding back his joy, and let himself make a genuine smile for everybody coming together to make his birthday a great one. Midoriya could tell it was genuine, and his face lit up with joy.
"Uh, guys," Kaminari interjected. "It's great that we're here eating cake and shit, but we are at a KARAOKE BAR. I NEED TO SING," Desperately running for the microphone, Kaminari selected an English song. Everyone cringed at his singing ability, but there was no doubt that he was great at English singing. Ironically, he couldn't speak it normally for the life of him in UA. Present Mic out on a fake smile and encouraged him to get better at it, but there was no progress.
Song after song, everyone got their choice, even Bakugo. Now, it was Mob's turn to sing. Sweat ran down his forehead, and his fringe stuck to it. Singing?! In public?! Still, he liked singing at home, and All Might often listened in without Mob ever knowing. He had actually suggested they go to a karaoke bar for his birthday, mentioning how he was a gifted singer and his love for singing. But when the time had come to actually sing, Mob froze up. Recognising his nervousness, Jirou empathised with him.
"You don't have to worry, Mob. We'll all be singing with you," twisting a lock of her midnight hair, she placed a hand on his shoulder. Mob took a deep breath and picked out his song.
A/N: the song was Refrain Boy (MP100 season 1's ending theme) because I love it but I can't put audio here so just search it up on Spotify or summ
Mob's singing was passionate. The emotion behind his singing lead Midoriya to tears. Everyone thought he was just being emotional, but he knew Mob's full story. He knew the suffering and agony he was subjected to. Even now, he woke up at 2 in the morning in a puddle of sweat and tears. The first person Mob went to for reassurance and advice was Midoriya. And every time, he was ready to comfort him and video call until his friend went back to sleep.
Jirou was surprised by Mob's choice of music. He was such an enigma, nobody ever guessed his favourite music genre. Even Midoriya, and she knew they spent a lot of time together. The guy had a pretty cool music taste, though.
When Mob finished the last line of the last verse, everyone cheered for him. Rivalling even Jirou in terms of singing, they were blown away yet again by his abilities. Upon realising that everyone cheered him for being good at something other than his sheer power, Mob's eyes glazed over. He'd finally done it. People liked him for something that he wasn't afraid to hide away (that much, anyway). Feeling thankful for his friends being there for him, Mob wanted to make a toast.
"Thank all of you for being here," he began. "When I first came here- to this school- I wasn't the most confident person. Even now I'm still afraid to do stuff," Mob rubbed his wrist, trying to think of what to say next. "But I'm getting better. And it's all because of you guys. And I think you're all so amazing for that," Mob bowed deeply in respect and genuine admiration. "Thank you all so much,"
Most of his classmates began to tear up with joy. The gravity of his words were so much more powerful because they knew what he was like, and they'd noticed subtle changes in him as well.
Todoroki was ever so slightly moved by this, but kept his reaction deep inside him. Bakugo didn't care. They were barely friends. However, everyone else praised him dearly. With the speech out of the way, Mob suggested he open some presents. Mina eagerly agreed to this, and 'encouraged' him to open her present first.
"Wow, Mina. Thanks for the present," Mob ripped open the soft package, uncovering some fancy clothes.
"I had to corner Midoriya to ask for your sizes because, man, does that guy take notes!" She cheerily joked. Midoriya flushed and sweat beaded comedically down his face.
Presents overflowed on the table. They seemed to go on for ages. However, Mob took the time to open and individually thank each person.
Of all the presents, Midoriya's was the most heartfelt. It was a watercolour portrait of Mob's family. On the back were the words, 'Never forget your roots'.
Mob started shaking uncontrollably. He covered his mouth, trying to stifle the tears. His heart was well and truly touched. Mob whipped around tearfully and kept Midoriya in a warm and thankful hug.
"Not to be clueless, but, why's he crying so hard?" A worried Sero asked Uraraka.
"It's a picture of his family. I don't know what happened to them, but it was probably too unbearable to talk about," Uraraka's eyes brimmed with tears. Seeing her friend so happy yet so sad made her break.
"I... never realised he had it so bad," Todoroki murmured. If he felt bad for having an abusive father in his life, Mob's situation took the cake. All his snarky remarks and dry replies were thought over. If someone like Mob could be as kind as he was, maybe Todoroki could. He took this into consideration, and hours after the party had ended, he lay awake in his futon thinking about it.
The party had been a success. Mob was happy- though his eyes were now red and puffy from Midoriya's gift, and (almost) everyone went home with a smile.

All Might was sleepily waiting at the door, listening for any footsteps. In his hands was a party popper and some presents for Mob. His head perked up when he heard a key being mangled into the lock, and greeted Mob with a bang.
"Happy Birthday!" He puffed up into his muscle form and boomed.
Mob almost had a heart attack, and nearly dropped his bag chock-full of presents. Luckily before they hit the ground, Mob caught them with his powers. "Yagi!" Mob clutched his chest, panting heavily. "Thanks for the surprise, but I almost had a heart attack," Upon seeing Yagi's guilty demeanour, Mob felt bad.
"Sorry about that, my boy! Here, take these presents," Yagi set the gifts down on the table so that Mob could put away his presents from his friends.
"That's alright, Yagi. You wouldn't believe what Midoriya gave me," Mob produced the picture, encased in a wooden frame, from his bag. "Although it's not a spitting image of my parents, he really did his best to make it. Look, he even included Reigen," Mob pointed to the orange-haired figure making a flamboyant pose. "He's really good at art," he gushed. All those years of drawing heroes in his numerous notebooks really paid off. Yagi saw the pure admiration in his eyes, and knew that he had picked a hell of a great successor.
The rest of the night, Mob and Yagi sat on the sofa, a bowl of popcorn resting on the coffee table. Together, the two of them watched movies until they fell asleep.

Mob's 16th birthday was a success.

Asjsakaskj it's shit ik,,,

Happy birthday bestest boy in the world!!! Fuck people who cringe at celebrating fictional character's birthdays, don't let anyone stop you from being happy 😤 Stay tuned for the next chapter! This will be going back in time a bit, so next chapter Mob is still 15 years old and Todoroki is not yet contemplating his life choices-
